Distributed information and computing infractructure of the JINR Member States organizations

10 Nov 2020, 15:00
Oral Information Technology Information Technologies


Yelena Mazhitova (JINR)


For a significant reduction of time spent on research to obtaining meaningful results in scientific domains, the computer resources of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR) and some organizations of its Member States were integrated into a distributed information and computing environment (DICE). A technical possibility for running tasks in that environment was implemented for the BM@N, MPD and Baikal-GVD collaborations users. Resources that are not occupied by computational tasks within the main JINR scientific domains are used to conduct research on the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes the COVID-19 disease. Besides, the paper provides a description of the technical implementation of the DICE, lists the participating organizations, provides statistics on the use of their resources.

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