Deriving Semantics from WS-BPEL Specifications of Parallel Business Processes on an Example

4 Jul 2014, 09:30
plenary reports Section 1 - Technologies, architectures, models, methods and experiences of building distributed computing systems. Consolidation and integration of distributed resources Plenary


Prof. Vladimir Dimitrov (University of Sofia)


For today distributed and parallel systems, a widely accepted standard for specification of business processes is WS-BPEL. This standard is mismatch of algebraic and Petri net models, and as result of that it is easy possible to write business process with deadlocks and other not wanted features. That is why verification of business processes is very important topic in software engineering. The intent of this paper is to show possibilities for conversion of a WS-BPEL process into more formal models that can be formally verified. As formal models are used CSP and Z-notation. The last one is useful for specification of abstract data types. Web services can be viewed as a kind of last ones.

Primary author

Prof. Vladimir Dimitrov (University of Sofia)

Presentation materials