Merging multidimensional histograms via hypercube algorithm

18 Apr 2019, 17:15


Oral Information Technology Information Technologies


Andrey Bulatov (State University Dubna, JINR)


Scientists in high energy physics produce their output mostly in form of histograms. Set of histograms are saved in output file for each grid job. As the next step is to merge these files/histograms to one file where scientist can produce final plots for publication. Merging of these out files may be done sequentially as one job or do it in parallel via binary tree algorithm as it is done by many users. Using histogram with low dimensions (1D or 2D) one can fit in memory with final merged objects. On the other side, if dimensions or binning of histograms are increaced, sparse implementation of histogram has to be used in analysis and final object might grow so much that user will not be able to merge or open final merged object because it will not fit in memory at some point. Our task is merge these multidimensional histograms to N independed objects to multiple files, where each file will contain uniqe part of merged object sorted by some axis in histogram dimension. For optimalization reasons hypercube algorithm is used.

Primary author


Andrey Bulatov (State University Dubna, JINR) Yuri Butenko (JINR)

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