Discussion of some near tasks of the PWG1
Thursday 30 April 2020 -
Monday 27 April 2020
Tuesday 28 April 2020
Wednesday 29 April 2020
Thursday 30 April 2020
G.A.Feofilov, (SPbSU), A brief overview of the PWG1 near tasks after the last MPD collaboration meeting
G.A.Feofilov, (SPbSU), A brief overview of the PWG1 near tasks after the last MPD collaboration meeting
17:30 - 17:50
A brief overview of the PWG1 near tasks with the account of discussions at the last MPD collaboration meeting . It is proposed to discuss -- Centrality (multiplicity classes) codes in the MPDRoot --how to implement and -- MC simulations with event generators -- what is interesting to do
E.Andronov, I.Altsybeev, D.Prohorova, (SPbSU), "Centrality determination within MpdRoot"
E.Andronov, I.Altsybeev, D.Prohorova, (SPbSU), "Centrality determination within MpdRoot"
17:50 - 18:10
E.Andronov, I.Altsybeev, D.Prohorova, (SPbSU), "Centrality determination within MpdRoot"