Ana Henriques
The particles produced at the future hadron Circular Collider (FCC-hh) with √ s = 100 TeV are of unprecedented energies. We present MC simulations that motivate a 11-12 λ calorimeter in order to contain at ~ 98% level TeV single hadron showers and multi-TeV jets and keep a needed pion energy resolution constant term of few percent, the dominant contribution to the total energy resolution at the TeV energies. The hadronic shower containment and resolution parametrizations shown are based on Geant 4 simulations and are compared with test-beam data from the ATLAS Tile hadronic calorimeter. Other requirements such as the transversal granularity and acceptance improvements with respect to LHC calorimetry are also addressed using FCC physics benchmarks. We also present the potential of the ATLAS-Tile hadron calorimeter mechanics/optics concept read out by silicon photomultipliers for the central barrel and extendd barrels, allowing big flexibility to achieve the needed transversal and longitudinal granularity, while keeping the overall good performance, hermeticity, and complexity at reasonable levels. A very preliminary conceptual mechanics layout of the central barrel and extended barrel HCAL cylinders is shown.
This work is done in the framework of the FCC-hh detector working group, including JINR members: Nikolai Topiline and Sergei Kolesnikov
Primary author
Ana Henriques