24–29 Apr 2017
Budva, Becici, "Splendid Hotel"
Europe/Podgorica timezone

Search for pentaquark and tetraquark states in B-hadron decays at the ATLAS experiment

Not scheduled
Budva, Becici, "Splendid Hotel"

Budva, Becici, "Splendid Hotel"


Dr Ivan Yeletskikh (JINR)


The Lambda-b baryon and B-meson candidates produced in 7-8TeV pp-colisions at ATLAS experiment and decaying into J/psi plus 2 hadrons are analysed. The analysis is focused on studying the decays via tetraquark (X-4200) and pentaquark (Pc-4380, Pc-4450) states previously discovered by LHCb and BELLE experiments. ATLAS Run-I data also suggest hints for the existence of some new multiquark states in B-hadron decays to be examined in Run-II data.

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