4:30 PM
"Interactive Platform of Nuclear Experiment Modeling” as a multidisciplinary tool in the training of specialists in the fields of ICT and experimental nuclear physics.
Victoria Belaga
Yury Panebrattsev
4:45 PM
Online courses and new educational programs to support research priorities within the subject-matter of JINR projects on the basis of modern educational platforms
Victoria Belaga
5:00 PM
Educational Support of NICA Project
Yury Panebrattsev
5:15 PM
Specialists - Electronic Training for «Nica» Program
Iurii Sakharov
(Dubna International University for Nature,Society and Man)
5:30 PM
Cybersecurity of Internet of Things - Risks and Opportunities
Alexandre Karlov
5:45 PM
Information Disclosure in Software Intensive Systems
Vladimir Dimitrov
(University of Sofia)