Joint session of the PAC for Particle Physics and the PAC for Nuclear Physics for the assessment of JINR neutrino physics projects
Thursday 21 January 2021 -
Monday 18 January 2021
Tuesday 19 January 2021
Wednesday 20 January 2021
Thursday 21 January 2021
1. Opening of the meeting
M. Lewitowicz
I. Tserruya
1. Opening of the meeting
M. Lewitowicz
I. Tserruya
15:00 - 15:05
2. Introductory word from the JINR Directorate
G. Trubnikov
2. Introductory word from the JINR Directorate
G. Trubnikov
15:05 - 15:10
3. Reports on the projects from the theme "Non-Accelerator Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics" and projects, proposals for its extension:
3. Reports on the projects from the theme "Non-Accelerator Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics" and projects, proposals for its extension:
15:10 - 16:50
3.1. Project GERDA (LEGEND): Searching for neutrinoless double beta decay of 76Ge
K. Gusev
3.1. Project GERDA (LEGEND): Searching for neutrinoless double beta decay of 76Ge
K. Gusev
15:10 - 15:30
Referees: J. Cleymans, F. Piquemal, V. Gavrin, А. Inoyatov
3.2. Project SuperNEMO: Investigations of the 2β-decay processes of 82Se with the SuperNEMO detector
V. Tretyak
3.2. Project SuperNEMO: Investigations of the 2β-decay processes of 82Se with the SuperNEMO detector
V. Tretyak
15:30 - 15:50
Referees: A. Ereditato, C. Petitjean, Yu. Efremenko, J. Suhonen
3.3. Project DANSS: Detector of the reactor antineutrino based on solid state plastic scintillator
Yu. Shitov
3.3. Project DANSS: Detector of the reactor antineutrino based on solid state plastic scintillator
Yu. Shitov
15:50 - 16:10
Referees: H. Gutbrod, E. Vardaci, A. Serebrov, Yu. Gurov
3.4. Project νGEN (GEMMA): Investigation of neutrino properties with the low-background germanium spectrometer νGEN
A. Lubashevskiy
3.4. Project νGEN (GEMMA): Investigation of neutrino properties with the low-background germanium spectrometer νGEN
A. Lubashevskiy
16:10 - 16:30
Referees: A. Ereditato, I. Stekl, A. Barabash, A. Studenikin
3.5. Project EDELWEISS/Ricochet: Joint project for Direct Dark Matter search and precision study of CEνNS with new cryogenic detectors
E. Yakushev
3.5. Project EDELWEISS/Ricochet: Joint project for Direct Dark Matter search and precision study of CEνNS with new cryogenic detectors
E. Yakushev
16:30 - 16:50
Referees: P. Hristov, Z. Vilakazi, A. Gladyshev, A. Gangapshev
Coffee break
Coffee break
16:50 - 17:00
Closed session
Closed session
17:00 - 17:30
4. Adoption of the recommendations of the joint session
5. Closing of the session
5. Closing of the session
17:30 - 17:35