Review of the main results of Institute of Applied Mathematical Research, KRC of RAS in the domain of Desktop Grids

Jul 2, 2014, 3:10 PM
407 (LIT JINR)



Russia, 141980 Moscow region, Dubna, JINR
sectional reports Section 7 - Desktop grid technologies and volunteer computing Desktop grid technologies and volunteer computing


Mr Alexander Rumyantsev (Institute of Applied Mathematical Research, Karelian Research Centre of RAS)


The report gives a review of some of the main recent results of a researches on Desktop Grids that have been performed in the Institute of Applied Mathematical Research of Karelian Research Centre, RAS. The talk addresses the following topics: *mathematical models of Desktop Grids and consequent optimizations; *Enterprise Desktop Grids; *virtual screening in the BOINC-based Enterprise Desktop Grid of the Department of Dermatology, University of Lübeck and the Institute of Applied Mathematical Research, KRC RAS; *conferences BOINC:FAST'2013 and BOINC:FAST'2015; *BOINC-based data mining; *mechanisms of interaction between a BOINC-based Desktop Grid and a computing cluster. The work is supported by grants of RFBR 13-07-00008, 13-07-98801 and 14-07-31007.

Primary author

Mr Evgeny Ivashko (Institute of Applied Mathematical Research of RAS)


Mr Alexander Rumyantsev (Institute of Applied Mathematical Research, Karelian Research Centre of RAS)

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