Section 1 - Technologies, architectures, models, methods and experiences of building distributed computing systems. Consolidation and integration of distributed resources
- Tatiana Strizh (JINR)
Section 1 - Technologies, architectures, models, methods and experiences of building distributed computing systems. Consolidation and integration of distributed resources
- There are no conveners in this block
Section 1 - Technologies, architectures, models, methods and experiences of building distributed computing systems. Consolidation and integration of distributed resources
- There are no conveners in this block
Section 1 - Technologies, architectures, models, methods and experiences of building distributed computing systems. Consolidation and integration of distributed resources
- There are no conveners in this block
Alexandr Baranov
6/30/14, 2:30 PM
Section 1 - Technologies, architectures, models, methods and experiences of building distributed computing systems. Consolidation and integration of distributed resources
sectional reports
Cloud technologies start to gain popularity in academic field. Modern scientific centers use clouds for their everyday work. The article describes the cloud infrastructure deployed at the Laboratory of Information Technologies of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (LIT JINR). It explains the goals of its creation, specifics of the implementation and utilization, current work and plans...
Anatoly Kurachenko
(National Research Centre "Kurchatov Institute")
6/30/14, 2:45 PM
Section 1 - Technologies, architectures, models, methods and experiences of building distributed computing systems. Consolidation and integration of distributed resources
sectional reports
После публикации первого генома человека секвенирование ДНК превратилось в один из повседневных инструментов молекулярной биологии.
Данные задачи являются ресурсоёмкими, и с внедрением технологии секвенирования последнего поколения (next-generation sequencing) ресурсоёмкость лишь возрастает, как и потребность в решении этих задач.
В данной статье представлена облачную систему для анализа...
Михаил Минеев
6/30/14, 3:05 PM
Section 1 - Technologies, architectures, models, methods and experiences of building distributed computing systems. Consolidation and integration of distributed resources
sectional reports
Участие группы TDAQ ATLAS ОИЯИ в разработке ПО распределенной системы сбора и обработки данных эксперимента ATLAS (CERN) связана с необходимостью в работы в условиях динамично развивающейся системы и ее инфраструктуры Использование облачных технологий, в частности виртуальных машин CernVM, предоставляет наиболее эффективные способы доступа, как к собственно ПО TDAQ, так и к ПО, используемому в...
Oleg Sukhoroslov
6/30/14, 3:25 PM
Section 1 - Technologies, architectures, models, methods and experiences of building distributed computing systems. Consolidation and integration of distributed resources
sectional reports
The ability to effortlessly use and combine existing computational tools and computing resources is an important factor influencing research productivity in many scientific domains. However, scientific software often requires specific expertise in order to install, configure and run it that is beyond the expertise of an ordinary researcher. This also applies to configuration and use of...
Thurein Kyaw
(Saint-Petersburg State University)
6/30/14, 3:45 PM
Section 6 - Distributed computing in education as well as aspects of staff training
Cloud computing and cloud storage systems have gained popularity as the most convenient way of transferring information and provide the functionality of online. Some cloud services offer a wide range of services and functions to individual consumers ( online shopping and online multimedia technology , social networking environment for e-commerce and protect important digital documents ), and...
Mikhail Kompaniets
6/30/14, 4:30 PM
Section 1 - Technologies, architectures, models, methods and experiences of building distributed computing systems. Consolidation and integration of distributed resources
sectional reports
We present a prototype of а scalable computing cloud. It is intended to be deployed on the basis of a cluster without a separate dedicated storage. The dedicated storage is replaced by the distributed software storage. In addition, all cluster nodes are used both as computing nodes and as storage nodes. This increases utilization of the cluster resources as well as improves the fault tolerance...
Ivan Gankevich
(Saint Petersburg State University), Mr
Serob Balyan
(Saint Petersburg State University)
6/30/14, 4:50 PM
Section 1 - Technologies, architectures, models, methods and experiences of building distributed computing systems. Consolidation and integration of distributed resources
sectional reports
Virtual machines are usually associated with an ability to create them on demand by calling web services, then these machines are used to deliver resident services to their clients; however, providing clients with an ability to run an arbitrary programme on the newly created machines is beyond their power. Such kind of usage is useful in a high performance computing environment where most of...
Dmitry Kulyabov
(PFUR), Mr
Migran Gevorkyan
6/30/14, 5:10 PM
Section 1 - Technologies, architectures, models, methods and experiences of building distributed computing systems. Consolidation and integration of distributed resources
sectional reports
The experience of integration of the computing cluster into the information system of facility is described. The cluster is comprised of one control node (2×CPU Intel Xeon E5-2670, 64 Гб RAM) and two compute nodes (1×CPU Xeon E5-2670, 64 Гб RAM, 1×GPU Nvidia Tesla M2090).
The following problems had to be solved during cluster configuration.
Integration of the cluster authentication system...
Migran Gevorkyan
6/30/14, 5:30 PM
Section 1 - Technologies, architectures, models, methods and experiences of building distributed computing systems. Consolidation and integration of distributed resources
sectional reports
Julia is new high-level programming language that supports multiple programming styles and primarily focuses on scientific computing [1]. Language has been developed at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in 2009 under the MIT license and is available through the public repository on GitHub [2]. Language is under active development and it's latest version is 0.3.
Language has...
Anton Rubtsov
6/30/14, 5:50 PM
Section 1 - Technologies, architectures, models, methods and experiences of building distributed computing systems. Consolidation and integration of distributed resources
sectional reports
Everest [1] is a cloud platform that supports publication, sharing and reuse of scientific applications as web services. In contrast to traditional service development tools, Everest follows the Platform as a Service (PaaS) cloud delivery model by providing all its functionality via remote interfaces. A single instance of the platform can be accessed by many users in order to create, run and...
Sergey Volkov
6/30/14, 6:10 PM
Section 1 - Technologies, architectures, models, methods and experiences of building distributed computing systems. Consolidation and integration of distributed resources
sectional reports
Parameter sweep applications are a very important class of applications, which is typically defined as a set of computational experiments over a set of input parameters, each of which is executed with its own parameter combination. These computations are becoming extremely important in science and engineering. As an example, one can explore the behavior of the airfoil by running its model...
Andrey Baginyan
7/1/14, 2:30 PM
Section 1 - Technologies, architectures, models, methods and experiences of building distributed computing systems. Consolidation and integration of distributed resources
sectional reports
Providing reliable Internet connection is the key to success of any data center. In the current paper questions about highly reliable network topology for data transfer between nodes in data center for Large Hadron Collider project Tier 1 in JINR are considered. The main modern protocols like SPB (Shortest Path Bridging) and TRILL (Transparent Interconnection of Lots of Links) for redundant...
Igor Tkachenko
7/1/14, 2:45 PM
Section 1 - Technologies, architectures, models, methods and experiences of building distributed computing systems. Consolidation and integration of distributed resources
sectional reports
Доклад посвящен организации системы управления кластером при помощи puppet.
Рассматриваются вопросы безопасности использования, организации совместной работы, автоматизации различных процессов. Сравниваются различные подходы к созданию puppet сценариев.
Igor Tkachenko
7/1/14, 3:00 PM
Section 1 - Technologies, architectures, models, methods and experiences of building distributed computing systems. Consolidation and integration of distributed resources
sectional reports
В докладе рассматривается ситема хранения данных EOS, с точки зрения системного администратора вычислительного центра.
Обсуждаются вопросы установки, настройки, эксплуатации, выявления и устранения проблем.
Andrey Nechaevskiy
7/1/14, 3:15 PM
Section 1 - Technologies, architectures, models, methods and experiences of building distributed computing systems. Consolidation and integration of distributed resources
sectional reports
Существующие в настоящее время экспериментально-физические системы сбора, передачи и распределённой обработки сверхбольших объемов информации базируются на общих принципах построения грид-инфраструктур. В силу своей сложности и высокой стоимости разработка таких систем требует предварительного их моделирования. В предыдущей работе авторов [1] описана программа моделирования, основанная на...
Aleksey Bondyakov
7/1/14, 3:35 PM
Section 1 - Technologies, architectures, models, methods and experiences of building distributed computing systems. Consolidation and integration of distributed resources
sectional reports
В настоящее время в Азербайджане интенсивно развиваются информационные технологии. Одним из направлений таких технологий является грид (название возникло по аналогии с электрическими сетями — electric power grid) – компьютерная инфраструктура нового типа, обеспечивающая глобальную интеграцию информационных и вычислительных ресурсов.
Грид сегмент в Азербайджане был создан в 2008 году при...
Hovhannes Oganezov
(A. ALIKHANYAN National Laboratory)
7/1/14, 4:30 PM
Section 1 - Technologies, architectures, models, methods and experiences of building distributed computing systems. Consolidation and integration of distributed resources
sectional reports
Armenian Tier-3 (AM-04-YERPHI) site at A. Alikhanyan National Laboratory (AANL) provides the computing and storage resources that allow to deal with the data produced by LHC (Large Hadron Collider). The use of Grid technologies facilitates an implementation of the distributed model for production and user analysis jobs, enables efficient use of the computing and storage resources by the...
Yury Kryukov
(University Dubna)
7/1/14, 4:50 PM
Section 1 - Technologies, architectures, models, methods and experiences of building distributed computing systems. Consolidation and integration of distributed resources
sectional reports
Electrical energy is the most convenient and demanded type of energy transferred from large power plants to many consumers. Outdated transmission lines and equipment of substations in some cases converted to heat losses up to a quarter of the generated power. Power transmission lines length of tens of thousands of kilometres able to create and maintain only very large corporations, naturally...
Olga Ustimenko
7/1/14, 5:10 PM
sectional reports
В работе рассматриваются особенности организации системы управления данными (DMS) программного продукта DIRAC в рамках китайского проекта BES III. Приводится описание устройства, функциональности и способов работы с сервисом передачи данных (Data transfer service) для экспериментов физики высоких энергий, которые требуют вычисления задач с широким спектром требований с точки зрения загрузки...
Evgheniy Kuklin
7/1/14, 5:30 PM
Section 1 - Technologies, architectures, models, methods and experiences of building distributed computing systems. Consolidation and integration of distributed resources
sectional reports
Works on creating a distributed high performance computing environment based on GRID technologies are under way at the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. One of the main components of this environment is a distributed data storage system (DSS), which aims at integrating storage systems in the regions of UB RAS. The system connects various resources, such as computing clusters,...
Nikolai Yuzhanin
(Saint Petersburg State University)
7/1/14, 5:50 PM
Section 6 - Distributed computing in education as well as aspects of staff training
sectional reports
This work describes the idea of the system of informational support for the scientific projects and the development of computational task tracking complex. Due to large requirements for computational experiments the problem of presentation of the information about HPC tasks becomes one of the most important. Nonstandard usage of the service desk system as a basis of the computational task...
Dmitry Golubkov
(Institute for High Energy Physics, Protvino)
7/1/14, 6:10 PM
Section 1 - Technologies, architectures, models, methods and experiences of building distributed computing systems. Consolidation and integration of distributed resources
sectional reports
The ATLAS Production System (ProdSys) is responsible for processing of petascale data on the Grid. ProdSys – automated system for running jobs in the PanDA. The PanDA Production ANd Distributed Analysis system is a data-driven workload management system for production and distributed analysis. ProdSys performs an extremely important role being an additional level of abstraction for PanDA. The...