Coordination meeting on the GSI-JINR Roadmap Agreement Execution


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Date and Time: Monday Feb. 22 at 14:00 CET /16:00 Moscow

               GSI: P. Senger, Ch.J.Schmidt, H.R. Schmidt, J.Heuser

               JINR: Y.Murin, C.Ceballos, D.Dementiev, E.Tsapulina,  A.Sheremetiev                      

Invited guests: М.Kapishin (BM@N Spokesperson), V.Golovatyuk (MPD Technical Coordinator)


Coordination meeting on the GSI-JINR Roadmap Agreement Execution

Monday 22 Feb 2021, 16:00


 GSI: P. Senger, Ch.J.Schmidt, H.R. Schmidt, J.Heuser

JINR: Y.Murin, C.Ceballos, D.Dementiev, E.Tsapulina,  A.Sheremetiev                     

Invited guests:

М.Kapishin (BM@N Spokesperson), V.Golovatyuk (MPD Technical Coordinator)


 1. Roadmap Agreement execution official start.

Peter Senger reported that the Roadmap work packages and their funding have been approved by the German BMBF. However, the official letter has not been sent yet, because some administrative/legal issues still have to be formulated.


2. Tentative work package sharing within the BM@N STS project

Yuri Murin presented a table with tasks to be executed by teams of task leaders from JINR and GSI (see annex 1). From the JINR side, most of the task leaders are appointed. Rudi Schmidt and Christian Schmidt agreed to name the GSI task leaders in the near future. 


3. Readout electronics for the BM@N STS: a build-up plan

Christian Schmidt reported on status and plans for the subprojects.

  1. GBTxEMU-Card production

The GSI design was modified by Dimitry and Misha Shitenkov.

Open questions:

Is the final design available now?

Shall we push and realize the next version

Check on needs for scrubbing à do tests on experiment


  1. General Readout Interface GERI for BM@N

Verify that TE0330 is OK with replaced Clock-Oscillator.

Do a full assessment of the size of the DAQ-System needed and start procurement.


  1. Timing and Fast Control System

Primarily firmware programming, check on whether all hardware is available in desired numbers. 


  1. Integration of self-triggered R/O System into BM@N triggered DAQ system


  1. Electronics Cooling



  1. ASICs and Readout Cards

ASICs  Delivery in two batches, 1000 first delivery, 3600 second delivery

Readout Cards: I understand the design is fully available, so we can start production.



4. STS water and gas cooling systems ideas

Rudi Schmidt reported on the status and plans for the STS cooling systems.


  1. Liquid cooling

For detailed simulations, information from JINR is required on

a)     FEB and FEB-Box geometry

b)    Cooling plate formfactor (FEB, ROB, POB)

in order to estimate the needed cooling power. Based on this a decision can be made whether NOVEC or water can be used as cooling liquid to reach Tenv=15 deg C.


  1. Gas Cooing

An offer from SAMP (produced of ALICE gas plant) was obtained for the CBM Gas cooling specs. In principle gas cooling both for CBM and BM@N could be ordered one the exact spec also for BM@N are known (dew point < 15 deg C and flow)


  1. Climate Chamber

Following the recommendation from reviewers also modules should be cold-cycled

(CBM: -40 deg C to +40 deg C; BM@N: - 5 deg C (?) to +40 deg C)


5. Brief report on status of CMIS at JINR.

Cesar Ceballos reported on the Computer Management Information System (CMIS) which has been implemented by specialists from JINR-STS, JINR-LIT and Kybernetika. Meanwhile, the following components are installed at JINR: all hardware, the Oracle DB (also licensed for use/support), and the CMIS test WebApp and API. The system can be accessed safely from outside through SSO to WebApp. For BM@N, a project has started to implement production/test data, mechanical drawings, and technical documentation


6. Discussion of a list of priority items to procure

Peter Senger presented a list of items, which could be procured after official approval of the project. The list has been updated after the meeting and is shown in Annex 2.  

Annex 1 and 2 are not public, sorry.


There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 16:00 16:10
      Roadmap Agreement execution official start 10m
      Speaker: Peter Senger
    • 16:10 16:20
      Tentative work package sharing within the BM@N STS project 10m
      Speaker: Yuri Murin
    • 16:20 16:30
      Readout electronics for the BM@N STS: a build-up plan 10m
      Speaker: Christian Schmidt
    • 16:30 16:40
      STS water and gas cooling systems ideas 10m
      Speaker: Rudi Schmidt
    • 16:40 16:50
      Brief report on status of CMIS at JINR. 10m
      Speaker: Cesar Ceballos
    • 16:50 17:00
      Discussion of a list of priority items to procure. Suggestions for the next steps 10m
      Speaker: Peter Senger