MPD Physics Forum

Adam Kisiel (Warsaw University of Technology)
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      Use of the KFParticle formalism within the MPD experiment: its current status and first promising results obtained

      KFParticle is a software being well supported and documented, that allows one to perform reconstruction of a wide set of decaying particles .
      It is based on the Kalman filter technique and is widely used in many experiments dedicated to studies of heavy-ion collisions (CBM, ALICE, STAR) at different energies.
      First attempts aiming at using the software are shown and discussed within the seminar. Some obtained results on reconstructed $\Lambda^{0}$ and $K^{0}_{short}$ look promising in order to continue the work. Further plans concerning the use of the software within the MPD experiment and its optimisation are also planned to be presented and discussed.

      Speaker: Pavel Batyuk (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)