Yeongduk Kim and Yeomin Oh. "Neutrino Physics Projects at CUP including recent NEOS experiment."
Конференц-зал (Лабораторный корпус ЛЯП)
Лабораторный корпус ЛЯП
Part I by Yeongduk Kim
We have developed underground physics programs for last 15 years at an underground laboratory (Yangyang Laboratory, Y2L) in South Korea. A new research center in the Institute for Basic Science (IBS), Center for Underground Physics (CUP), is approved by the government in 2013. Due to the limited space in Y2L, we are constructing a new deep underground laboratory in an active mine to host larger scale experiments by 2019. CUP has two main experimental programs, Identification of dark matter and Neutrino Physics. Neutrinoless double beta decay experiments can answer the nature and the mass of the neutrinos. AMoRE (Advanced Mo-based Rare phenomena Experiment) is a state-of-art experiment based on low temperature MMC sensor and ultra pure molybdate crystals containing highly enriched isotopes. With 200 kg of molybdate crystals running 5 years, It’s sensitivity reaches 10^27 years of half-life and down to 15-30 meV neutrino mass. AMoRE-pilot experiment with 1.5 kg of enriched Mo-100 crystals is running at Y2L now.
Part II by Yoomin Oh
The spectrum of the inverse beta decay of the reactor antineutrino has been measured at 24 m baseline in the tendon gallery of Reactor unit 5 in Hanbit Nuclear Power Plant in Yeonggwang, South Korea. We have measured about 2,000 IBD event candidates per day with signal-to-background ratio 22. Small fluctuations in the spectrum are found in the spectrum in comparison with the existing references but no strong sign of 3+1 active-to-sterile neutrino oscillation was found. The excess around 5 MeV prompt energy is seen as in previous longer baseline measurements. We have set new limits on the sterile neutrino parameter around 1 eV^{2} mass-squared difference region. Sensitivities for sterile neutrino using the commercial reactors are studied.