2:00 PM
Adler function, Bjorken Sum Rule, the Crewther-Broadhurst-Kataev relation with different fermion representations of the gauge group of order $O(\alpha_s^4)$ and the $\{\beta\}$-expansion
Sergey Mikhailov
2:20 PM
Two-loop Rational Terms
Max Zoller
(PSI, Switzerland)
2:40 PM
Loops and expansions
Matthias Steinhauser
3:00 PM
Functional reduction of Feynman integrals with masses
Oleg Tarasov
(JINR Dubna, Moscow Region, Russia)
3:20 PM
Correlators of heavy-light quark currents in HQET: OPE at 3 loops
Andrey Grozin
(Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)
Konstantin Chetyrkin
(KIT, Germany)
3:40 PM
From toy models to beta-functions in arbitrary renormalizable QFT
Andrey Pikelner