13–15 Dec 2021
Europe/Moscow timezone


DAQ and Computing

13 Dec 2021, 14:00

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Leonid Afanasyev (JINR. LNP)
13/12/2021, 14:00
Artem Petrosyan (JINR), Danila Oleynik (JINR LIT)
13/12/2021, 14:50
Alexey Zhemchugov (JINR)
13/12/2021, 15:30
Dimitrije Maletic (Institute of Physics Belgrade)
13/12/2021, 15:50
Artur Tkachenko (JINR)
13/12/2021, 16:10
Igor Pelevanyuk (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
13/12/2021, 16:30
Building timetable...