Binodal Layer and Phase Freezeout in Adiabatically Expanded Hot Dense Matter

27 Sept 2017, 16:00
Blokhintsev Hall (4rd floor, BLTP) (DUBNA)

Blokhintsev Hall (4rd floor, BLTP)




Prof. Igor Iosilevskiy (Joint Institute for High Temperature of RAS // Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University))


Binodal layer ("Phase Freezeout") and rarefaction shock in Hot Dense Matter (HDM), adiabatically expanded trough two-phase region of entropic phase transition are under discussion. For example it could be Quark-Hadron Phase Transition (QHPT) or any other ''delocalization-driven'' phase transition (pressure-ionization PT, pressure-dissociation PT in electromagnetic HDM etc) when equilibrium thermodynamic path of such adiabatic expansion crosses the two-phase region of considered entropic phase transition. Binodal layer appears at the entering of the two-phase region, while rarefaction shock appears at the stage of leaving the two-phase region of entropic PT.

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