Garfield+LTSpice simulation #2



Summary previous meeting:

please find below a summary of the discussion today. The data of the next meeting to be decided on Monday. If no urgent topics appeared at the beginning of the next week, the meeting will be on Friday 2pm MSK time.

From today:

+++ TDR plots -> by Monday

  -> Alexey: Garfield++ slides are ready

  -> Sonja: regeneration 4 mm, comparison to TDR plots, plotting everything together

 -> the original plots are uploaded to the agenda (


+++ Garfield+LTSpice bug fix and validation (Sonja, Vitaly, Dosbol)

 + Sonja (Garfield)

     -> Garfield output (track-wire distance 1mm) has been validated for both the MPV and Sigma drift time (plotting everything in a single plot would be great!);

     ->4 mm will be also added for new due to the TDR plot update  => Slides to be updated

 + Vitaly (LTSpice)

    - a bug fix brought the drift time MPV to the previous values

        -> plots to be updated by Sonja and Dosbol to have both cases (before/after the bug/bug fix) in the same plot

    - however sigma is still different (7 vs 4 ns) => to be identified if this is a problem from Garfield or LTSpice. TBD:

         -> compare charges at the Garfield output

         -> run LTSpice with the earlier Garfield data which gave 4 ns sigma long time ago

        -> run LTSpice with Sergey's data for 1mm which was generated at the TDR time


+++  Garfield++ (Alexey+Assel)

     - still unclear the difference between the visualisation and data outputs of the signal

     - difference in signal (max?) distributions after LTSpice was found for Alexey's and Assel's cases, the reason is unclear. To be done:

       -> 2 mm point to be generated by Alexey to be compared directly to Assel's data

       -> charge distribution at the output of Garfield (integral over time of the signal) to be compared for those two 2mm data sets

      -> compare scripts generating the gas file used by Alexey and Assel

   - studies comparing drift path/time distributions for 0 and 1.5 T to be finalized


Please, add if something is forgotten

There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 1
      TDR plots
      Speakers: Alexey Pavlov, Dosbol Baigarashev (JINR), Sergey Nasybulin, Sofia Bulanova
    • 2
      Garfield+LTSpice bug fix and validation
      Speakers: Dosbol Baigarashev (JINR), Sofia Bulanova, Vitaly Bautin (JINR)
    • 3
      Speakers: Alexey Pavlov, Assel Mukhamejanova, Sofia Bulanova
    • 4
      Gas gain discussion
      Speakers: Alexey Pavlov, Sergey Nasybulin, Sofia Bulanova