Garfield+LTSpice simulation #3



Minutes 13.12:

+++ TDR plots -> by Monday-> by Saturday (17.12)

  -> Alexey: Garfield++ slides are ready==> still to be updated for comparison with Garfield - binning etc (upd: seems to be ok now, please upload for 17.12)

  -> Sonja: regeneration 4 mm, comparison to TDR plots, plotting everything together ==> only plotting to be done

  (the original TDR plots:


+++ Garfield+LTSpice bug fix and validation (Sonja, Vitaly, Dosbol)

 + Sonja (Garfield) ==> final slides to be uploaded?! (validation Garfield old vs Garfield new, it's seems to be ok already but no final slides yet...)

 + Vitaly (LTSpice)

    - main issue with sigma - sigma is still different (7 vs 4 ns) => (upd: seems to be resolved - please prepare slides comparing MPV and sigma):

        -> run LTSpice with Sergey's data for 1mm which was generated at the TDR time ==> can we reproduce the TDR plots?? (***)

   - hardware calibration of a single mu2e VMM3 channel has been done (see slides)

       -> do calibration for 4 channels? (do we still have time this year?)

       -> think about comparing charges from Garfield+LTSpice and real data from the calibrated channel

       -> compare MPV, sigma for previous good model (***) and the updated one


+++  Garfield++ (Alexey+Assel)

     - gas gain discussion - reproduce Heinrich's results + different penning values for ATL-TRT straw, will it be the same as published results?

     - still unclear the difference between the visualisation and data outputs of the signal ==> no update

     - difference in signal (max?) distributions after LTSpice was found for Alexey's and Assel's cases, the reason is unclear. To be done: ==> no update

       -> 2 mm point to be generated by Alexey to be compared directly to Assel's data

       -> charge distribution at the output of Garfield (integral over time of the signal) to be compared for those two 2mm data sets

      -> compare scripts generating the gas file used by Alexey and Assel

   - studies comparing drift path/time distributions for 0 and 1.5 T to be finalized ==> no update


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