Координационное совещание по проекту "Инсталляционный контейнер MPD"


Meeting about MPD-ITS integration to beam pipe, FFD and TPC.


Date: 29.06.2023

Time: 10:30

Place: LHEP, Build. 216, Room 120 

Participants: Golovatyuk(MPD), Topilin(CB), Murin(ITS), Galimov(UHV), Movchan(TPC), Ceballos(ITS), Andreev(ITS), Sheremetiev(ITS), Voronin(ITS), Ligdenova(ITS), Gorelikov(ITS), Tikhomirov(FFD)






Andreev presented the status of the workplan for the production of the installation container (IC) that will integrate the beampipe, the ITS and FFD with the TPC.

There has been some delay in the production of the IC (central, service, and technological sections) but this will not influence the overall timeline for finalizing it. The central section shell is the most complex, made out of composite material with high precision (0,5mm). The first sample of the shell has been manufactured with accuracy metrologically approved. The second sample of caging will be ready by the beginning of September 2023. All the elements of the IC are planned to ready by the end of 2023/beginning of 2024. By that time the imitators (geometry and mass) of the beampipe and the FFD should be ready.



- Beampipe:

Galimov reported that there will be 3 variants of the beampipe made out of:

            - Aluminum: the contract is still in preparation, and it should be finished by February 2024.

            - Titanium: the contract for the material has already been signed and this beam pipe should be ready by January-February 2024.

            - Duralumin (geometrical and mass mockup): to be ready by October 2023.


Note: for  commissioning of the first stage configuration of  MPD, the beampipe will be made out of Titanium.


- FFD (Tikhomirov):

It was reported that the detector is ready, and the corresponding geometrical and mass mockup is also ready and might be delivered to the ITS team acting on request.


-Auxiliary equipment  for IC Integration with TPC (Osipov):

All the parts for the construction of the required platform have been received and the platform itself should be ready by the second half of October 2023. In case of need, a second platform might be produced.


Murin, explained that the setup and insertion of the IC will be first “dry” tested at building 216 to clearly understand how to perform its insertion into the TPC bore without bending/tilting it, since the whole structure will be both long and heavy and should be inserted into a very tight volume.

It was remarked by  that the process of integration and alignment of the MPD systems has an important uncertainty related to the lack of the measurement of the magnetic field of the MPD therefore all situations have to be experimentally checked.




 - The FFD team  delivers  the corresponding geometrical and mass imitator to the ITS team at the request of ITS team.


- The beampipe team will delivers the Duralumin-made imitator (geometry and mass) to the ITS team by October 2023.

- The beampipe team will also deliver the Construction Documentation (final project) of the beampipe to the ITS team a.s.a.p.


- The TPC will move to the MPD hall by the end of 2023.


- The ITS team will have all parts of the IC ready by the end of 2023 and will start dry training the assembly and insertion of the IC. After that, it will move to the MPD hall to perform the assembly and insertion of the IC there.


- The next coordination meeting was scheduled for the second half of October 2023.

There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 10:45 11:00
      Инсталляционный контейнер MPD: cтатус работ и планирование их окончания 15m
      Speaker: Denis Andreev
    • 11:00 11:15
      Ионопровод MPD:статус работ и планирование поставки рабочего прототипа 15m
      Speaker: Artem Galimov
    • 11:15 11:25
      FFD: Статус работ по изготовлений двух макетов FFD для отладки сборки и установки ИК 10m
      Speaker: Vladimir Yurevich
    • 11:25 11:35
      Прогресс в изготовлении вспомогательного оборудования для интеграции ИК с TPC 10m
      Speaker: Dmitry Osipov
    • 11:35 11:50
      Дискуссия и принятие решений 15m
      Speaker: Round Table