TB data analysis #17


Minutest previous meeting + TODO:

==> problems:

- missing TIGERs => will be transported to Torino
- strange JulyTB data TIGERs (significantly larger time resolution wrt AprilTB, halo) => to be followed asap
- strange JulyTB data mu2e (large time resolution, not understood calibration) => to be followed asap

==> progress:

- Timepix - seems to be good progress in data merging (still 1/2 acceptance, missing efficiency estimate)
- TIGER calibration - done for all three available board (still a question on the pulse shape influence)

- discussion on PID - two measurements: (1) mu2e 200ns (possibly exists, if data ok) (2) fast preamp + scope - tbd

==> TODOs:

-> ASAP: 
- Dima: mail with CodiMD instructions

-> by Friday 04.08
- Andrey, Dima: TIGER track residuals + timing (scintX-scintY) July vs April 
- Dima: (1) overview problematic TIGER channels (2) mu2e calibration and RT summary : July vs April (1mV/fC)
- Andrey: investigation TIGER halo problem
- Vitaly: (1) noise studies for TIGER (2) tests with the new mu2e fw 
- Tolja: finalize TIGER calibration - test with rectangular pulses 
- Katerina: looking at mu2e data
- Everybody, particularly Artem, Tolja, Andrey: feedback to Dima on the documentation in CodiMD
- Temur: chat with Maksim: evaluation board + if 2nd calibration board can be sent as it is (not soldered)
- Artem: presentation on Timepix, including JulyTB data (1/2 acceptance is ok) - efficiency to be added, including pre-selection efficiency from Dima

-> next week:

- May be check of external vs internal TIGER clock (is there something else different between two testbeams?)

-> by next TB:

Andrey, Dima: (1) automatize script for statistics evaluation (2) tracking branch in ntuples (pending for several months)

There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 16:30 16:50
      TB23-July H4 measurements - summary 20m
      Speakers: Anatoly Egorov, Dmitry Sosnov (NRC «Kurchatov Institute» - PNPI), Shaib Sharhan, Vitaly Bautin (JINR)
    • 16:50 17:10
      TB data analysis 20m
      Speakers: Andrei Zelenov (NRC «Kurchatov Institute» - PNPI), Dmitry Sosnov (NRC «Kurchatov Institute» - PNPI)
    • 17:10 17:30
      TB23 H8 measurements program - round table 20m
      Speakers: Anatoly Egorov, Dmitry Sosnov (NRC «Kurchatov Institute» - PNPI), Kirill Salamatin, Vitaly Bautin (JINR), Ysmaiyl Kambar (JINR)
    • 17:30 17:50
      Timepix data 20m
      Speaker: Artem Chukanov (JINR)