1–5 апр. 2024 г.
г. Дубна, ОИЯИ
Europe/Moscow timezone

the development and status of the HIAF accelerator complex in China

3 апр. 2024 г., 13:10
Аудитория ЛТФ, 2 этаж

Аудитория ЛТФ, 2 этаж


Lijun Mao


The High Intensity heavy-ion Accelerator Facility (HIAF) is under constructed at IMP in China. The HIAF main feature is to provide high intensity heavy ion beam pulse as well as high intensity CW beam. A rapid acceleration in the booster synchrotron ring (BRing) with the ramping rate of 12 T/s is used. The challenges related to the injector systems, RF cavities, power supplies, vacuum system are reported in this paper. The status of the HIAF project construction is presented.

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