1–5 апр. 2024 г.
г. Дубна, ОИЯИ
Europe/Moscow timezone

Космологической рождение частиц и гравитирующие миражи

3 апр. 2024 г., 16:45
Аудитория ЛТФ, 4 этаж

Аудитория ЛТФ, 4 этаж


Виктор Березин


We assume that the conformal invariance is the fundamental symmetry. We use the modified Lagrangian for the perfect fluid in which the rate of the particle production enters explicitly. It is shown that in such a case we are dealing actually with some sort of the Sakharov’s induced gravity. It appears that the particle creation law is itself conformally invariant. Assuming that particles are produced by the scalar field we get rather rigorous restrictions on the possible types of sources. They i

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