1–5 апр. 2024 г.
г. Дубна, ОИЯИ
Europe/Moscow timezone

Исследование корреляций солнечной активности и параметров распадов изотопов Со-60 и Fe-550

2 апр. 2024 г., 19:10
Аудитория ЛТФ, 2 этаж

Аудитория ЛТФ, 2 этаж


Сергей Майбуров


Temporal variations of nucleus decay parameters studied extensively in last years, they can be signal of new physical effects of cosmic origin. PhIAN – INP- ITEP - JINR collaboration measures them for Co-60 β-decay and Fe-55 inverse β -decay by semiconductor detectors. During 2020 – 2024 correlation of Co-60 and Fe-55 decay rate reduction with intense X-ray solar flare events and coronal plasma ejections (magnetic storms) established at high reliability level

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