Control Systems Survey

109 (201)




once again, I would like to remind you that the outcome of our work was supposed to be a comparative table. In this table, your concept should have been decomposed into sections, and for each section, it was necessary to find and invent comparative parameters (quantitative and qualitative characteristics).

Group 1:


  • I'm still looking forward to you opening up the term "work environment" into sections and connecting it to Nour sheet


  • good results at the last meeting
  • try increasing the number of comparable parameters
  • help a teammate Abdelrhman to integrate his sections to your sheet

Group 2:


  • waiting for new results


  • the last presentation is much better
  • try teaming up with Sancia and outputting a comparison sheet together
    • 14:00 14:20
      work status 20m
      Speaker: Nour Wahban (Alexandria university, Nuclear & Radiation engineering)
    • 14:20 14:40
      work status 20m
      Speaker: Abdelrhman Hussam (Cairo University)
    • 14:40 15:00
      work status 20m
      Speaker: Alaa ElSadieque (Alexandria University Cancer Research Cluster)
    • 15:00 15:20
      work status 20m
      Speaker: Sancia Morris (Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai)

      Google sheets updated with formatted comparisons


    • 15:20 15:40
      one more time about "Work Organization" and "Work Environment" 20m
      Speaker: Mr Nikita Baldin (JINR)

      Организация Труда (Work Organization):
      - Организационная Структура (Organizational Structure)
      - Рабочие Процессы (Work Processes)
      - Роли, Задачи и Ответственности (Roles, Tasks, and Responsibilities)
      - Программы Обучения и Оценки Знаний (Training and Knowledge Assessment)
      - Меры Безопасности и Здоровья (Safety and Health Measures)

      Рабочая Среда (Work Environment):
      - Физическое Окружение (Physical Environment)
      - Технологическая Инфраструктура и Информационные Сервисы (Technological Infrastructure and Information Services)
      - Инфраструктура Коммуникаций (Communication Infrastructure)
      - Системы Мониторинга и Отчетности (Monitoring and Reporting Systems)
      - Техническая Поддержка (Technical Support)