MONUMENT Biweekly meeting- Dec 4, 2024 minutes Eli: - 2D hist produced with LF data - Only 1 C1/C2 coincidence window within 100 ns - No distortion in LF data. So eta parameter not required - Constrained muonic X-ray position (withi +/- 0.5 keV); separate sigma for muonic X-ray and the gamma ray to avoid the drift of gamma line - Fit analysis: prompt line (gamma) represented via delta function and muX-ray via delta func X expo; combined fit Q. Slava: Why do you think gamma line should have a drift A. Christoph: O(~10%) correlation in intensities of muX and gammas Toy study: - Asymmetric timing, 2 gaussians with 2 means and different left/right tails - Tail fit ad splined convolution- using full time profile - Convolution fit more sensitive than tail fit - Introduce major effects in the study; binning for ALPACA, dead-time for MIDAS Dhanurdhar: - Initial 136Ba lifetime analysis from ALPACA Suggestions: - Be careful with combining errors as they could be correlated - beta parameter fixed in Eli's analysis - look for distributions of free parameters in the fit - Fit amplitude parameter can go < 0 to avoid any bias