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A broad comparison of the Dubna Cascade Model [1] (DCM) and the Amelin-Gudima-Toneev (AGT) model [2] calculations with existing experimental data is presented. The data mainly include the NA61/SHINE data on pp interactions at P lab = 20, 31, 40, 80, 158 GeV/c and data on central Ar+Sc interactions at P lab = 13, 19, 30, 40, 75, 150 GeV/c/nucleon. It is shown that results of DCM and AGT are close to each other and the
experimental data for π + and π - meson distributions in pp collisions. AGT approximately reproduces energy dependencies of K + and K - meson yields. DCM shows an enhanced energy dependencies of the yields which is not in an agreement with the data. It is connected with large probability of strange quark-antiquark pair production from the vacuum in DCM. Proton, antiproton and Λ-hyperon distributions are
badly described by the models. Analogous results for π + and π - meson productions are observed for Ar+Sc interactions. Yields of K + and K - mesons in Ar+Sc collisions are essentially underestimated, as they are in other models. At simulation of central Au+Au interactions at Ecms = 4.5 GeV per NN collision recently studied by the STAR collaboration within the RHIC Beam Energy Scan program, the codes of DCM and AGT are crushed.
1) DCM is actively used by NICA experiments.
2) AGT is an earlier version of DCM.