28 September 2015 to 2 October 2015
Budva, Becici, Hotel Splendid, Conference Hall
Europe/Podgorica timezone

Electronic devices for multichannel setups in FLNR.

29 Sept 2015, 11:25
Budva, Becici, Hotel Splendid, Conference Hall

Budva, Becici, Hotel Splendid, Conference Hall


Aleksey Kuznetsov (JINR)


There have been developed some setups for super heavy elements synthesis in FLNR including multi-detector spectrometers of nuclear reaction products. These setups are VASSILISSA, DGFRS (Dubna Gas Filled Recoil Separator), MASHA etc. The number of channels in such spectrometers is growing up continuously and now is about several hundreds. Electronics for such spectrometers should be preferable standardized but suitable for using in different setups. There is the significant matter to be applied to soft-hardware for fast check and control of facility parameters of all spectrometric channels during adjustment for experiment. Such software being developed in Qt (Windows, MinGW 32 bit compiler) is presented. In this article are presented a block diagram and short description of basic electronic devices used in spectrometric channel (Amplifier, ADC) and brand new devices of this series. New approach to the problem of time triggering of global clock in data acquisition system and the real use-case in FLNR are presented . Here to be introduced the block diagram of multichannel programmable simulator of analog signals as a part of soft-hardware check for spectrometric channels.

Primary author

Mr Evgeniy Kuznetsov (LIT NINR)


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