28 September 2015 to 2 October 2015
Budva, Becici, Hotel Splendid, Conference Hall
Europe/Podgorica timezone

CERN LHC run 2 on OpenStack

1 Oct 2015, 09:00
Budva, Becici, Hotel Splendid, Conference Hall

Budva, Becici, Hotel Splendid, Conference Hall




The continuous growth of luminosity in high energy physics with the LHC restart in 2015 results in larger amount of data to be analysed and a corresponding increase in computing power. Given these challenges, we have adopted a number of open source projects used by other large scale deployments elsewhere and contributed to those communities. In particular, OpenStack was chosen as the solution to cope with the need of managing larger computing resources with the same manpower, multiple use cases and of being able to easily scale up the system. OpenStack is nowadays the fastest growing open cloud solution, building software that powers public and private clouds for a wide range of organizations, including Walmart, Comcast, Cisco, eBay, HP, Intel and Rackspace. The CERN OpenStack cloud has been in production since July 2013 growing to over 5,000 Hypervisors to meet the needs of LHC Run 2. In this presentation, an overview of the OpenStack implementation at CERN will be given, with particular emphasis on flexibility, use cases and challenges.

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