28 September 2015 to 2 October 2015
Budva, Becici, Hotel Splendid, Conference Hall
Europe/Podgorica timezone

Complex for mega-science data modeling and processing

2 Oct 2015, 11:40
Budva, Becici, Hotel Splendid, Conference Hall

Budva, Becici, Hotel Splendid, Conference Hall


Eygene Ryabinkin (NRC "Kurchatov Institute")


The review of current status and the Program for future developments of data intensive high performance/high throughput computing complex for mega-science in NRC "Kurchatov Institute", supporting the Priority scientific task “Development of mathematical models, algorithms and software for systems with extramassive parallelism for pilot science and technical areas” is presented. Major upgrades to GRID, HPC and telco infrastructure and its integration under data-intensive computing paradigm are described. Keywords: high performance computing, high throughput computing, distributed storage systems, distributed computing, grid.

Primary author

Velikhov Vasily (National Research Center “Kurchatov Insitute”, Moscow, Russia)

Presentation materials