Roberto Petti: "Precision measurements of fundamental interactions with (anti)neutrinos".
Конференц-зал РХЛ
Конференц-зал РХЛ
A technique has been recently proposed to achieve a control of the neutrino targets and fluxes comparable to electron scattering experiments. In particular, it allows precise measurements of high statistics samples of (anti)neutrino-hydrogen interactions and of various nuclear targets. These developments together with the planned high intensity LBNF beams give access to a broad range of precision measurements of electroweak parameters, QCD and hadron structure of nucleons and nuclei, nuclear physics, form factors, structure functions and cross-sections, as well as searches for new physics. Such a program of precision measurements and searches would nicely complement the efforts in the fixed-target, collider, and nuclear physics communities, elevating the near site at LBNF to a general physics facility for a broad range of scientific studies.