Comparison of Parallelization Methods in New SQL DB Environment

7 Jul 2016, 13:45


Sectional reports 10. Databases, Distributed Storage systems, Big data Analytics 10. Databases, Distributed Storage systems, Big data Analytics


Prof. Alexander Degtyarev (Professor)Prof. Yulia Shichkina (St.Petersburg State Electrotechnical University)


All known approaches to parallel data processing in relational client-server database management systems are based only on inter-query parallelism. Nevertheless, it’s possible to achieve intra-query parallelism by consideration of a request structure and implementation of mathematical methods of parallel calculations for its equivalent transformation. This article presents an example of complex query parallelization and describes applicability of the graph theory and methods of parallel computing both for query parallelization and optimiza-tion.

Primary author

Prof. Yulia Shichkina (St.Petersburg State Electrotechnical University)


Prof. Alexander Degtyarev (Professor)

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