Victor Matveev
7/4/16, 9:00 AM
Vladimir Korenkov
7/4/16, 10:00 AM
Weidong Li
(Computing Center Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
7/4/16, 11:00 AM
Plenary reports
The Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP) is the biggest and comprehensive
fundamental research center in China. Particle physics is one of the most
important research fields at IHEP. This presentation will give a brief
introduction to the currently running experiments as well as the experiments
being constructed. With accumulation of experimental data, growing needs of
7/4/16, 1:30 PM
Eddie Hing
7/4/16, 2:00 PM
7/4/16, 2:20 PM
(Brocade Communications)
7/4/16, 2:40 PM
Plenary reports
Требования к сетям передачи данных исследовательских организаций становятся, в последнее время, всё выше и выше. Растут как требования по полосе пропускания, так и требования по надёжности сетей передачи. Уже сейчас во многих исследовательских сетях объёмы передаваемого трафика данных исчисляются десятками петабайт в год. Как правило научные организации, в которых возникают такие потребности в...
Sergey Maznichenko
(I-Teco Company)
7/4/16, 3:30 PM
Максим Новиков
(Компания "4-х Стихии"),
Сергей Анпилов
(Компания "4-х Стихии")
7/4/16, 3:50 PM
Дмитрий Юрьевич Соловьев
(IBS Platformix)
7/4/16, 4:10 PM
Sergey Gusarov
(DELL expert)
7/4/16, 4:50 PM
There are a lot of different offerings on SDN landscape these days. We will classify SDN approaches into three major category: control plane, network overlay and networking operating system itself. We will overview each of them, define major pros and cons and look at the use cases
Nikolay Mester
7/4/16, 5:10 PM
Alexander Degtyarev
7/4/16, 5:30 PM
Poster presentations
The paper is focused on setting up a system of continuous integration within the available infrastructure of MPD Root project. The system’s deployment and debugging for MPD Root purposes are considered; the installation and setup of the required tools using GitLab, GitLab CI Runner and Docker are described; the test results of execution speed optimization are presented for the builds in...
Victor Kotlyar
(IHEP), Ms
Victoria Ezhova
7/4/16, 5:30 PM
Poster presentations
Accounting system is a very important part of any computing cluster which allows to understand how and by whom the core of the cluster - computing resources are used. This task become more and more complicated when different groups of users are present and it needed somehow to calculate general usage to make a bill. In this work described the development of such system for Ihep central...
Andrey Zarochentsev
7/4/16, 5:30 PM
Poster presentations
The constant need for virtual resources at LHC experiments can be explained by a lack of computing resources and and also by flexibilty that gives virtualization for providing new platforms and computing power. Researches for virtual resource integration into ALICE Grid environment have been done by many teams [1][2][3] .
In our report we present an compilation of existing approaches which...
Yulia Dubenskaya
7/4/16, 5:30 PM
Poster presentations
The report presents our current work on design and development of security infrastructure of modern kind that is intended for different types of distributed computing systems (DCS). The main goal of the approach is to provide users and administrators with transparent, intuitive and yet secure interface to the computational resources.
The key points of the proposed approach to security...
Codruta Mihaela Varodi
(National Institute for Research and Development of Isotopic and Molecular Technologies Cluj-Napoca, Romania)
7/4/16, 5:30 PM
Poster presentations
The mechanism of conductibility for lead dioxide - which is the main component of the psoitive electrode of the lead-acid batteries - was elucidated only recently. The DFT calculations as well as experimntal data indicated that a concentration of 1 to 2 percent of deffects in the crystal structure of lead dioxide may result in a signifficant change of the conductibility - which in particular...
Mihail Liviu Craus
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
7/4/16, 5:30 PM
Poster presentations
Modern materials science is based in principle on the fundamental experience that the properties of materials are not peremptorily determined by their average chemical composition but they are to a large extent influenced by their microstructure. Now, it is obvious that the outstanding success of magnetic materials for the last two decades may be ascribed to three relevant accomplishments:...
Valery Grishkin
7/4/16, 5:30 PM
Poster presentations
Creating designs in CAD and performing their stress-strain analysis are complex computational tasks. Their successful solution depends on a number of prerequisites: availability of large computational power; comprehensive knowledge of physical and mathematical computing; and solid skills of programming and working in a variety of separate software products that are not integrated to each other...
Maksim Gubin
(Tomsk Polytechnic University)
7/4/16, 5:30 PM
Poster presentations
The second generation of the ATLAS Production System (ProdSys2) is an automated scheduling system that is responsible for data processing, data analysis and Monte-Carlo production on the Grid, supercomputers and clouds. The ProdSys2 project was started in 2014 and commissioned in 2015 (just before the LHC Run2) and now it handles O(2M) tasks per year, O(2M) jobs per day running on more than...
Anna Kotlyar
7/4/16, 5:30 PM
Poster presentations
A task for analysis of network traffic flows on the high performance computing network for the computer cluster is very important and allows to understand the way of complicated computing and storage resources usage by different software applications running on the cluster. As soon as all these applications are not managed by the cluster administrators they need a tool to understand usage...
Konstantin Shefov
(Saint Petersburg State University), Ms
(Saint-Petersburg State University), Dr
Stepanova Margarita
7/4/16, 5:30 PM
Poster presentations
In this contribution we describe a procedure of optimizing the molecular dynamic force field for Zn-O-H chemical systems by means of a new parallel algorithm of a multifactorial search for the global minimum. This algorithm allows one to obtain numerous parameters of the ReaxFF classical force field based on quantum chemical computations of various characteristics of simple compounds. The...
Zorig Badarch
(National University of Mongolia)
7/4/16, 5:30 PM
Poster presentations
Modeling of semiconductor carrier transport properties based on the drift-diffusion model is one of emerging activity of computational electronics. The p-n junction between materials with different type of conductivity can set up an internal electric field, which is responsible for separation of charge pairs electron and hole. The distribution of electric field in the depletion layer can be...
Stanislav Polyakov
7/4/16, 5:30 PM
Poster presentations
Docker is a one of the most popular systems for container virtualization on the market. It gives user a lot of possibilities, but its use requires root access which is sometimes dangerous.
We propose a set of simple command line tools for managing Docker containers called YASTD (Yet Another Simple Tools for Docker). It has three purposes:
- to allow users to create containers remotely...
Irina Martynova
7/4/16, 5:30 PM
Poster presentations
Данная работа посвящена проблеме построения низкоуровневых моделей дорожного трафика на основе расширенных сетей Петри. Актуальность предлагаемого подхода к моделированию движения городского трафика заключается в том, что в последнее время наблюдается значительный рост интереса к низкоуровневому моделированию разнообразных систем. Этот интерес, не в последнюю очередь, обусловлен широким...
Nikolay Khokhlov
7/4/16, 5:30 PM
Poster presentations
В данной работе рассмотрены аспекты применения технологии OpenCL для распараллеливания решения задач сейсмики используя сеточно-характеристический метод на графических сопроцессорах. В качестве системы определябщих уравнений используются уравнения линейной теории упругости. Проведено сравнение реализаций расчетного алгоритма на технологиях CUDA и OpenCL при работе на устройствах GPU от nVidia....
Sergey Poluyan
(Dubna International University for Nature, Society and Man)
7/4/16, 5:30 PM
Poster presentations
Групповая робототехника представляет собой перспективное направление в области роевого интеллекта, заключающееся в построении робототехнических систем, состоящих из большого числа относительно просто устроенных роботов. Актуальной задачей в этой области является разработка распределенных алгоритмов управления такого рода системами. Проблема заключается в том, что требуется разработать алгоритм...
Natalia Puchkova
7/4/16, 5:30 PM
Poster presentations
В работе рассматриваются вопросы, связанные с построением цифрового описания схем движения городского транспорта на основе геолокационных данных. Такое описание может в дальнейшем использоваться либо для компьютерного моделирования движения транспорта, например, с целью оптимизации той или иной дорожной развязки, либо для разработки алгоритмов и программ управления автономными транспортными...
Tatiana Strizh
7/5/16, 8:00 AM
2. Operation, monitoring, optimization in distributed computing systems
Plenary reports
The Tier-1 centre for CMS at JINR is a high-tech platform for computing systems and systems of long-term data storage with high concentration of the network and server equipment. Work on this centre was carried out in the framework of the project "Creation of the automated system of data processing of experiments at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) of the Tier1 level and provision of...
Oxana Smirnova
(Lund University)
7/5/16, 9:00 AM
Distributed computing infrastructures have a long history, starting with pools of PCs and clusters three decades ago, briefly passing a stage of HPC Grids, and now converging to fully virtualised facilities. The Nordic Tier-1, prototype of which was launched back in 2003, is a small-scale model of a distributed infrastructure, and thus an interesting case for studying experience and future...
Mikhail Borodin
7/5/16, 9:30 AM
The second generation of the ATLAS production system called ProdSys2 is a distributed workload manager which used by thousands of physicists to analyze the data remotely, with the volume of processed data is beyond the exabyte scale, across a more than hundred heterogeneous sites. It achieves high utilization by combining dynamic job definition based on many criterias, such as input and...
Andrei Tsaregorodtsev
7/5/16, 10:30 AM
Plenary reports
DIRAC Project is developing software for building distributed computing systems for the
needs of research communities. It provides a complete solution covering both Workload
Management and Data Management tasks of accessing computing and storage resources.
The Data Management subsystem (DMS) of DIRAC includes all the necessary components to organize
distributed data of a given scientific...
Ilya Kurochkin
7/5/16, 11:10 AM
Results of activity of the Russian Chapter of International Desktop Grid Federation (IDGF) are considered. Including interaction with community of the russian volunteers (crunchers), start new and support of the existing projects of the volunteer distributed computing.
Luca Mascetti
7/5/16, 11:30 AM
Plenary reports
EOS is the high-performance CERN IT distributed storage for High-Energy Physics. Originally used for analysis, it now supports part of the data-taking and reconstruction workflows, notably for the LHC Run2.
EOS currently holds about 200PB of raw disks and takes advantage from its wide-area scheduling capability exploiting both CERN's computing facilities (Geneva-Meyrin and Budapest-Wigner)...
Антон Джораев
7/5/16, 12:00 PM
Andrei Ivashchenko
(St.Petersburg State University)
7/5/16, 1:30 PM
1. Technologies, architectures, models of distributed computing systems
Sectional reports
Abstract. This article discusses the aspect of visualization appliance by the usage of distributed computing systems. It describes possible practical scope for several visualization technologies on the basis of an example for the construction such an application exploiting modern technologies and ready-made solutions. An extra attention is paid to the selection of software packages and to the...
Dmitry Khmel
(Saint Petersburg State University)
7/5/16, 1:30 PM
8. High performance computing, CPU architectures, GPU, FPGA
Sectional reports
In the article the problem of optimization of GPGPU option pricing algorithms. The main goal to achieve maximum efficiency from the use of the hybrid system. The authors offered some transformation algorithm derived from Blake-Scholes model for pricing European and Asian option on the Monte Carlo method based on GPGPU architecture features. The basic idea is the constant optimization of work...
Ilia Chernov
7/5/16, 1:30 PM
7. Desktop grid technologies and volunteer computing
Sectional reports
In the report we will review and discuss challenges, approaches, and results of scheduling tasks in Desktop grids. Besides a review of published articles, we are going to present our approach, models, and results.
Ivan Kashunin
7/5/16, 1:30 PM
2. Operation, monitoring, optimization in distributed computing systems
Sectional reports
The development of the monitoring system of the Multifunctional Information and Computing Complex (MICC) of JINR is aimed at optimizing its work and at increasing the availability and reliability toward the absolute 100% level limit.
The monitoring is continuously improved such as to encompass all the existing hardware and primary software service modules. Monitoring allows detecting...
Victor Kotlyar
7/5/16, 1:45 PM
2. Operation, monitoring, optimization in distributed computing systems
Sectional reports
RU-Protvino-IHEP site is the one of three biggest WLCG Tier-2 centers in Russia. The computing infrastructure serves for "big four" high energy physics experiments such as Atlas, Alice, CMS, LHCb and local experiments at IHEP such as OKA, BEC, radio biology stands and others. In this presentation the current status of the computing capacities, networking and engineering infrastructure will be...
Mikhail Posypkin
Nikolay Khrapov
7/5/16, 1:45 PM
7. Desktop grid technologies and volunteer computing
Sectional reports
The report considered the effective implementation of the branch-and-bound method on the desktopgrid systems. The description of the BOINC system, its features, significant from the point of view of the implementation of this method. Description of experimental calculations and observed phenomena.
The report contains a description of the approaches to the calculation and analysis of their...
Andrey Kiryanov
7/5/16, 1:45 PM
1. Technologies, architectures, models of distributed computing systems
Plenary reports
Identity Federation (IdF, aka Federated Identity) is the means of interlinking people's electronic identities stored across multiple distinct identity management systems. This technology has gained momentum in the last several years and is becoming popular in academic organisations involved in international collaborations.
One example of such federation is eduGAIN, which interconnects...
Dmitry Khmel
(Saint Petersburg State University)
7/5/16, 1:45 PM
8. High performance computing, CPU architectures, GPU, FPGA
Sectional reports
Abstract. This article presents an analysis of the practical appliance of GPGPU technology. Modern graphics accelerators can be used in a fairly wide range of activity fields beginning with entertainment, multimedia systems and not even limited with scientific investigations. To engage the enormous potential concealed in the device, multiple special tools and programming languages programming,...
Anatoliy Saevskiy
(National University of Science and Technology MISiS)
7/5/16, 2:00 PM
7. Desktop grid technologies and volunteer computing
Sectional reports
This review summarizes and classifies all issues with which faced developers during maintaining and developing BOINC’s based projects. In conclusion have been claimed directions of BOINC’s development, which targets on meeting needs of BOINC’s users.
Evgeniya Milova
(St.Petersburg State University)
7/5/16, 2:00 PM
1. Technologies, architectures, models of distributed computing systems
Sectional reports
Abstract: This proposal considers about possible approaches for the creation of visualization system designed for scientific experiments. Possible hardware solutions represented with various combinations of numerous components, such as computing nodes based on graphics cards, visualization and virtualization servers, and peripheral devices are studied in details. Description of software...
Vasily Golubev
(Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology)
7/5/16, 2:00 PM
8. High performance computing, CPU architectures, GPU, FPGA
Sectional reports
One of the main method for search and exploration of oil and gas deposits and understanding the structure of the Earth’s crust is the seismic survey. The migration process allows us to estimate the position of geological boundaries under the day surface. A lot of different migration techniques were developed using the acoustic approximation. One of the obvious improvements is the transfer to...
Ivan Gankevich
(Saint Petersburg State University)
7/5/16, 2:00 PM
2. Operation, monitoring, optimization in distributed computing systems
Sectional reports
In this work by saying Virtual Accelerator we mean a set of services and tools enabling transparent execution of computational software for modeling beam dynamics in accelerators using distributed computing resources. The main use of the Virtual Accelerator is simulation of beam dynamics by different packages with the opportunity to match the and the possibility to create pipelines of tasks...
Vitaly Yermolchyk
7/5/16, 2:15 PM
1. Technologies, architectures, models of distributed computing systems
Sectional reports
Status of the BY-NCPHEP site presented. Upgrade and transition to rackmounted servers continued. Improvements in the usability of storage system usage is discussed.
Dmitry Belyakov
7/5/16, 2:15 PM
8. High performance computing, CPU architectures, GPU, FPGA
Sectional reports
The modern science has a class of problems related to theoretical
research, computer simulation and big data analysis.
The classical method of solution is based on usage of serial
(single threaded) algorithms having a long run time.
The modern method of solution offers high-performance parallel
(many threaded) algorithms.
They reduce the run time greatly but have specific requirements...
Oleg Samoylov
7/5/16, 2:15 PM
2. Operation, monitoring, optimization in distributed computing systems
Sectional reports
The ROC-Dubna, Remote Operation Center at Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (Dubna, Russia), supports the NOvA experiment located 14000 km away in Fermilab (Batavia, Illinois, USA) and Ash River (Minnesota, USA). The ROC allows Russian physicists to operate the NOvA detector and monitor the NuMI neutrino beam complex. ROC-Dubna for NOvA is the first fully operational ROC outside USA.
Natalia Nikitina
(Institute of Applied Mathematical Research, Karelian Research Center RAS)
7/5/16, 2:15 PM
7. Desktop grid technologies and volunteer computing
Sectional reports
In many applied scientific problems, diversity of the results set is no less important than their amount. An example of such problem is the virtual drug screening. According to the principles of drug development, the structural diversity is one of the key characteristics of the resulting molecules set. At the same time, virtual drug screening is a time- and resource-consuming computational...
Yury Tipikin
(Saint Petersburg University)
7/5/16, 2:30 PM
8. High performance computing, CPU architectures, GPU, FPGA
Sectional reports
The problem of reliability and stability of high performance computing
parallel jobs become more and more topical with the increasing number of
cluster nodes. Existing solutions rely mainly on inefficient process of RAM
dumping to stable storage. In case of really big supercomputers, such approach –
making checkpoints - may be completely unacceptable. In this study, I examined
the model...
Igor Pelevanyuk
7/5/16, 2:30 PM
2. Operation, monitoring, optimization in distributed computing systems
Sectional reports
In 2015, a Tier-1 center for processing data from the LHC CMS detector was launched at JINR. After a year of operation it became the third among CMS Tier-1 centers considering Completed Jobs. The large and growing infrastructure pledged QoS and complex architecture all make support and maintenance very challenging. It is vital to detect signs of service failures as early as possible and enough...
Elena Tikhonenko
7/5/16, 2:30 PM
1. Technologies, architectures, models of distributed computing systems
Sectional reports
The Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) detector is one of two general purpose experiments at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN. CMS is a high-performance detector for seeking out new physics. The detector was designed and built by a worldwide collaboration of about two thousand physicists from more than 30 countries. Russia and Dubna Member States (RDMS) CMS collaboration involves more than...
Nikolay Khrapov
7/5/16, 2:30 PM
7. Desktop grid technologies and volunteer computing
Sectional reports
The prediction of the crystal structure is an important area in the chemistry and physics. There are many software implementations for solving this problem. The report contains the overview of the main implementations. The specific theme of the report is to adapt the application GULP to the infrastructure.
The General Utility Lattice Program (GULP) is designed to perform a variety of tasks...
Dmitry Kulyabov
7/5/16, 2:45 PM
1. Technologies, architectures, models of distributed computing systems
Sectional reports
When we organize parallel computations on a cluster system, the computer system structure is not hidden from the user, and should be taken into account while writing parallel programs. GRID ideology introduces an additional level of abstraction and makes it possible to link together heterogeneous computing systems. In fact, the inability to control the operating environment makes developers to...
Илья Никольский
(МГУ им М.В. Ломоносова)
7/5/16, 2:45 PM
8. High performance computing, CPU architectures, GPU, FPGA
Sectional reports
Встраиваемые устройства (embedded devices) становятся все более
популярными. Их можно найти в моб. телефонах, планшетах,
автомобильной электронике, роботах и т.д. Количество
задач, решаемых на таких устройствах, постоянно растет,
что приводит к необходимости объединения их в кластеры.
Такой кластер, например, установлен на сингапурском спутнике
Исследование возможностей...
Vladislav Kashansky
(SUSU, Electronics Department)
7/5/16, 3:30 PM
7. Desktop grid technologies and volunteer computing
Sectional reports
GRID model became widely used last years, arranging lots of computational resources in different environments, revealing problems of Big Data and
horizontally scalable multiuser systems. In this paper there is an analysis of TRIE data structure and its application in contemporary GRID-related technologies, including routing (L3 OSI) and specialized key-value storages engine implementation (L7...
Ivan Hristov
(University of Sofia / JINR)
7/5/16, 3:30 PM
8. High performance computing, CPU architectures, GPU, FPGA
Sectional reports
The numerical solving of systems of 2D Sine-Gordon equations is important both for pure mathematical theory and for applications. A second-order finite difference scheme is proposed for solving particular systems of 2D perturbed Sine-Gordon equations coupled via a cyclic tridiagonal matrix. The systems are considered on rectangular domains. In some cases the computational domain size and the...
Eduard Vatutin
(Southwest State University)
7/5/16, 3:30 PM
7. Desktop grid technologies and volunteer computing
Sectional reports
One of important classes of combinatorial and discrete optimization problems [1] is formed by enumeration problems. During their decision one needs to determine a number of objects with specified properties. The simplest examples of such problems are well known problems about chess rooks, chess queens, etc. For some of them precise analytic decisions are known, while to solve others one needs...
7/5/16, 3:30 PM
2. Operation, monitoring, optimization in distributed computing systems
Sectional reports
Для обеспечения качества сервиса, требуемого для центра обработки и хранения данных уровня Тier1, на территории ЛИТ ОИЯИ был создан центр управления Многофункциональным информационно-вычислительным комплексом.
Основными задачами данного центра управления являются не только круглосуточное наблюдение за состоянием оборудования ЦОД, работоспособности сервисов, правильного функционирования...
Konstantin Gertsenberger
7/5/16, 3:45 PM
1. Technologies, architectures, models of distributed computing systems
Sectional reports
The simulated data processing before receiving first experimental data is an important issue in the high-energy physics experiments. This work presents Mock Data Challenge (MDC) for the MPD experiment at the NICA accelerator complex. It uses the ongoing simulation studies to exercise in a stress-testing distributed computing infrastructure and experiment software in the full production...
(Saint-Petersburg State University)
7/5/16, 3:45 PM
8. High performance computing, CPU architectures, GPU, FPGA
Sectional reports
An implementation of a combined evolutionary algorithm for searching of an extremum of functions with many parameters is proposed. The algorithm is designed to optimize parameters of the molecular-dynamics reactive force field potential ReaxFF. It can be efficient for a variety of extremum searching problems with arbitrary complex objective function. The algorithm itself is a hybrid of two...
Eduard Vatutin
(Southwest State University)
7/5/16, 3:45 PM
7. Desktop grid technologies and volunteer computing
Sectional reports
One of promising approaches to the logic control systems (LCS) design is their implementation within logic multicontrollers (LMC) basis which are presented as the collective of similar controllers connected by network with regular topology [1]. One of the problems corresponding to a class of discrete combinatorial optimization problems [2] that arise during LMC design is a problem of getting...
Yurii Butenko
7/5/16, 3:45 PM
8. High performance computing, CPU architectures, GPU, FPGA
Sectional reports
The heterogeneous cluster HybriLIT is designed for the development of parallel applications and for carrying out parallel computations asked by a wide range of tasks arising in the scientific and applied research conducted by JINR. The efficient work on the cluster needs the implementation of service of statistics provided to the users.
Even though tasks of monitoring of distributed...
Sergey Smirnov
(Institute for Information Transmission Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences)
7/5/16, 4:00 PM
2. Operation, monitoring, optimization in distributed computing systems
Sectional reports
In this study we examine the coarse-grained approach to parallelization of the branch-and-bound algorithm. Our approach is that we divide a mixed-integer programming problem on a set of subproblems by fixing some of the integer variables. Subproblems are solved by open-source solvers running in parallel on multiple hosts. When solver finds an incumbent it broadcasts it and other solvers can...
Alexander Minkin
(National Research Centre "Kurchatov Institute")
7/5/16, 4:00 PM
8. High performance computing, CPU architectures, GPU, FPGA
Sectional reports
Empirical many-body potentials were used to calculate the binding energies and diffusion barriers for various adatoms on the GaN (0001) surface. Potential energy surfaces were calculated for adatoms by letting them relax in c-direction on Ga terminated (0001) surface of GaN. The minimum energy positions for Ga and N adatoms on the Ga-terminated GaN (0001) surface were identified. This allowed...
Eduard Vatutin
(Southwest State University)
7/5/16, 4:00 PM
7. Desktop grid technologies and volunteer computing
Sectional reports
There is a well known extensive class of optimization problems where parameters are discrete variables. They include problems from graphs theory, scheduling, operations research and so on. One part of them named as hard solved problems and forming a NP complexity class can’t be solved precisely for reasonable computing time therefore in practice for their solving heuristic methods are used. At...
Дарья Пряхина
7/5/16, 4:00 PM
1. Technologies, architectures, models of distributed computing systems
Sectional reports
В ЛИТ ОИЯИ проводятся работы по созданию компьютерного off-line комплекса для моделирования, обработки, анализа и хранения данных комплекса NICA. В состав комплекса входят различные экспериментальные установки, в том числе BM@N для проведения экспериментов на Нуклотроне с выведенными пучками тяжелых ионов. В 2017 году планируется запуск эксперимента BM@N, в связи с чем необходимо создать...
Mikhail Naumenko
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
7/5/16, 4:15 PM
8. High performance computing, CPU architectures, GPU, FPGA
Sectional reports
The possibility of application of modern parallel computing solutions to speed up the calculations of ground states of few-body nuclei by Feynman's continual integrals method has been investigated. These calculations may require large computational time, particularly in the case of systems with many degrees of freedom. The results of application of general-purpose computing on graphics...
Vagram Airiian
(LIT JINR / Dubna State University)
7/5/16, 4:15 PM
1. Technologies, architectures, models of distributed computing systems
Sectional reports
The project is aimed at modelling LIT Cloud infrastructure at JINR and solving a problem of effective resource utilization and performance evaluation of allocation and migration algorithms considering virtual machines deployment at the facilities. The main intention is to distribute processes over involved resources with the highest density possible. In order to fulfil the requirements...
Sergey Smirnov
(Institute for Information Transmission Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences)
7/5/16, 4:15 PM
2. Operation, monitoring, optimization in distributed computing systems
Sectional reports
Occasionally one needs to teach a solver to solve similar problems quickly. It can be achieved by tuning parameters of the solver algorithm. This process can also be automatized. We present a tool that tunes configuration parameters of an algorithm. Parameters are tuned to minimize the solving time for a set of problems. SCIP is a mixed-integer programming solver developed at Zuse Institute...
Oleg Zaikin
(Institute for System Dynamics and Control Theory of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences)
7/5/16, 4:15 PM
7. Desktop grid technologies and volunteer computing
Sectional reports
Usually if the cryptanalysis is considered as a SAT problem then it is called a SAT-based cryptanalysis. In this case to find a secret key it is sufficient to find a solution of corresponding satisfiable SAT instance. Here we consider the SAT-based cryptanalysis of the Bivium keystream generator. This generator uses two shift registers of a special kind. The first register contains 93 cells...
Alexander Novikov
(National Research Centre "Kurchatov Institute")
7/5/16, 4:30 PM
2. Operation, monitoring, optimization in distributed computing systems
Sectional reports
Modern biology uses complex algorithms and sophisticated software toolkits for genome sequencing studies, computations for which are impossible without access to powerful or significant computing resources. Recent advances of Next Generation Genome Sequencing (NGS) technology led to increasing volumes of sequencing data that need to be processed, analyzed and made available for...
(A. A. Kharkevich Institute for Information Transmission Problems, RAS)
7/5/16, 4:30 PM
3. Middleware and services for production-quality infrastructures
Sectional reports
One of the approaches to organization of communication system monitoring is approx-imation of corresponding graph by Eurelian graph, that excludes repeated vertex advancing.
The work provides classification of the input graph vertexes in regard to edges between subsets with even and odd degrees. The study also considers various approximating graph construction methods, first of all those,...
Victoria Tokareva
7/5/16, 4:30 PM
8. High performance computing, CPU architectures, GPU, FPGA
Sectional reports
Partial wave analysis is a fundamental technique for extracting hadron spectra and hadron decay properties. It is employed in some current experiments like BES-III, LHCb, COMPASS, and future ones like PANDA.
The analysis is typically performed using the event-by-event maximum likelihood method. For the BES-III experiment, fitting the accumulated data (about 1.225 billion J/psi decays) using...
Alexey Zhuravlev
(Internet portal
7/5/16, 4:30 PM
7. Desktop grid technologies and volunteer computing
Sectional reports
In every volunteer computing project some deadline is used. It is the time limit for execution of a computational tasks on a user computer. If a task wasn’t processed in deadline, then project server sends this task to another user’s host.
The value of deadline has a great influence to effectiveness of a volunteer computing project. If this value is low, then a lot of hosts will not keep...
(Brocade Communications)
7/5/16, 4:45 PM
Nugzar Makhaldiani
7/5/16, 4:45 PM
1. Technologies, architectures, models of distributed computing systems
Sectional reports
GRIG is considered as a discrete dynamical system. Quanputers are discrete dynamical systems extended by corresponding linear systems up to the hamiltonian systems. The theory, construction and programming of quanputers considered [1].
of Enlarged Session of the Seminar of I. Vekua Institute of Applied...
Tatiana Sapozhnikova
7/5/16, 4:45 PM
8. High performance computing, CPU architectures, GPU, FPGA
Sectional reports
JINRLIB ( - библиотека программ, предназначенных для решения широкого круга математических и физических задач. Программы объединяются в библиотеки объектных модулей или существуют в виде самостоятельных пакетов прикладных программ. В настоящий момент насчитывается более 60 программных пакетов.
В последнее время происходит бурное развитие технологий...
Vladimir Bezrodny
(Volga State University of Technology)
7/5/16, 4:45 PM
7. Desktop grid technologies and volunteer computing
Sectional reports
В статье рассматривается архитектура и особенности реализации распределенной вычислительной сети MarGrid для решения задач, обладающих высокой вычислительной сложностью. MarGrid представляет собой клиент-серверную распределенную вычислительную сеть (РВС), построенная на базе трехуровневой архитектуры (клиентская часть приложения - сервер приложения - сервер базы данных). Для обмена сообщениями...
Victoria Tokareva
7/5/16, 5:00 PM
8. High performance computing, CPU architectures, GPU, FPGA
Sectional reports
Significant improvement of detector resolution and, consequently, rapid growth of acquired data amounts, typical for evolving modern tomographic systems, demands development of more efficient image reconstruction software. A Medipix semiconductor detector with 55 μm spatial resolution and a cone-beam scanning scheme are used for taking projections in a microCT scanner MARS, being run at the...
Ilya Kurochkin
7/5/16, 5:00 PM
7. Desktop grid technologies and volunteer computing
Sectional reports
Предложен новый измерительный инструмент для оценки качества проектов добровольных распределенных вычислений - ЯК-рейтинг. Разработана анкета для сбора информации от сообщества добровольцев распределенных вычислений. Представлены первичные результаты опроса и составлен предварительный рейтинг проектов.
Виктор Тищенко
(Институт системного анализа ФИЦ "Информатика и управление" РАН)
7/5/16, 5:15 PM
7. Desktop grid technologies and volunteer computing
Sectional reports
В исследовании показано, что виртуальное сообщество российских участников добровольных распределённых вычислений (volunteer computing, VC) на платформе BOINC может быть рассмотрено в форме сети. В качестве узлов сети рассмотрены 2 типа объектов: участники сообщества (аккаунты пользователей, зарегистрированных на сайте и исследовательские проекты, в которых пользователи принимают...
Nikolay Khokhlov
7/5/16, 5:15 PM
8. High performance computing, CPU architectures, GPU, FPGA
Sectional reports
В работе предложен алгоритм декомпозиции многоблочных структурных сеток для расчета на многопроцессорных вычислительных системах с распределенной памятью с применением технологии MPI. Его особенностью является сохранение структурного разбиения в рамках каждого блока. Проведена аналитическая оценка эффективности предложенного алгоритма. В качестве примера рассматривается задача прохождения...
Alexandr Mikula
(Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences)
7/7/16, 8:00 AM
Typical WLCG Tier-2 centres use several hundreds of servers with different
services. Manual checks of all log files is impossible and various smart
solutions for monitoring and log file analysis are used. We describe used
procedures in the Computing Centre of the Institute of Physics in Prague,
which hosts Tier-2 centre for ALICE and ATLAS experiments and provides
for several...
Andrey Zarochentsev
7/7/16, 8:20 AM
Plenary reports
Russian sites in processing and storage of ALICE experimental data in the LHC run-2.
The report presents new approaches to the processing and storage of ALICE experimental data during the LHC run-2. Participation and work of Russian sites is discussed. The trends of development of the Russian resource base are presented both for the update of the currently operating sites as for the...
Vladimir Voloshinov
(Institute for Information Transmission Problems RAS)
7/7/16, 8:40 AM
2. Operation, monitoring, optimization in distributed computing systems
Plenary reports
Optimization models are widely applied in the most different research areas (natural sciences, technology, economy, sociology etc.). But, heterogeneity of available optimization software and computing infrastructure complicates widespread practical usage of this approach. Especially, it is so for small and venture research teams at the beginning phase of work during optimization model fitting...
Oleg Sukhoroslov
7/7/16, 9:00 AM
The report discusses common problems associated with the automation of scientific computations, as well as promising approaches to solving these problems based on cloud computing models. The considered problems include running computations on HPC resources, integration of multiple computing resources, sharing of computing applications, combined use of mutliple applications and running...
Grigorieva Maria
7/7/16, 9:20 AM
The most common characteristics of large-scale modern scientific experiments are long lifetime, complex experimental infrastructure, sophisticated data analysis and processing tools, peta- and exascale data volume. All stages of an experiment life cycle are accompanied with the auxiliary metadata, required for monitoring, control and scientific results replicability and reproducibility. The...
Tatiana Korchuganova
(National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University)
7/7/16, 9:40 AM
2. Operation, monitoring, optimization in distributed computing systems
Sectional reports
BigPanDA is the latest generation of the monitoring system for the Production and Distributed Analysis (PanDA) system. The BigPanDA monitor is a core component of PanDA and also serves the monitoring needs of the new ATLAS Production System Prodsys-2. BigPanDA has been developed to serve the growing computation needs of the ATLAS Experiment and the wider applications of PanDA beyond ATLAS....
Danila Oleynik
7/7/16, 10:30 AM
Plenary reports
The Large Hadron Collider (LHC), operating at the international CERN Laboratory in Geneva, Switzerland, is leading Big Data driven scientific explorations. Experiments at the LHC explore the fundamental nature of matter and the basic forces that shape our universe, and were recently credited for the discovery of a Higgs boson. ATLAS, one of the largest collaborations ever assembled in the...
Attila Bende
(National Institute for R&D of Isotopic and Molecular Technologies)
7/7/16, 11:00 AM
Gheorghe Adam
7/7/16, 11:30 AM
Plenary reports
The overwhelming part of the scientific investigations carried out in the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR) asks for the solution of a broad spectrum of computing intensive tasks of ever increasing complexity. To cope with such tasks, the Laboratory of Information Technologies (LIT) of the JINR has developed a significant dedicated information-computing infrastructure the evolution...
Nikolai Yuzhanin
(Saint Petersburg State University)
7/7/16, 1:30 PM
3. Middleware and services for production-quality infrastructures
Sectional reports
Abstract. The article highlights the set of problems associated with automation of computing and informational support of scientific research, and offers a possible integrated solution based on the service desk system. The attention is focused on the common organizational and technical activities related to the lifecycle of scientific research, such as registration, accounting and technical...
Daria Chernyuk
7/7/16, 1:30 PM
10. Databases, Distributed Storage systems, Big data Analytics
Sectional reports
In this paper we present machine learning based technique to
estimate access patterns for grid datasets. We have analyzed 3-year
historical data of Kurchatov Institute Tier1 site and applied gradient
boosting algorithm to predict nearest future access patterns for the
dataset based on its previous access statistics. We show our method to
be effective for ATLAS data popularity...
Elena Yasinovskaya
(Plekhanov Russian University of Economics)
7/7/16, 1:30 PM
9. Consolidation and integration of distributed resources
Sectional reports
Semantic assets are fundamental for data collection, search and analysis together with data visualization based on semantic properties as well as for semantic interoperability of distributed information systems in general. While the technical and organizational interoperability levels are well developed, the semantic interoperability, which is quite essential for heterogeneous environment of...
Alexey Tarasov
7/7/16, 1:30 PM
4. Scientific, industry and business applications in distributed computing systems
Sectional reports
Solving optimization problems for commerical companies bring specific requirements. High price of commerical solvers, different type of licenses, time and CPU consumption of different algorithms, business requirements for algorithms. All these raise specific requirements for constructing distributed optimisation system.
Business in Russia right now demand for: easy to deploy and test,...
Alexander Degtyarev
(Professor), Prof.
Yulia Shichkina
(St.Petersburg State Electrotechnical University)
7/7/16, 1:45 PM
10. Databases, Distributed Storage systems, Big data Analytics
Sectional reports
All known approaches to parallel data processing in relational client-server database management systems are based only on inter-query parallelism. Nevertheless, it’s possible to achieve intra-query parallelism by consideration of a request structure and implementation of mathematical methods of parallel calculations for its equivalent transformation. This article presents an example of...
Anna Fatkina
(Saint-Petersburg State University)
7/7/16, 1:45 PM
4. Scientific, industry and business applications in distributed computing systems
Sectional reports
The article analyses the prospects of optimizing the architecture and the execution logic of selected scripts available in MPD Root project. We considered the option of porting the scripts to allow execution on massive parallel architectures. We collected and structured large data illustrating the project’s work:
• the project’s dependency tables were drawn up with regard to the support of...
Vladimir Dimitrov
(University of Sofia)
7/7/16, 1:45 PM
3. Middleware and services for production-quality infrastructures
Sectional reports
Software bugs are primary security issues. Semantic templates and Software fault patterns are overviewed as tools for software bugs specification tools. Further research on the topic is discussed. Software weaknesses are described in formatted text. There is no widely accepted formal notation for that purpose. This paper shows how Z-notation can be used for formal specification of CWE-119.
Andrey Kondratyev
7/7/16, 1:45 PM
9. Consolidation and integration of distributed resources
Sectional reports
Вычислительная среда эксперимента ALICE на Большом Адронном Коллайдере позволяет обрабатывать различные задачи, используя ГРИД сайты, расположенные по всему миру. Тем не менее, следующий запуск БАК подразумевает использование больших ресурсов, чем может предоставить ГРИД. Вследствие чего ALICE ищет способы наращивания ресурсов, в частности суперкомпьютеров.
Artem Petrosyan
7/7/16, 2:00 PM
9. Consolidation and integration of distributed resources
Sectional reports
The development of PanDA (Production and Distributed Analysis System) is a workload management system for ATLAS started in 2005. Since that time the system has grown up and in 2013 the BigPanDA project started, aiming to extend the scope of the system to non-LHC experiments. One of the experiments to which production management PanDa is being applied, is COMPASS at CERN. The workflow of the...
Nikolay Voytishin
7/7/16, 2:00 PM
10. Databases, Distributed Storage systems, Big data Analytics
Sectional reports
Many tens of petabytes of data from the CMS experiment at over a couple hundred sites around the world need to be managed. This represents more than an order of magnitude increase in data volume over HEP experiments in a pre-LHC era. The Physics Experiment Data Export (PhEDEx) project was chosen to fulfill this need. It deals with different storage systems, interacts with the CMS catalogues,...
Daniel Drizhuk
(NRC Kurchatov Institute)
7/7/16, 2:00 PM
3. Middleware and services for production-quality infrastructures
Sectional reports
The Production and Distributed Analysis (PanDA) system has been developed to meet ATLAS production and analysis requirements for a data-driven workload management system capable of operating at the LHC data processing scale.
The PanDA pilot is one of the major components in the PanDA system. It runs on a worker node and takes care of setting up the environment, fetching and pushing data to...
Алексей Чухров
(Университет Дубна), Mr
Анатолий Минзов
(Национальный исследовательский университет "МЭИ")
7/7/16, 2:00 PM
4. Scientific, industry and business applications in distributed computing systems
Sectional reports
In many countries, the damage from theft of electricity annually is estimated at billions of dollars. Despite the fact that modern electricity metering devices have advanced protection against tampering, their implementation in United States and European Union has shown that these devices do not solve the problem of electricity thefts. There is still no standard of secure transmission and data...
Vladimir Gaiduchok
(Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University "LETI", Russia)
7/7/16, 2:15 PM
3. Middleware and services for production-quality infrastructures
Sectional reports
Managing a computational cluster is a complex task which
involves many aspects from generic hardware settings to
improving the performances of a particular software application.
But the complexity of this task is sometime underestimated:
organizations just rely on a conventional approaches and systems.
As a result cluster utilization could be inefficient.
Mistakes (in terms of...
Thurein Kyaw
7/7/16, 2:15 PM
5. Distributed computing in education
Sectional reports
Abstract. The purpose of this paper is to examine distributed databases and some problems of Grid dealing with the data replication from different points of view. This paper is referred to find out the most efficient commonalities between Data Grid and that managed data stored in object-oriented databases. We discuss about features of Distributed Database System (DDBS) such as, design,...
Valery Grishkin
7/7/16, 2:15 PM
4. Scientific, industry and business applications in distributed computing systems
Sectional reports
The paper proposes a distributed system for detecting the types of biological contaminants existing on the objects surfaces. The system realizes biofouling detection method based on image processing technique. The system processes a series of object images obtained in the visible and near infrared spectral ranges. One image in the series is marked as the base image. All images of the series...
Oleg Sukhoroslov
7/7/16, 2:15 PM
9. Consolidation and integration of distributed resources
Sectional reports
The report discusses integration of Everest platform with European Grid Infrastructure (EGI). Everest is a cloud platform supporting publication, execution and composition of computing applications in a distributed environment. The platform allows users to attach different types of external computing resources and use these resources in order to run applications published on Everest. The...
Design of nanomechanical sensors based on graphene nanoribbons in a distributed computing system
Camelia Mihaela Visan
(Horia Hulubei National Institute for R&D in Physics and Nuclear Engineering (IFIN-HH))
7/7/16, 2:30 PM
4. Scientific, industry and business applications in distributed computing systems
Sectional reports
Software tools for ab initio modeling of nanoscale resonators were implemented within the GRIDIFIN infrastructure, improving the yield of the computational workload. The distributed computing system was used for the investigation of elongated edge-passivated graphene nanoribbons with one open end and one fixed end, by means of density functional calculations. Their oscillatory behavior was...
Dmitry Gushchanskiy
7/7/16, 2:30 PM
5. Distributed computing in education
Sectional reports
Use of ontologies in test generation systems for education provides many benefits. It allows handling different subject areas in the same way, reducing them to the structure, where complex interconnections could be used for generation of diverse questions for the end user. It is obvious that the growth of the test ontology causes the growth of its processing costs. However, the whole ontology...
Svetlana Sveshnikova
(Saint Petersburg State University)
7/7/16, 2:30 PM
4. Scientific, industry and business applications in distributed computing systems
Sectional reports
Many applied research of geography and oceanology require big data processing. One of these problems it is tsunami waves modeling. This task involves dynamic re-interpolation of bathymetry data on multiple grids of different scales. It is determined by the distance from the coastline and existence of islands along the front of wave. In this work re-interpolation is implemented by applying...
Vladimir Gaiduchok
(Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University "LETI", Russia)
7/7/16, 2:30 PM
3. Middleware and services for production-quality infrastructures
Sectional reports
Computational centers provide users with HPC resources.
This usually includes not only hardware (e.g. powerful computational
clusters) and system software (e.g. Linux and some PBS implementation),
but also application software too.
In case of university computational center system administrators
install some scientific applications, provide users with access to it
and manage that...
Vladimir Gaiduchok
(Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University "LETI", Russia)
7/7/16, 2:45 PM
3. Middleware and services for production-quality infrastructures
Sectional reports
Networking is known to be a "bottleneck" in scientific computations
on HPC clusters. It could become a problem that limits the scalability
of systems with a cluster architecture. And that problem is a worldwide one since clusters are used almost everywhere.
Expensive clusters usually have some custom networks.
Such systems imply expensive and powerful hardware, custom protocols,...
Alexey Nazarenko
7/7/16, 2:45 PM
4. Scientific, industry and business applications in distributed computing systems
Sectional reports
Для многих вычислительных задач, особенно исследовательских, не существует интегрированных программных решений и приходится применять целый ряд разнородных инструментов, связав их в единую вычислительную схему - так называемое композитное приложение (КП). Композитные приложения могут составляться из сотен и даже тысяч отдельных задач, многие из которых могут быть выполнены параллельно с...
Evgeny Alexandrov
7/7/16, 2:45 PM
10. Databases, Distributed Storage systems, Big data Analytics
Sectional reports
Представлены результаты по разработке комплекса баз данных для эксперимента CBM. На основе анализа и изучения опыта использования баз данных в физике высоких энергий предложен набор и основные структурные характеристики требуемых баз данных. Комплекс включает следующие базы данных: Configuration DB, Condition DB, Geometry DB, TagEvent DB и Component DB. Приводится описание реализованной на...
Zolzaya Kherlenchimeg
(National University of Mongolia)
7/7/16, 3:30 PM
5. Distributed computing in education
Sectional reports
Over the past decade, the grid computing system has been an active research field. One of the important issues in grid computing systems is to increase the efficiency of resource utilization and reduction of completion time for grid computing. In other words to improve the resource utilization of heterogeneous cluster, scheduler must avoid unnecessary data transmission.
The aim of this paper...
Alexander Yakovlev
7/7/16, 3:30 PM
10. Databases, Distributed Storage systems, Big data Analytics
Sectional reports
В статье приведены результаты анализа существующих систем электронного документооборота и особенности организации документооборота в ОИЯИ. На основе этого анализа были предложены модель и технологические решения, использованные в ходе проектирования, разработки и поэтапного внедрения системы электронного документооборота "СЭД Дубна" в ОИЯИ, а также её интеграции с другими корпоративными...
Alexander Prokhorov
7/7/16, 3:30 PM
4. Scientific, industry and business applications in distributed computing systems
Sectional reports
Вычислительное моделирование играет огромную роль в разработке современных инженерных изделий. Однако для проведения полноценного анализа изделия как правило недостаточно единичного расчета модели - необходимо решение более высокоуровневых задач, таких как анализ чувствительности и оптимизация. Поэтому решение конечной задачи обычно требует совместного использования ряда вычислительных...
Mikhail Mineev
7/7/16, 3:45 PM
2. Operation, monitoring, optimization in distributed computing systems
Sectional reports
Настраиваемые среды визуализации данных, такие как Grafana и Splunk, решают большой спектр задач возникающих при разработке Web-приложений визуализации данных, таких как, например, построение панелей приборов мониторинга. Такие задачи обычно решались путем написания большого количества ПО с применением графики. Настраиваемые системы обеспечивают доступ к разным типам источников данных, имеют...
Elena Kirpicheva
(Dubna International University of Nature, Society, and Man. Institute of system analysis and management), Mrs
Evgenia Cheremisina
(Dubna State University), Mr
Mikhail Belov
(Dubna State Univeristy),
Mikhail Lishilin
(Dubna State University), Mrs
Nadezhda Tokareva
(Dubna State Univeristy), Mr
Pavel Lupanov
(Dubna State University)
7/7/16, 3:45 PM
Sectional reports
When training highly skilled IT professionals, it is an important challenge for the university to teach professional competencies to graduates that they will be able to use to successfully solve a broad range of substantive problems that arise at all stages of the lifecycle of corporate information systems. Such information systems in practice, as a rule, are used for enterprise management,...
Sergey Popov
(IPSI RAS - Branch of the FSRC "Cristallography and Photonics" RAS)
7/7/16, 3:45 PM
10. Databases, Distributed Storage systems, Big data Analytics
Sectional reports
В настоящее время использование облачной инфраструктуры для размещения данных и их обработки становится важным технологическим трендом.
При размещении, хранении и обработке данных дистанционного зондирования Земли (ДЗЗ), в частности, гиперспектральных изображений, изображений большого размера, наборов связанных фрагментов изображений, в распределённой информационной среде следует учитывать,...
Victor Kotlyar
7/7/16, 4:00 PM
3. Middleware and services for production-quality infrastructures
Sectional reports
Computer center at IHEP is a complex system of many technologies gathered together. Among them distributed computing, high throughput networking, high reliable uninterpretable power systems, precision cooling systems. Monitoring and control such complex is a very difficult task. Even more difficult is to create self-optimization, self-healing and self-defense systems on top of the monitoring....
Bolormaa Dalanbayar
(SEAS-NUM, Ulaanbaatar Mongolia)
7/7/16, 4:00 PM
5. Distributed computing in education
Plenary reports
Powerful supercomputers are required to make such scientific calculations and Mongolia is lacking in the calculation based computational science field, so we rely on outsourcing our massive weather, image processing of geographical, economical, chemical and physical calculations to other countries which is quite costly. Thus, with the help of this research work, we are striving to become a...
Tatiana Zaikina
7/7/16, 4:00 PM
4. Scientific, industry and business applications in distributed computing systems
Sectional reports
The JINR Document Server (JDS –, has been launched and developed in the framework of Open Access Initiative. Open Access (OA) in science is a way to collect and preserve the intellectual output of scientific organization and disseminate it all over the world. JDS possesses a digital library functionality which is provided by the software Invenio. It covers all the aspects of the...
(Тверской государственный технический универсистет)
7/7/16, 4:00 PM
Victor Kotlyar
7/7/16, 4:15 PM
3. Middleware and services for production-quality infrastructures
Sectional reports
To build a computer cluster for the Grid and distributed computing is a highly complex task. Such cluster has to seamlessly combine grid middleware and different types of the other software in one system with shared cpu, storage, network and engineering infrastructure. To be able to run effectively and be flexible for the still unknown future usage patterns many software systems must be...
Andrey Reshetnikov
(University "Dubna")
7/7/16, 4:15 PM
4. Scientific, industry and business applications in distributed computing systems
Sectional reports
Разработка, развитие и реализация эффективных высоких наукоемких информационных технологий (ИТ) (создаваемых в различных областях науки и техники) неразрывно связаны с необходимостью разработки и повышения уровня интеллектуальности используемых процессов и систем управления, объективно учитывающие в законах управления контекстуально-зависимые физические эффекты, ограничения и информационные...
Ирина Емельянова
(Тверской государственный технический универсистет)
7/7/16, 4:15 PM
Irina Filozova
7/7/16, 4:15 PM
1. Technologies, architectures, models of distributed computing systems
Sectional reports
В мире наблюдается постоянный и устойчивый рост количества научных рецензируемых журналов и публикуемых в них статей. [1,2]. По оценкам некоторых авторов в мире издается порядка 1 млн. статей в год, что соответствует ежедневному выпуску порядка 2700 публикаций [2]. Хотя значительная часть такого рода ресурсов находится в электронных фондах (ЭФ), тщательно изучать такие информационные массивы...
Vera Inkina
7/7/16, 4:30 PM
4. Scientific, industry and business applications in distributed computing systems
Sectional reports
The research is devoted to the experimental use of the software in order to obtain an assisted translation for research and technology texts. The current relevance of computer-assisted translation programs such as SDL Trados is due to the fact that this system allows improving and speeding up the translation process. As well as other CATs, it assists in simplifying the traditional process of...
Archil Prangishvili
(Georgian Technical University (GTU)), Mr
Bekar Oikashvili
(Georgian Technical University (GTU)), Mr
Zurab Modebadze
(Georgian Technical University (GTU))
7/7/16, 4:30 PM
Last several decades supercomputer industry is developing very quickly. New approaches and more and more new technologies are involved to make supercomputers faster and more effective. Today many countries, companies, universities or other research facilities are using supercomputers to solve complex problems.
Georgia is making first steps in this direction. We are working on building...
Security infrastructure for distributed computing systems on the basis of blockchain technology
Alexander Kryukov
7/7/16, 4:30 PM
3. Middleware and services for production-quality infrastructures
Sectional reports
To ensure secure access to resources of distributed computing systems (DCS) [1] with the account of rights of a given user and the service/resource policy, a security infrastructure is needed, which should be enough reliable and on the other hand not create significant difficulties for users. In the work [2], a method of user authentication, which is based on a login/password pair together...
Andrey Lebedev
(GSI, Darmstadt)
7/7/16, 4:45 PM
4. Scientific, industry and business applications in distributed computing systems
Sectional reports
The Dynamic Deployment System (DDS) is a tool-set that automates and significantly simplifies a deployment of user-defined processes and their dependencies on any resource management system (RMS) using a given topology.
A number of basic concepts are taken into account in DDS. Namely, DDS implements a single responsibility principle command line tool-set and APIs. The system treats users’...
Attila Bende
(National Institute for R&D of Isotopic and Molecular Technologies)
7/7/16, 4:45 PM
4. Scientific, industry and business applications in distributed computing systems
Sectional reports
Different self-assembled molecular clusters grown around H+ and Na+ ion kernels have been investigated using density functional theory method considering advanced exchange-correlation DFT functionals. Supramolecular structures of high-order molecular associations observed in different mass spectra and their formation dynamics were explained with the help of HPC technique. The presence of new...
Dmitry Kshnyakov
7/7/16, 4:45 PM
4. Scientific, industry and business applications in distributed computing systems
Sectional reports
The growth of information (especially scientific and technical) traffic in the Internet is a key mark of the 21st century. The problem of qualitative filtering and topical and relevant data selection, that is necessary in correct decisionmaking by organizations’ management. Different analytical documents, such as topic-based news digests and executive summaries are the basis for process of...
Nadezhda Fialko
(Institute of Mathematical Problems of Biology RAS – the Branch of Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics of Russian Academy of Sciences)
7/7/16, 5:00 PM
4. Scientific, industry and business applications in distributed computing systems
Sectional reports
The process of charge transfer in biopolymers is modeled by specific ODE system. To estimate the thermodynamic properties of the model, we use direct simulation - calculation of the set of trajectories and averaging over ensemble. Such calculations require a lot of computer time. We compared the three program realization, using MPI, openMP, and GPU technology.
At present, attention of...
Kristina Ionkina
7/7/16, 5:00 PM
4. Scientific, industry and business applications in distributed computing systems
Sectional reports
Due to development of international cooperation in the scientific field a large number of mega projects appears, as well as international research organizations and facilities in which a lot of studies carried out. As a result, they generate unstructured data that is an object of interest for wide range of scientists and specialists around the world. Apart from the need to filter that large...
Sergey Poluyan
(Dubna International University for Nature, Society and Man)
7/7/16, 5:15 PM
4. Scientific, industry and business applications in distributed computing systems
Sectional reports
This work presents an approach to the construction of distributed stochastic evolutionary optimization algorithms for peptide secondary structure prediction. The prediction can be formulated as optimal peptide structure search in continuous space of torsion angles. The optimal peptide structure corresponds to the global minimum of free energy. Two main regular peptide secondary structures are...
Valeriya Danilova
7/7/16, 5:30 PM
4. Scientific, industry and business applications in distributed computing systems
Sectional reports
Development of a competitive equipment with advanced technical characteristics requires a high level of scientific and technological progress, as well as an effective system of controlling the design and operation of advanced machinery during the entire period of its life cycle. To create such a system it is necessary to develop a unified approach to the identification of the development level...
Alexey Poyda
7/7/16, 5:45 PM
9. Consolidation and integration of distributed resources
Sectional reports
National Research Center “Kurchatov Institute” Data Processing Center provides its user community with state-of-art large scale heterogeneous computing resources, such as supercomputers, cloud and grid computing. The requirement to integrate computing facilities as a single computing entity for the end-user has motivated us to develop and to implement the data processing portal.
Igor Semenov
(ITER Russian Domestic Agency)
7/8/16, 8:30 AM
4. Scientific, industry and business applications in distributed computing systems
Plenary reports
ITER data acquisition and control system consists of CODAC (Control, Data Access and Communication), Plasma control system (PCS), Central Safety System (CSS) and Central Interlock System (CIS). All of them have two tiers of control: global – central supervisor orchestrating the whole plant, and local – subsystem control. Core System (CCS) is the main conventional SCADA system of the ITER...
andrey shevel
7/8/16, 9:00 AM
The volume of the coming data in HEP is growing. Also growing volume of the data to be hold long time. Actually large volume of data – big data – is distributed around the planet. In other words now there is situation where the data storage does integrate storage resources from many data centers located far from each other. That means the methods, approaches how to organize, manage the...
Victor Lakhno
(Institute of Mathematical Problems of Biology RAS – the Branch of Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics of Russian Academy of Sciences and Acting Head of the Laboratory of Quantum-Mechanical Systems of the IMPB RAS)
7/8/16, 9:20 AM
4. Scientific, industry and business applications in distributed computing systems
Plenary reports
The lecture gives a review of numerical experiments on a charge transfer in DNA. The charge motion is described in terms of quantum mechanics, whereas vibrational degreese of fredom are treated both classically and quantum mechanically. Special attention is given to dynamics of polaron state formation, polaron motion in electric field, Bloch oscillations and breather states.
The dynamics of...
Yury Ivanov
(UTFSM, Valparaiso, Chile)
7/8/16, 9:40 AM
Starting end of 2006 UTFSM Data Center provides its computational resources for users from UTFSM and other Chilean universities. Since 2009 cluster facilities are also available in the frame of Grid Computing. The range of problems being solved at the cluster is huge: from fundamental and applied problems in different branches of Physics, Chemistry, Astronomy, Computer Science, etc. to the...
Sergey Polyakov
(Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics)
7/8/16, 10:00 AM
Sectional reports
Reduction of the basic electronic components sizes and their packing density has led to an aggravation of electronic schemes reliability problem. It is connected with the fact that the characteristic sizes of schemes active elements and thicknesses of the lines (interconnections) bringing a current to them became comparable with the defects sizes (for example, the intergranular spaces and...
Nikolay Kutovskiy
7/8/16, 12:30 PM
A number of the JINR cloud users as well as a demand in cloud resources from both individual users and experiments are growing permanently. Thus, the JINR cloud was re-organized to increase a reliability and availability of service. To cover the resources deficit, work is in progress in three directions: 1) the resources usage optimization with the help of a smart scheduler which consolidates...
Peter Bogatencov
(RENAM, Moldova)
7/8/16, 12:30 PM
1. Technologies, architectures, models of distributed computing systems
Plenary reports
The recent developments are using results of previous projects like the regional project “Experimental Deployment of an Integrated Grid and Cloud Enabled Environment in BSEC Countries on the Base of g-Eclipse (BSEC gEclipseGrid)” supported by Black Sea Economical Cooperation Programme ( In this project we selected middleware for implementation of computing...
(A.A. Kharkevich Institute for Information Transmission Problem, RAS)
7/8/16, 12:30 PM
4. Scientific, industry and business applications in distributed computing systems
Sectional reports
The brachistochrone problem was posed by Johann Bernoulli in Acta Eruditorum in June 1696. He introduced the problem as follows [1].
Given two points A and B in a vertical plane. What is the curve traced out by a point acted on only by gravity, which starts at A and reaches B in the shortest time.
The modern method to solve this problem is the method of calculus of variations...
Aleksey Bondyakov
(JINR (Joint Institute For Nuclear Research))
7/8/16, 12:45 PM
10. Databases, Distributed Storage systems, Big data Analytics
Plenary reports
Грид и облачные технологии являются основными направлениями развития дата-центра Института физики НАН Азербайджана. Пользователи дата-центра, используя возможности, которые предлагают эти технологии, успешно решают задачи в области физики высоких энергий, физики твердого тела и других научных направлений института. Инфраструктура дата-центра представлена высокопроизводительными серверами...
Denis Kokorev
(Institute for information transmission problems RAoS)
7/8/16, 12:45 PM
4. Scientific, industry and business applications in distributed computing systems
Sectional reports
В докладе рассматривается задача нахождения многогранников заданной формы внутри других многогранников. Данная задача является частным случаем третьей части 18-ой проблемы Гильберта. Доклад посвящен методам, которые используются для решения данной задачи в промышленных целях. Рассматриваются альтернативные методы, основанные на сведении данной задачи к задаче нелинейного оптимизации, их плюсы...
Dmitry Puzyrkov
(Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics)
7/8/16, 1:00 PM
4. Scientific, industry and business applications in distributed computing systems
Sectional reports
Nowadays, the tasks related to development of nanotechnologies are of a great interest. The solution of such tasks requires the application of high-performance computing systems. Those computer systems are very expensive in installation and service therefore it is important to reduce the amount of their idle time. Due to this fact, the task of redistribution of calculations and restarting the...
Mikhail Zhabitsky
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
7/8/16, 1:00 PM
4. Scientific, industry and business applications in distributed computing systems
Sectional reports
Нахождение глобального минимума суммы квадратов нелинейных функций — стандартная задача, возникающая при подгонке параметров математической модели по экспериментальным измерениям. В случае суммы линейных функций решение обычно находят при помощи обобщенного метода наименьших квадратов. В случае суммы нелинейных функций минимизационные алгоритмы, как правило, не используют тот факт, что целевая...
Artem Krosheninnikov
7/8/16, 1:15 PM
In this article we represent researches done in virtualization sphere which help to create computing infrastructures based on container clusters.
Consider an opportunity to create different topologies and test software behaviour without the need to construct real network topologies with real nodes. One of such examples is an application running on multiple nodes over a network. We cannot...
7/8/16, 1:15 PM
4. Scientific, industry and business applications in distributed computing systems
Sectional reports
К настоящему времени основным подходом к оценке и предсказанию риска развития фатальных сердечно-сосудистых осложнений считается анализ вариабельности сердечного ритма (ВСР). Одним из перспективных направлений исследования ВСР является анализ мгновенного сердечного ритма (МСР). Холтеровское мониторирование (ХМ) позволяет получать данные о МСР в течение нескольких суток. За 24 часа ХМ...
Vasily Khramushin
(Saint-Petersburg State University)
7/8/16, 1:15 PM
5. Distributed computing in education
Sectional reports
Прямые вычислительные эксперименты с целью прогноза потенциально опасных морских явлений и оценки состояния прибрежных и океанских акваторий и атмосферы в настоящее время способны оперировать обширной информационной базой разномасштабных батиметрический карт, многолетними массивами наблюдений за параметрами состояния Мирового океана, и в том числе с возможностью вовлечения оперативных потоков...
Andrey Sukharev
(Budker INP)
7/8/16, 1:30 PM
There are several experimental groups at Budker INP participating in local and international HEP projects. Their requirements on computing resources and environments vary widely, often being incompatible.
On the other hand, there are several computing sites nearby the institute, providing supercomputer resources for academic users, each site having its own specific setups.
The dynamical...
Vasily Khramushin
(Saint-Petersburg State University)
7/8/16, 1:30 PM
1. Technologies, architectures, models of distributed computing systems
Sectional reports
Исследование возможности достижения высокой эффективности вычислительных экспериментов при моделировании естественных процессов и явлений в трехмерных физических пространствах делает востребованным построение особого математического аппарата, непосредственно ассоциированного с набором операций и числовых объектов в архитектуре современных вычислительных систем. Традиционное математическое...
Александр Соколов
7/8/16, 1:30 PM
2. Operation, monitoring, optimization in distributed computing systems
Sectional reports
Явление чрезвычайно быстрого распространения тепла в магнитно-удерживаемой термоядерной плазме, часто называемого «супердиффузией» или «нелокальным переносом» тепла известно уже более 40 лет и наблюдается в экспериментальных установках термоядерного синтеза различных типов («Токамак» и «Стелларатор»). Однако общепризнанной адекватной теории этого процесса не создано до сих пор.
В докладе...
Alexander Uzhinskiy
7/8/16, 1:45 PM
There are seven International Cooperative Programmes (ICPs) and Task Forces that report to the Working Group of the Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution (CLRTAP) on the effects of atmospheric pollutants on different components of the environment and health. Among those programmes the UNECE ICP Vegetation*, which was established in the late 1980s, plays a special role by...
Ivan Priezzhev
(Dubna University)
7/8/16, 1:45 PM
Zarif Sharipov
7/8/16, 1:45 PM
4. Scientific, industry and business applications in distributed computing systems
Sectional reports
Гиперболическое уравнение теплопроводности[1] описывают процессы теплопереноса в локально-неравновесных условиях. Одной из задач приводящим к локально-неравновесным условиям является облучение материалов тяжелыми ионами высоких энергий. Взаимодействие ионов высоких энергий с материалами происходит во временах порядка ~ 10-14 c и в таких временах для описания тепловых процессов применяется...
7/8/16, 2:00 PM
4. Scientific, industry and business applications in distributed computing systems
Sectional reports
Исследования в области облучения материалов тяжелыми ионами высоких энергий (ТИВЭ) проводятся на протяжении нескольких десятилетий. Проведение экспериментальных исследований в этих областях трудоемко и дорого, поэтому актуальным становится математическое моделирование, которое требует разработки новых и развитие существующих моделей на основе новых экспериментальных данных взаимодействия ТИВЭ...
Яков Гринберг
7/8/16, 2:00 PM
2. Operation, monitoring, optimization in distributed computing systems
Sectional reports
Полные N-вершинные графы рассматриваются как выпуклые конусы G в вещественном пространстве R размерности N(N-1)/2, орты в котором суть ребра графа, а крайние векторы суть следующие векторы , где - орты пространства R. Показано, что крайние векторы конуса , сопряженного конусу G, можно интерпретировать как сети, имеющие потоковые и сетевые ребра. Показано также, что для любой сети,...
Oleg Dulov
(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
7/8/16, 2:15 PM
6. Cloud computing, Virtualization
Computer Centers are using the Cloud Computing, providing their services based on different models. The purpose of bwCloud project is to build the prototype for cross-site Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) system, based on the set of universities in Baden Württemberg (Germany). The system architecture, project status and the future work are the subjects of this work.
Lukas Mizisin
(Pavol Josef Safarik University in Kosice)
7/8/16, 2:15 PM
Directed bond percolation near its second-order phase transition is
investigated by the means of the perturbative renormalization group
approach. We present a numerical calculation of the renormalization
group functions in the ε-expansion. Within this procedure anomalous
dimensions are expressed in terms of irreducible renormalized Feynman
diagrams and thus the calculation of renormalization...
Maxim Zuev
7/8/16, 2:30 PM
8. High performance computing, CPU architectures, GPU, FPGA
Sectional reports
A comparative analysis of the efficiency of a distributed computing system based on the cloud infrastructure of MICC JINR and the heterogeneous cluster HybriLIT for parallel applications with MPI technology has been carried out. The calculations include both test problems and MPI-implementation of a program complex for calculations of physical characteristics in long Josephson junctions....
Dmitry Podgainy
7/8/16, 2:45 PM
Dmitry Podgainy
8. High performance computing, CPU architectures, GPU, FPGA
Sectional reports
The report provides a brief overview of the OpenFOAM package ( and results of study of wave propagation in liquid media. Also, report gives a review of organization of parallel computing in frame of OpenFOAM package and contains the estimation of effectiveness of parallelization for the wave propagation problem in liquid. All computations were performed on a...