Alexander Degtyarev
7/4/16, 5:30 PM
Poster presentations
The paper is focused on setting up a system of continuous integration within the available infrastructure of MPD Root project. The system’s deployment and debugging for MPD Root purposes are considered; the installation and setup of the required tools using GitLab, GitLab CI Runner and Docker are described; the test results of execution speed optimization are presented for the builds in...
Victor Kotlyar
(IHEP), Ms
Victoria Ezhova
7/4/16, 5:30 PM
Poster presentations
Accounting system is a very important part of any computing cluster which allows to understand how and by whom the core of the cluster - computing resources are used. This task become more and more complicated when different groups of users are present and it needed somehow to calculate general usage to make a bill. In this work described the development of such system for Ihep central...
Andrey Zarochentsev
7/4/16, 5:30 PM
Poster presentations
The constant need for virtual resources at LHC experiments can be explained by a lack of computing resources and and also by flexibilty that gives virtualization for providing new platforms and computing power. Researches for virtual resource integration into ALICE Grid environment have been done by many teams [1][2][3] .
In our report we present an compilation of existing approaches which...
Yulia Dubenskaya
7/4/16, 5:30 PM
Poster presentations
The report presents our current work on design and development of security infrastructure of modern kind that is intended for different types of distributed computing systems (DCS). The main goal of the approach is to provide users and administrators with transparent, intuitive and yet secure interface to the computational resources.
The key points of the proposed approach to security...
Codruta Mihaela Varodi
(National Institute for Research and Development of Isotopic and Molecular Technologies Cluj-Napoca, Romania)
7/4/16, 5:30 PM
Poster presentations
The mechanism of conductibility for lead dioxide - which is the main component of the psoitive electrode of the lead-acid batteries - was elucidated only recently. The DFT calculations as well as experimntal data indicated that a concentration of 1 to 2 percent of deffects in the crystal structure of lead dioxide may result in a signifficant change of the conductibility - which in particular...
Mihail Liviu Craus
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
7/4/16, 5:30 PM
Poster presentations
Modern materials science is based in principle on the fundamental experience that the properties of materials are not peremptorily determined by their average chemical composition but they are to a large extent influenced by their microstructure. Now, it is obvious that the outstanding success of magnetic materials for the last two decades may be ascribed to three relevant accomplishments:...
Valery Grishkin
7/4/16, 5:30 PM
Poster presentations
Creating designs in CAD and performing their stress-strain analysis are complex computational tasks. Their successful solution depends on a number of prerequisites: availability of large computational power; comprehensive knowledge of physical and mathematical computing; and solid skills of programming and working in a variety of separate software products that are not integrated to each other...
Maksim Gubin
(Tomsk Polytechnic University)
7/4/16, 5:30 PM
Poster presentations
The second generation of the ATLAS Production System (ProdSys2) is an automated scheduling system that is responsible for data processing, data analysis and Monte-Carlo production on the Grid, supercomputers and clouds. The ProdSys2 project was started in 2014 and commissioned in 2015 (just before the LHC Run2) and now it handles O(2M) tasks per year, O(2M) jobs per day running on more than...
Anna Kotlyar
7/4/16, 5:30 PM
Poster presentations
A task for analysis of network traffic flows on the high performance computing network for the computer cluster is very important and allows to understand the way of complicated computing and storage resources usage by different software applications running on the cluster. As soon as all these applications are not managed by the cluster administrators they need a tool to understand usage...
Konstantin Shefov
(Saint Petersburg State University), Ms
(Saint-Petersburg State University), Dr
Stepanova Margarita
7/4/16, 5:30 PM
Poster presentations
In this contribution we describe a procedure of optimizing the molecular dynamic force field for Zn-O-H chemical systems by means of a new parallel algorithm of a multifactorial search for the global minimum. This algorithm allows one to obtain numerous parameters of the ReaxFF classical force field based on quantum chemical computations of various characteristics of simple compounds. The...
Zorig Badarch
(National University of Mongolia)
7/4/16, 5:30 PM
Poster presentations
Modeling of semiconductor carrier transport properties based on the drift-diffusion model is one of emerging activity of computational electronics. The p-n junction between materials with different type of conductivity can set up an internal electric field, which is responsible for separation of charge pairs electron and hole. The distribution of electric field in the depletion layer can be...
Stanislav Polyakov
7/4/16, 5:30 PM
Poster presentations
Docker is a one of the most popular systems for container virtualization on the market. It gives user a lot of possibilities, but its use requires root access which is sometimes dangerous.
We propose a set of simple command line tools for managing Docker containers called YASTD (Yet Another Simple Tools for Docker). It has three purposes:
- to allow users to create containers remotely...
Irina Martynova
7/4/16, 5:30 PM
Poster presentations
Данная работа посвящена проблеме построения низкоуровневых моделей дорожного трафика на основе расширенных сетей Петри. Актуальность предлагаемого подхода к моделированию движения городского трафика заключается в том, что в последнее время наблюдается значительный рост интереса к низкоуровневому моделированию разнообразных систем. Этот интерес, не в последнюю очередь, обусловлен широким...
Nikolay Khokhlov
7/4/16, 5:30 PM
Poster presentations
В данной работе рассмотрены аспекты применения технологии OpenCL для распараллеливания решения задач сейсмики используя сеточно-характеристический метод на графических сопроцессорах. В качестве системы определябщих уравнений используются уравнения линейной теории упругости. Проведено сравнение реализаций расчетного алгоритма на технологиях CUDA и OpenCL при работе на устройствах GPU от nVidia....
Sergey Poluyan
(Dubna International University for Nature, Society and Man)
7/4/16, 5:30 PM
Poster presentations
Групповая робототехника представляет собой перспективное направление в области роевого интеллекта, заключающееся в построении робототехнических систем, состоящих из большого числа относительно просто устроенных роботов. Актуальной задачей в этой области является разработка распределенных алгоритмов управления такого рода системами. Проблема заключается в том, что требуется разработать алгоритм...
Natalia Puchkova
7/4/16, 5:30 PM
Poster presentations
В работе рассматриваются вопросы, связанные с построением цифрового описания схем движения городского транспорта на основе геолокационных данных. Такое описание может в дальнейшем использоваться либо для компьютерного моделирования движения транспорта, например, с целью оптимизации той или иной дорожной развязки, либо для разработки алгоритмов и программ управления автономными транспортными...