Ivan Kashunin
7/5/16, 1:30 PM
2. Operation, monitoring, optimization in distributed computing systems
Sectional reports
The development of the monitoring system of the Multifunctional Information and Computing Complex (MICC) of JINR is aimed at optimizing its work and at increasing the availability and reliability toward the absolute 100% level limit.
The monitoring is continuously improved such as to encompass all the existing hardware and primary software service modules. Monitoring allows detecting...
Victor Kotlyar
7/5/16, 1:45 PM
2. Operation, monitoring, optimization in distributed computing systems
Sectional reports
RU-Protvino-IHEP site is the one of three biggest WLCG Tier-2 centers in Russia. The computing infrastructure serves for "big four" high energy physics experiments such as Atlas, Alice, CMS, LHCb and local experiments at IHEP such as OKA, BEC, radio biology stands and others. In this presentation the current status of the computing capacities, networking and engineering infrastructure will be...
Ivan Gankevich
(Saint Petersburg State University)
7/5/16, 2:00 PM
2. Operation, monitoring, optimization in distributed computing systems
Sectional reports
In this work by saying Virtual Accelerator we mean a set of services and tools enabling transparent execution of computational software for modeling beam dynamics in accelerators using distributed computing resources. The main use of the Virtual Accelerator is simulation of beam dynamics by different packages with the opportunity to match the and the possibility to create pipelines of tasks...
Oleg Samoylov
7/5/16, 2:15 PM
2. Operation, monitoring, optimization in distributed computing systems
Sectional reports
The ROC-Dubna, Remote Operation Center at Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (Dubna, Russia), supports the NOvA experiment located 14000 km away in Fermilab (Batavia, Illinois, USA) and Ash River (Minnesota, USA). The ROC allows Russian physicists to operate the NOvA detector and monitor the NuMI neutrino beam complex. ROC-Dubna for NOvA is the first fully operational ROC outside USA.
Igor Pelevanyuk
7/5/16, 2:30 PM
2. Operation, monitoring, optimization in distributed computing systems
Sectional reports
In 2015, a Tier-1 center for processing data from the LHC CMS detector was launched at JINR. After a year of operation it became the third among CMS Tier-1 centers considering Completed Jobs. The large and growing infrastructure pledged QoS and complex architecture all make support and maintenance very challenging. It is vital to detect signs of service failures as early as possible and enough...
7/5/16, 3:30 PM
2. Operation, monitoring, optimization in distributed computing systems
Sectional reports
Для обеспечения качества сервиса, требуемого для центра обработки и хранения данных уровня Тier1, на территории ЛИТ ОИЯИ был создан центр управления Многофункциональным информационно-вычислительным комплексом.
Основными задачами данного центра управления являются не только круглосуточное наблюдение за состоянием оборудования ЦОД, работоспособности сервисов, правильного функционирования...
Yurii Butenko
7/5/16, 3:45 PM
8. High performance computing, CPU architectures, GPU, FPGA
Sectional reports
The heterogeneous cluster HybriLIT is designed for the development of parallel applications and for carrying out parallel computations asked by a wide range of tasks arising in the scientific and applied research conducted by JINR. The efficient work on the cluster needs the implementation of service of statistics provided to the users.
Even though tasks of monitoring of distributed...
Sergey Smirnov
(Institute for Information Transmission Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences)
7/5/16, 4:00 PM
2. Operation, monitoring, optimization in distributed computing systems
Sectional reports
In this study we examine the coarse-grained approach to parallelization of the branch-and-bound algorithm. Our approach is that we divide a mixed-integer programming problem on a set of subproblems by fixing some of the integer variables. Subproblems are solved by open-source solvers running in parallel on multiple hosts. When solver finds an incumbent it broadcasts it and other solvers can...
Sergey Smirnov
(Institute for Information Transmission Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences)
7/5/16, 4:15 PM
2. Operation, monitoring, optimization in distributed computing systems
Sectional reports
Occasionally one needs to teach a solver to solve similar problems quickly. It can be achieved by tuning parameters of the solver algorithm. This process can also be automatized. We present a tool that tunes configuration parameters of an algorithm. Parameters are tuned to minimize the solving time for a set of problems. SCIP is a mixed-integer programming solver developed at Zuse Institute...
(A. A. Kharkevich Institute for Information Transmission Problems, RAS)
7/5/16, 4:30 PM
3. Middleware and services for production-quality infrastructures
Sectional reports
One of the approaches to organization of communication system monitoring is approx-imation of corresponding graph by Eurelian graph, that excludes repeated vertex advancing.
The work provides classification of the input graph vertexes in regard to edges between subsets with even and odd degrees. The study also considers various approximating graph construction methods, first of all those,...
(Brocade Communications)
7/5/16, 4:45 PM