Ground State Multiplet in N~Z nuclei

3 Oct 2017, 16:30
1h 50m
2-nd and 3-rd floor (International conference hall)

2-nd and 3-rd floor

International conference hall


Mr Semyon Sidorov (Lomonosov Moscow State University)


Pairing correlations in even-even and odd-odd N~Z nuclei are studied within the approximation of modified surface delta interaction (MSDI). Mass relations are used to determine the value of pairing energy of identical nucleons in even-even isotopes. This value is treated as an input parameter for MSDI approximation, which can be applied in order to reproduce the ground state multiplet (GSM) in the low-energy part of nuclear spectra. Pairing of neutrons and protons in odd-odd nuclei leads to formation of GSM composed of isovector (T = 1) and isoscalar (T = 0) parts. Through comparison of neighboring even-even and odd-odd isobars, the isovector part of GSM is extracted in experimental spectra of odd-odd isotopes and used to check the predictions given by the MSDI model. An attempt on reproduction of the isoscalar states is made.

Primary author

Mr Semyon Sidorov (Lomonosov Moscow State University)


Ms Liliya Imasheva (Lomonosov Moscow State University) Dr Tatiana Tretyakova (SINP MSU)

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