Strategy JINR. Final
Monday 13 Jan 2020, 09:00
Strategy files
00. JINR Long-Term Development Strategy up to 2030 and beyond.pdf
01. LC.Draft Exec Summary SLRP JINR200227hhgSG.pdf
02. NP.FLNR_StrategicPlan 2024-2030-200207hhg-clean.pdf
03. DERICA.FinFin.pdf
04. RHISPG_Strategy _Final-hhg200104.pdf
05. PP SLRP hhg-20200105clean.pdf
06. Neutrino Physics and AstroPhysics-hhg 2020105clean.pdf
07. Theor_Phys_strategy-v3-hhg200109clean_BLTP.pdf
08. Condensed_Matter_20_11_20hhg.pdf
09. LRB 2030 ENG191118hhg-final.pdf
10. Biomedical center in Dubna 200218.pdf
11. IT_strategy_20_02_07hhg.pdf
12. Positron-annihilation-spectroscopy-in-material-studies.pdf
13. Cooperation between JINR Labs.pdf