10:00 AM
Generator of Heavy Ion Collisions DCM-SMM
Genis Musulmanbekov
10:20 AM
The status of the centrality classes determination with the ZDC for CC@4AGeV (Run 6) experimental data
Sergey Morozov
(Institute for Nuclear Research RAS)
10:40 AM
MC tuning for the identification in argon run
Vasily Plotnikov
11:00 AM
GEM to CSC to TOF400 matching in simulation
Ksenia Alishina
11:15 AM
Procedure of digit level embedding of simulated reconstructable Lambda^0 decay products into the BM@N inner tracker experimental data
Ilnur Gabdrakhmanov
11:50 AM
Raw data embedding algorithm of decay products from the Lambda0-hyperon decay to experimental data of ArKr-run aimed at adjusting the tracking procedure for the BM@N central tracker
Pavel Batyuk
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
12:10 PM
DCH in RUN7: MC vs. data
Nikolay Voytishin
12:30 PM
12C fragmentation in carbon - proton collisions. Comparison of SRC data with DCM-SMM generator (status of work)
Vasilisa Lenivenko
12:45 PM
Beam, PID and the upstream tracking
Maria Patsyuk
1:05 PM
Reconstruction of the proton arms
Julian Kahlbow
1:25 PM
Analysis of fragments
Valerii Panin