9:00 AM
Software contribution from MIPT: development of services and tools for BM@N
Peter Klimai
9:25 AM
Performance optimization of the BmnRoot reconstruction modules
Sergei Nemnyugin
(Saint-Petersburg State University)
9:45 AM
CI/CD pipeline status and perspectives for BM@N
Nikita Balashov
10:05 AM
First results of applying a probabilistic approach to simulation of BM@N data centres
10:25 AM
DIRAC Interware as a tool for the organization of scientific computing
Igor Pelevanyuk
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
11:15 AM
Status of information services for the BM@N experiment
Ivan Slepov
11:30 AM
Online Histogramming System and perspectives of integration with DQA
Ilnur Gabdrakhmanov
11:45 AM
Geometry Information System for the BM@N and other experiments
Evgeny Aleksandrov
12:05 PM
Architecture of the Web service for offline database of the BM@N experiment
alexandr chebotov
12:20 PM
Status of Workflow Implementation for BM@N distributed processing
Artem Petrosyan