PWG1 meeting/talks aproval session.Thursday, the 1st of October, 18:00 (Moscow time)


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    • 1
      «Silicon pixel detectors for the Inner Tracking System of MPD experiment at the NICA collider» and  «Detection methods and data analysis for silicon pixel vertex detectors for the experimental set-ups of the NICA complex»

      «Silicon pixel detectors for the Inner Tracking System of MPD experiment at the NICA collider» and
       «Detection methods and data analysis for silicon pixel vertex detectors for the experimental set-ups of the NICA complex»

      Speaker: Vladimir Zherebchevsky (Saint-Petersburg State University)
    • 2
      “Spectator matter in M-C generators DCM-QGSM and DCM-SMM”

      Genis Musulmanbekov,
      “Spectator matter in M-C generators DCM-QGSM and DCM-SMM”

      Speaker: Dr Genis Musulmanbekov (JINR, LIT)
    • 3
      Investigation of initial states and development of methods for their analysis in proton and nuclear collisions at energies of the NICA collider.

      Investigation of initial states and development of methods for their analysis in proton and nuclear collisions at energies of the NICA collider.

      Speaker: Grigory Feofilov (Saint-Petersburg State University)