Klaudia Mencel
(Faculty of Chemistry, University of Wroclaw)
02/10/2017, 13:30
Ilhom Rahmonov
(BLTP, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
02/10/2017, 13:30
Maciej Cholewinski
(Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, The Chair of Energy Technologies, Turbines and Modelling of Thermal and Fluid Flow Processes)
02/10/2017, 13:30
Marko Ćosić
(Vinca institute of nuclear sciencies)
02/10/2017, 13:45
Alena Shumskaya
(«Scientific-Practical Materials Research Center NAS of Belarus»)
02/10/2017, 13:45
Sonja Jovanović
(Laboratory of Physics, Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia)
02/10/2017, 13:45
Yaroslav Klopot
02/10/2017, 14:00
Zhazgul Kelgenbaeva
(Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic)
02/10/2017, 14:00
Karol Bolek
(Warsaw University of Technology)
02/10/2017, 14:00
Martyna Wojciechowska
(University of Wroclaw)
02/10/2017, 14:15
Tomasz Mróz
(Pedagogical University in Cracow)
02/10/2017, 14:15
Maxim Bezuglov
02/10/2017, 14:15
Mulatedzi Gandamipfa
(University of Limpopo)
02/10/2017, 14:30
Kuanysh Nazarov
02/10/2017, 14:30
Ilyas Ishmukhamedov
(Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
02/10/2017, 14:30
Artem Korobitsin
(Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
02/10/2017, 14:45
Vitalii Kuznetsov
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
02/10/2017, 14:45
Krzysztof Ksiądzyna
(The General Tadeusz Kościuszko Military Academy of Land Forces in Wrocław)
02/10/2017, 14:45
Olga Ivanshina
02/10/2017, 15:00
Margarita Mikhailova
(Dubna State University)
02/10/2017, 15:00
Neha Bhatnagar
(Banaras Hindu University)
02/10/2017, 15:00
(Egyptian Center for Theoretical Physics (ECTP ), Modern University for Technology and Information (MTI ), 11571 Cairo, Egypt)
02/10/2017, 15:45
02/10/2017, 15:45
Krzysztof Malinowski
(Lublin University of Technology)
02/10/2017, 15:45
Garima Punetha
(kumaun University)
02/10/2017, 16:00
Maciej Dziewiecki
(Wroclaw University of Science and Technology)
02/10/2017, 16:00
majed abdel salam nashaat abdel ghani
(lecture assistant- faculty of Science - Cairo university)
02/10/2017, 16:00
Nadezhda Belozerova
02/10/2017, 16:15
Arkadiusz Bochniak
(Jagiellonian University)
02/10/2017, 16:15
The classical description of the Standard Model of Particle Physics is rather complicated and it is not so easy to see hidden fundamental structures behind such description. On the other hand we know that theories like the General Relativity can be simply described using geometrical objects. It is a natural question if it is possible to find some purely geometric description of other...
Magdalena Wierzbicka
02/10/2017, 16:15
Artem Bolshov
02/10/2017, 16:30
The gluing operation is an effective way to get form factors of both
local and non-local operators starting from different representations
of on-shell scattering amplitudes. In this talk we show how it works
on the example of form factors of operators from stress-tensor operator supermultiplet
in Grassmannian and spinor helicity representations.
Almat Yergashov
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
02/10/2017, 16:30
Dinara Tulebayeva
(L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University)
02/10/2017, 16:30
Meir Yerdauletov
02/10/2017, 16:45
Oleg Kharlanov
(Lomonosov Moscow State University)
02/10/2017, 16:45
Nikita Fedorov
02/10/2017, 16:45
Investigation of neutron-induced nuclear reactions is very important for fundamental and applied nuclear physics. In particular, the reaction of inelastic scattering of 14 MeV neutrons on nuclei is used for detection of illegal and dangerous substances with the help of the tagged neutron method. Accurate data on the cross sections and angular distributions of the reaction products are needed...
Mahmoud Nasar
(Assistant Lecturer)
02/10/2017, 17:00
Svetlana Dmitrovic
(VINCA Institute of nuclear sciences Material science laboratory P.O. Box 522, 11001 Belgrade, Serbia)
02/10/2017, 17:00
Assel Yermekova
02/10/2017, 17:00
Daniyar Janseitov
02/10/2017, 17:15
Мадина Уразаева
02/10/2017, 17:15
Kanat Nurlan
02/10/2017, 17:30
Alexandra Friesen
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
02/10/2017, 17:45
Mohamad Taha Abdelrahman
(Nuclear research center - Egyptian Atomic Energy Authority)
03/10/2017, 13:30
Tetiana Nagorna
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
03/10/2017, 13:30
03/10/2017, 13:30
Seyedmohammad Golgoun
(Radiation Application Research School, Nuclear Science and Technology Research Institute)
03/10/2017, 13:45
Oleksandr Artykulnyi
(joint institute for nuclear research)
03/10/2017, 13:45
Alexander Antoshkin
03/10/2017, 13:45
Timur Tropin
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
03/10/2017, 14:00
Vladimir Allakhverdian
(Russian Federation)
03/10/2017, 14:00
Jan Varmuza
(Brno University of Technology)
03/10/2017, 14:00
Krzysztof Panas
(Jagiellonian University)
03/10/2017, 14:15
03/10/2017, 14:15
Annie Meneses Gonzalez
(Master's Student)
03/10/2017, 14:15
Krzysztof Siemek
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research,)
03/10/2017, 14:30
Roman Eremin
(Samara Center for Theoretical Materials Science, Samara University)
03/10/2017, 14:30
Konstantin Treskov
03/10/2017, 14:30
Pavel Zolotarev
03/10/2017, 14:45
Nina Bazhazhina
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
03/10/2017, 14:45
Sergey Sokolov
03/10/2017, 14:45
Olga Petrova
03/10/2017, 15:00
Aya Hamdy Hegazy
(University of Alexandria, Faculty of Engineering, Nuclear and Radiation department)
03/10/2017, 15:00
Milana Ibragimova
(L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Satpaev str., 5, 010008 Astana, Kazakhstan)
03/10/2017, 15:00
Denis Korablev
03/10/2017, 15:15
Aidos Issadykov
03/10/2017, 15:30
Adiba Rahmonova
(Dubna state Univesity)
03/10/2017, 16:30
Investigation of a system of coupled Josephson junctions by mathematical modeling methods leads to the need of numerical solution of respective system of large number of nonlinear partial differential equations. An actual problem is to decrease the numerical simulation time, which can be done by the using of modern parallel programming technologies.
We have calculated the IV-characteristics...
Maciej Dziewiecki
(Wroclaw University of Science and Technology)
03/10/2017, 16:30
In 1928 Paul Dirac creates an equation that combined quantum theory and special relativity to describe the behavior of an electron moving at a relativistic speed. Dirac’s equation posed a problem – it had a two possible solutions, one for an electron with positive energy and one for an electron with negative energy. Classical physics impose that the energy of a particle must always be a...
(Institute of Physics, VAST, Vietnam)
03/10/2017, 16:30
This report presents the experimental study of the isomeric ratio of 137mCe to 137gCe produced in 138Ce(γ, n)137m,gCe photonuclear reaction, 136Ce(n, γ)137m,gCe neutron capture reaction and in the two simultaneous 138Ce(γ, n)137m,gCe and 136Ce(n, γ)137m,gCe reactions in the mixed photon – neutron field by the activation method. The investigated samples were irradiated at the bremsstrahlung...
Bakytbek Mauyey
(Joint Institute of Nuclear Research)
03/10/2017, 16:30
Radioactive ion beams (RIBs) were obtained recently from the new ACCULINNA-2 in-flight fragment separator which was installed in 2016 at the primary beam line of the U-400M cyclotron [1]. The design parameters of this facility were experimentally confirmed. The RIB intensities obtained at the final focal plane of the separator, the secondary beam purities and transverse profiles of RIBs...
Гулназым Сейлханова
03/10/2017, 16:30
The results of readout correction for albedo dosimeters DVGN-01 with using two methods are presented. The correlation coefficients were calculated using measured values of neutron spectra in two places behind the shield of IBR-2M. The second method of readout correction for albedo dosimeters was carried out by using a spherical albedo system in the same places. A good agreement was obtained ...
Yogesh Kumar
(University of Delhi)
03/10/2017, 16:30
We study a quasi particle model which deals with the formation of QGP droplets in the hadronic medium. The new results provide the significant contribution in the field of high energy heavy ion collisions.
Semyon Sidorov
(Lomonosov Moscow State University)
03/10/2017, 16:30
Pairing correlations in even-even and odd-odd N~Z nuclei are studied within the approximation of modified surface delta interaction (MSDI). Mass relations are used to determine the value of pairing energy of identical nucleons in even-even isotopes. This value is treated as an input parameter for MSDI approximation, which can be applied in order to reproduce the ground state multiplet (GSM) in...
Alexei Zubarev
(INFLPR, Romania / Univesity of Bucharest)
03/10/2017, 16:30
Josephson junctions characteristics can be easily manipulated by their control parameters, which is of high importance for their applications. Such parameters include the dissipation parameter, which can be controlled by the temperature variation, and the coupling parameter, which is dependent on the structure of the junction. It was found that for some values of dissipation and coupling...
Marina Cuzminschi
(University of Bucharest)
03/10/2017, 16:30
The arrays of Josephson junctions are an intensively studied topic with a large range of applications in metrology, detectors and radiation emission, and have promising application in quantum computing. The main way to study arrays of Josephson junctions is to investigate their current voltage characteristics and generation of charge oscillations of the Josephson plasma.
In previous work...
Mishel Khirk
(Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia)
03/10/2017, 16:30
This work is devoted to the investigation of the isospin structure and decays of Ξ hypernucleus. Since Ξ hyperon has two charge states the existence of Ξ hypernuclei with mixing charge of Ξ hyperons is possible. In the case of strong mixing states with pure isospin can occur, however generally isospin states are also mixed. The main purpose of this work is studying of charge and isospin...
Rakshana Mamishova
03/10/2017, 16:30
Semiconductors AIVBVI are of great scientific and practical interest in connection with the possibility of their use in the field of infrared technology and also as thermoelectric converters.. The presence of elements of heavy metals in the crystal lattice of these semiconductors provides a high radiation and thermal stability of devices manufactured on their basis. These semiconductors and...
Murad Jahangirov
Ramil Akberov
03/10/2017, 16:30
By the methods of Raman Light Scattering and Rutherford backscattering (RBS) it has been studied the rate of structural disorder of layered GaS crystals before and after hydrogen implantation (H2+) with energy 70 keV. The investigated p-GaS single crystals were grown by the Bridgman method in the Institute of Radiation Problems of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences. When grown GaS...
Violetta Kravchenko
(Donetsk National University)
03/10/2017, 16:30
According to the data of pH-potentiometric titration, the complexation processes in Na2MoO4 – HCl – NaCl – C3H7ON – H2O and Na3VO4 – HCl – NaCl – C3H7ON (10-40 vol.%) – H2O (Cv = 0.01 - 0.1 mol/L; μ = 0.5 mol/L) and the concentration formation constants of isopolymolybdate- and isopolyvanadate-anions were calculated according to the CLINP 2.1 program; the diagrams of isopolyanion distribution...
Iuliia Buvina
(Lomonosov Moscow State University)
03/10/2017, 16:30
This work is devoted to the experimental and theoretical study of photodisintegration of tin isotopes. Yields of different photonuclear reactions for stable isotopes were determined by the gamma activation technique [1]. Activation analysis method was used to identify the ratio between different photonuclear reactions during the transition from one isotope to another.
Experiment was made...
Vladislav Svozilík
03/10/2017, 16:30
Moravia-Silesian region on the Czech-Polish border is one of the most polluted areas in Europe. This region is suffering from long-term increased values of air pollution concentrations. Air pollution has negative consequences to human healthy, ecosystem and economy.
The mathematical air pollution dispersion modelling provides information about distribution of air pollution and influence of...
Yury Stepanenko
03/10/2017, 16:30
The E391 experiment (KEK, Japan) was the first dedicated experiment in the world devoted to the definition of the upper limit of Br (K0L → π0νν), which can be considered as ideal process for measurement the effect of CP violation in the Standard Model. K0L → π0νν decay is characterized by a low value of the branching ratio, which in SM predictions equals to 2.8x10-11. Therefore the most...
Vasil Milkov
03/10/2017, 16:30
The development of the detector is based on the design and experience of working with a one-dimensional coordinate-sensitive ring thermal neutron detector, protected by copyright certificate, which allows measurements of the spatial distribution of thermal neutrons scattering from samples in 8 discrete coaxial rings.
The new ring detector is designed for measure small-angle scattering of...
Ayazhan Zhomartova
(MEPHI National Research Nuclear University)
03/10/2017, 16:30
Synthesis of chemical elements is investigated at conditions of magnetorotational instabilities in astrophysical plasma at supernova explosion. Respective strong magnetic fields are considered as noticeable pressure component for explosion mechanism. At such fields, magnetic modification of nuclear structure is shown to shift the nuclear magic numbers in the iron region towards smaller mass...
Ivan Morkovnikov
03/10/2017, 16:30
The presentation is devoted to realization of the PyChannel package. This package is designed to automate backup of measurements results to the FLNP fault-tolerant data storage with automatic registration of appropriate reference information.
Mikołaj Oettingen
(AGH University of Science and Technology)
03/10/2017, 16:30
The reactor-grade plutonium existing in spent nuclear fuel as well as stocked weapon-grade plutonium may be treated as a significant source of energy, if properly burned in dedicated nuclear reactors. In addition, incineration of plutonium in combination with fertile thorium is profitable from the non-proliferation point of view because the secondary plutonium is not formed and produced...
Igor Chuprakov
03/10/2017, 16:30
This paper presents a position-sensitive detection method for fast neutrons by proton recoil in a plastic scintillator. The detector consists of a plastic scintillator with silicon photomultiplier readout and pixel detector Timepix. As a known plastic scintillators are hydrogen-rich materials adopted as neutron to proton convertors by elastic (n, p) scattering. Silicon pixel detector Timepix...
Ekaterina Evstratova
03/10/2017, 16:30
A stem cell-like subpopulation known as “cancer stem cells” (CSCs) has been found in various types of malignant tumors. Although lacking consensus, some cell surface markers, such as CD44 and CD133, have been popularly used for the identification of CSCs. These CSCs have been demonstrated to be therapeutic resistance and play critical roles in the recurrence and metastasis of cancer. By...
Айнур Кунсафина
03/10/2017, 16:30
Recently, after the discovery of the d∗(2380) two-baryon resonance(D03), a candidate for the true dibaryon, it has been found that the puzzling ABC effect is associated with its excitation. Therefore this phenomenon has attracted a particular attention.
Here we present the observation of the ABC effect and D03 excitation in
pd→pdππ reaction via meson exchange in coherent kinematics.
Egor Kaniukov
(Scientific-Practical Materials Research Centre NAS of Belarus)
03/10/2017, 16:30
Surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) spectroscopy is widely recognized as a high-sensitive method for applications in analytical chemistry, ecology, biomedicine and food industry. The noble metal surfaces with nanoscale roughness, so-called SERS-active substrates nessesary to use for optical signal enhancement. For SERS-substrates creation, it is very interesting and challenging to...
Жомарт Тюлемисов
03/10/2017, 16:30
We investigate strong decay of the Delta(1232)-isobar as three-quark system in the covariant quark model. We analytically, based on Fiertz transformation, prove that the three-quark current of baryon with quantum numbers J_P = 3/2^+
have the one possible form. The width of decay is calculated by fitting of the model's free parameter. Also we numerically computed strong form factor G_(Delta p...
Anton Rutkauskas
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
03/10/2017, 16:30
The crystal and magnetic structures of the compound La0.5Ba0.5CoO3 were investigated by neutron diffraction at high pressures. It was found that the magnetic phase of this compound is resistant to pressure at pressures up to 4.6 GPa.
Artem Kozlovskiy
(The Institute of Nuclear Physics)
03/10/2017, 16:30
The paper presents results of various media influence on the degradation processes of FeNi nanostructures obtained by electrochemical synthesis. The dependence of the change in the degradation degree on acidity and residence time in the medium has been found. Using X-ray diffraction and energy dispersion analysis, it has been determined that the change in the parameters of the crystal...
Ekaterina Chesnakova
(A. Tsyb MRRC - branch of the National Medical Research Radiological Centre of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation)
03/10/2017, 16:30
In case that the ionizing radiation is an inherent part of human life, there is the risk of radiation accidents, accompanied by explosions, fires and radionuclide emissions. This is dangerous not only due to radiation exposure, but also thermal burns, mechanical and chemical influences. Each of these component significantly burdens manifestations of acute radiation sickness, and increases the...
Dinara Valiolda
03/10/2017, 16:30
The aim of the work is a theoretical study of Coulomb breakup of halo nuclei in the framework of a non-stationary quantum-mechanical approach.The Coulomb breakup of halo nuclei is one of the main tools in studying the properties of halo nuclei and provides useful information about the halo structure [1]. A theoretical study of exotic nuclei by quantum-mechanical approach is relevant in...
Yevgeniy Gorin
(Institute of Nuclear Physic Republic of Kazakhstan)
03/10/2017, 16:30
Despite the success of radiation and chemotherapy of cancer, the problem of patient treatment with various forms of malignant neoplasms (multiform glioblastomas of the brain, gliomas, melanomas, their metastases and etc.) is still far from being solved, since all these types of treatment, as a rule, can damage sound as well as tumor tissues.
One of the most perspective methods of selective...
Malik Kalyekperov
(The L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Satpaev str., 5, 010008 Astana, Kazakhstan)
03/10/2017, 16:30
This paper considers the technology of synthesizing thin-film coatings based on compounds with different elemental compositions by the electrochemical deposition. The structural features of the obtained coatings were analyzed using SEM and X-ray diffraction methods, and their chemical composition was studied by the EDS. There was the dependence of the physicochemical characteristics of samples...
Elena Kretova
(Donetsk National University)
03/10/2017, 16:30
A new material with fascinating properties was obtained. For the first time crystalline decatungstate with barium cation (+2) Ba(H2O)2C3H7NO3]2[W10O32]∙2C3H7NO was synthesized from aqueous dimethylformamide medium.
The composition was confirmed by chemical analysis, IR- and Raman spectroscopy, electron absorption spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy.
The first barium decatungstate...
Anna Medved
(Donetsk National University)
03/10/2017, 16:30
A new technology of obtaining bioactive and bioresorbable ceramics was developed. Investigations of the influence of the initial components, the order of mixing of solutions, pH, synthesis temperature and the heat treatment of precipitates isolated from solutions by the method of co-precipitation are carried out. Optimum conditions are revealed and the technologies of obtaining of single-phase...
Maria Markova
(Moscow State University, Faculty of physics)
03/10/2017, 16:30
The evolution of single particle states and the related tendencies occurring for the classic magic numbers N=20 and N=28 were investigated for the even-even silicon (Z=14) and sulfur (Z=16) isotopes. In order to define the single particle energies for the stable isotopes of Si the set of pickup and stripping reactions data was analyzed [1, 2]. The single particle energies for the exotic...
Ilya Ivantsov
03/10/2017, 16:30
The pseudogap (PG) state in underdoped cuprates remains the key mystery for the understanding of those compounds.
A number of recent experiments have highlighted a remarkable transformation of a large cuprate Fermi surface into small pockets in the underdoped region signalling a breakdown of a conventional Fermi liquid theory in the PG phase.
A few phenomenological models have been recently...
Kamila Yegizbek
03/10/2017, 16:30
Currently, intensive development of science and technology related to the manufacture of nanostructured materials. High interest in this area and its demand associated with unique properties that exhibit material on the nanometer scale. It was determined that ultra-small elementary material particles possess unique mechanical, optical, magnetic and electronic properties compared with the...
Alina Samsonova
03/10/2017, 16:30
Introduction. The emergence and treatment of radiation injuries is an extremely difficult problem despite the improvement of methods and technologies of radiotherapy. A few available drugs do not provide a satisfactory solution of this problem due to its high toxicity and low tolerance for oncological patients. In this regard, absolutely new approaches to the development of effective...
Maciej Cholewinski
(Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, The Faculty of Mechanical and Power Engineering, The Chair of Energy Technologies, Turbines and Modelling of Thermal and Fluid Flow Processes)
03/10/2017, 16:30
In this paper the idea of the cooperation between Tricity district heating system and first Polish nuclear power plant is presented and discussed. NCHP (eng. Nuclear Combined Heat and Power) system, mainly due to the presence of the relatively large centres of population (Gdansk-Gdynia-Sopot area, Slupsk), seems to be applicable in the close vicinity of the forthcoming first nuclear power...
Aleksey Bazhazhin
(JINR, LHPE, sector #1, branch #3 NICA-MPD), Mr
Vladislav Chepurnov
(JINR, LHPE, sector #1, branch #3 NICA-MPD)
03/10/2017, 16:30
The Multi-Purpose Detector (MPD) is designed to study heavy-ion collisions at the Nuclotron-based heavy Ion Collider fAcility (NICA) at JINR. Theory predicts that at the energy density above 1 GeV/fm³ the nuclear matter undergoes a phase transition to the state of deconned quark and gluons - Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP). Such energy densities are released in head-on collisions of heavy ions at...
Yuliya Berestneva
(Public institution "L.M.Litvinenko Institute of physical organic and coal chemistry")
03/10/2017, 16:30
Obtaining of nanoscrolls and few-layer graphenes by sonication of triple graphite nitrate cointercalation compounds (GNCC) in liquid media was investigated. Graphite nitrates sequentially cointercalated with ethyl formate and acetic acid as well as ethyl formate and ethyl acetate were used as source of carbon nanoparticles. Spontaneous bloating of particles for these compounds has been...
Ulkhanym Nurtayeva
03/10/2017, 16:30
Nuclear structure and composition in ultra-strong magnetic fields relevant for heavy-ion collisions, supernovae and magnetar crusts are analyzed.
For field intensities exceeding 0.1 {\it teratesla} (TT) nuclear magnetic response is represented as combined reactivity of valent outer shell nucleons, exhibits linear regime up to a strength of 10~TT and exceeds significantly nuclear $g-$factor....
Nurana Aliyeva
(Institute of Radiation Problems ANAS)
03/10/2017, 16:30
В спектральной области 25÷106 Гц методом импедансной спектроскопии измерены частотные зависимости компонент полного комплексного импеданса и исследованы релаксационные процессы в кристаллахTlSи TlS до, и после гамма облучения дозой в 25 Мрад. Показано, что после γ – облучения в кристаллахTlSи TlSeвозникает фазовый переход с переходом системы в суперионное состояние при температуре 300 К. При...
Amina Mikayilova
(Institute of Radiation Problems of ANAS), Mr
Сабухи Нуруев
(Обеденный Институт Ядерных Исследования)
03/10/2017, 16:30
Эффективное использование геотермальных вод Азербайджана
1В.М. Аббасов, 2А.Дж. Микаилова, 2Ф.Ю. Гумбатов, 3С.М. Нуруев
1Институт Нефтехимических Процессов имени академика Юсифа Мамедалиева НАНА,
пр. Ходжалы 3, AZ 1025, Баку, Азербайджан
2Институт Радиационных Проблем НАНА, Б.Вахабзаде 9, AZ 1143, Баку, Азербайджан
3Обеденный Институт Ядерных Исследования, ул. Жолио-Кюри, 6
г. Дубна,...
Alexander Nozik
04/10/2017, 13:30
Petr Kharlamov
04/10/2017, 13:30
Dmitrii Melnitskii
04/10/2017, 13:30
Olga Derenovskaya
04/10/2017, 13:45
Anna Maksymchuk
04/10/2017, 13:45
Jan Wójcik
(Warsaw University of Technology)
04/10/2017, 13:45
Mateusz Zaborski
04/10/2017, 14:00
Евгений Митрофанов
04/10/2017, 14:00
Cameron Sinclair
(Wrocław University of Science & Technology)
04/10/2017, 14:00
Martyna Sabała
(The University of Warsaw)
04/10/2017, 14:15
Николай Митрофанов
04/10/2017, 14:15
Mikhail Zelenyi
04/10/2017, 14:15
Zhanibek Kurmanaliyev
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Reserch)
04/10/2017, 14:30
Ivan Muzalevsky
04/10/2017, 14:30
Presentation is devoted to the studying of the time characteristics of silicon strip detector and multi-channel front-end electronics TAMEX2. Such detector will be one of the EXPERT and Super-FRS setup modules in experiments at FAIR for investigation the properties of exotic nuclei.
Konstantin Gertsenberger
04/10/2017, 14:30
Magdalena Grab
04/10/2017, 14:45
Yelena Mazhitova
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
04/10/2017, 14:45
Jeremi Niedziela
(Warsaw University of Technology, CERN)
04/10/2017, 14:45
Egor Ovcharenko
04/10/2017, 15:00
Alexander Verkheev
04/10/2017, 15:00
Madalina Mihaela Miloi
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research , University of Bucharest-Faculty of Physics)
04/10/2017, 15:00
Victoria Tokareva
04/10/2017, 15:45
Faig Ahmadov
04/10/2017, 15:45
Przemyslaw Stanisz
(AGH University of Science and Technology)
04/10/2017, 15:45
Mohammed Aish
(Physics Department, Faculty of Science, Menoufia University, Menoufia, Egypt)
04/10/2017, 16:00
Arturo Rodríguez
(Instituto Superior de Tecnologías y Ciencias Aplicadas)
04/10/2017, 16:00
Alexey Boytsov
04/10/2017, 16:00
Alexander Ayriyan
(Laboratory of Information Technologies, JINR)
04/10/2017, 16:15
Bartłomiej Kliś
(Warsaw University of Technology)
04/10/2017, 16:15
Varvara Batozskaya
(Nation Centre for Nuclear Research)
04/10/2017, 16:15
Olga Korneeva
(Vladimir State University)
04/10/2017, 16:30
Maksim Bashashin
(Laboratory of Information Technologies, JINR)
04/10/2017, 16:30
Alexander Nozik
04/10/2017, 16:30
Shushanik Torosyan
04/10/2017, 16:45
HLITVD_ASP - a service for shared applied software packages
Vladislav Shalaev
(JINR, Dubna State University)
04/10/2017, 16:45
04/10/2017, 16:45
Maciej Dziewiecki
(Wroclaw University of Science and Technology)
04/10/2017, 17:00
Search for narrow heavy resonances in dimuon channel in proton collisions at the CMS experiment
Ilia Zhizhin
04/10/2017, 17:00
Yaroslav Sagan
04/10/2017, 17:15
Natalia Sokolowska
(AGH University od Science and Technology)
05/10/2017, 13:30
Regina Kozhina
05/10/2017, 13:30
Łukasz Tomków
(Politechnika Wrocławska)
05/10/2017, 13:30
Antonin Opichal
(Palacky University Olomouc)
05/10/2017, 13:45
Tatyana Bulanova
(associate scientist, Joint Instituite for Nuclear Research, LRB)
05/10/2017, 13:45
Olha Kazinova
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
05/10/2017, 14:00
Leo Schlattauer
(Palacky University Olomouc, Czech Republic)
05/10/2017, 14:00
Elena Kruglyakova
05/10/2017, 14:00
Dmitriy Ponkin
05/10/2017, 14:15
Veronika Pastykova
(Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, CTU Prague)
05/10/2017, 14:15
Нурбек Турсунбаев
05/10/2017, 14:15
Mohamad Taha Abdelrahman
(Nuclear research center - Egyptian Atomic Energy Authority)
05/10/2017, 14:30
Talgat Issatayev
05/10/2017, 14:30
Dias Kereibay
05/10/2017, 14:30
Aleksander Kopczynski
(Wroclaw University of Science and Technology)
05/10/2017, 14:45
Lukáš Ondrák
(Czech Technical University in Prague)
05/10/2017, 14:45
Poonam Jain
(Amity university)
05/10/2017, 14:45
Marcela Jeličová
05/10/2017, 15:00
Riyaz Fatkullin
05/10/2017, 15:00
Maxim Zakharov
05/10/2017, 15:00
Maksim Trushin
05/10/2017, 15:45
Momen Orabi
(Physics Department, Faculty of Science, Cairo University, Giza 12613, Egypt)
05/10/2017, 15:45
Mereigul Tezekbayeva
05/10/2017, 15:45
Aneta Krakovska
(doctoral student)
05/10/2017, 16:00
Evgenii Sushenok
(International University Dubna)
05/10/2017, 16:00
Tommaso Carzaniga
(University of Bern)
05/10/2017, 16:00
Ewa Adamska
(Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw)
05/10/2017, 16:15
Christopher Kullenberg
05/10/2017, 16:15
Vladislav Svozilík
05/10/2017, 16:15
Monika Piersa
(Faculty of Physics University of Warsaw)
05/10/2017, 16:30
Ilya Korolkov
(Institute of nuclear physics of Kazakhstan)
05/10/2017, 16:30
Valeriya Khomutova
05/10/2017, 16:30
Maciej Dziewiecki
(Wroclaw University of Science and Technology)
05/10/2017, 16:45
Andrew Zaitsev
05/10/2017, 16:45
Liliya Imasheva
(Lomonosov Moscow State University)
05/10/2017, 17:00
Maria Popova
(Faculty of Physics, MSU)
05/10/2017, 17:15
Pavel Sharov
05/10/2017, 17:30
Daniya Zinatulina
05/10/2017, 17:45
Andrey Bezbakh
05/10/2017, 18:00
Ewa Adamska
(Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw)
Experimental Nuclear Physics
The nuclear structure investigation of the nuclei located at the double shell closures needs verification of theoretical models predictions. For this reason, the nuclear level half-lives have to be known. They allow to extract essential information about the transition matrix elements. This can be obtained from measurements of the nuclear levels half-lives.
The advanced time-delayed β-γ-γ(t)...
Olga Korneeva
(Vladimir State University)
Mathematical Modeling and Computational Physics
Possible hadron-quark mixed phase in the interior of the compact stars is one of actual question nuclear physics. The Grigorian type model of mixed phase based on so called Maxwell construction is considered in this research. We present an algorithm for construction the mixed phase model by separately given hadronic and quark matter models.
Alexander Ayriyan
(Laboratory of Information Technologies, JINR)
Mathematical Modeling and Computational Physics
We present an algorithm for solving the Optimization Problem for non-linear heat equation in order to reach a required periodical temperature regime on the surface of a multilayer cylinder. Such problem has an application for design so called pulse cryogenic cell.
Mateusz Zaborski
Information Technology
There are many reasons to use distributes systems in a research area. Unfortunately, they are more advanced solutions than central systems. Nowadays professional computing is made in the distributed way. Firstly, a single host often cannot provide enough computing power to perform required data analysis. Second aspect of using distribution systems is a possibility of proper configuration....
Zhanibek Kurmanaliyev
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Reserch)
High Energy Physics
Photoabsorption on two-nucleon systems γ{NN}→NN, and the
inverse reaction, hard bremsstrahlung NN→{NN}γ, are widely used
to test different theoretical ideas of the nucleon-nucleon interaction.
The reaction pp→{pp}s γ, where diproton {pp}s is a proton pair in
1S0 state, has been observed with the ANKE spectometer at COSY-
Jülich. It is kinematicaly very similar to well-studied reaction...
Mohamad Taha Abdelrahman
(Nuclear research center - Egyptian Atomic Energy Authority)
Applied Research
Liver plays an important role in metabolism and detoxification. It is prone to injury due to various etiologies. The common mechanism among them is generating reactive oxygen species (ROS) which lead to the depletion of body’s stores of anti-oxidants. In this work, extracts of clove and honey were tested; in vitro for free radical scavenging by DPPH and in vivo using CCl4-induced liver injury...
Krzysztof Siemek
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research,)
Applied Research
Positrons are used in materials science to study open volume defects. These imperfections play an important role in materials properties. Knowledge about their concentration gives possibility to control the conductivity, mechanical strength, ductility and many others. Defects can be created as a result of mechanical processing e.g. polishing, cutting, millig. They are also introduced during...
Victoria Tokareva
Information Technology
New generation medicine demands better quality of analysis, increasing the amount of data collected during checkup, and simultaneously decreasing the invasiveness of the procedure. Thus it becomes urgent not only to develop advanced modern hardware, but also to implement special software infrastructure for using it in everyday clinical practice.
MARS (Medipix All Resolution System) micro-CT...
Maksim Trushin
Particle Accelerators and Nuclear Reactors
The results of the development of an automatic frequency control (AFC) device for a two-gap buncher are presented in this paper.
This buncher is used in the middle energy beam channel (MEBT) between the RFQ and the accelerator of the Alvarez LU-20.
This device allows you to automatically adjust the resonant frequency of this buncher to the frequency of LU-20.
The results of the modeling...
Marcela Jeličová
Life Science
Ionizing radiation changes the structure, function and synthesis of nucleic acids, especially DNA. After irradiation, biodosimetric markers, which are directly proportional to the absorbed dose, are expressed. In addition to their accessibility, sensitivity and reliability, they should provide data as quickly as possible, since time is a critical factor for successful treatment of accidentally...
Anna Sledneva
Particle Accelerators and Nuclear Reactors
In JINR the Test Bed with an electron beam generated by the linear accelerator LINAC-200 for the energy up to 200 MeV is being created for research of the properties of accelerating structures, semiconducting structures to be used in advanced detectors, for creating a free electron laser, as well as for other applied investigations. Two accelerating stations with the beam energy up to 60 MeV...
Christopher Kullenberg
High Energy Physics
Neutrinos can occasionally interact coherently with an entire nuclear target. Such interactions can produce a single meson, which will generally have a direction that is nearly collinear with the incoming neutrino. The NOvA collaboration is performing multiple analyses to measure the cross-section for such interactions, as they can pose a background to electron neutrino appearance in long...
Garima Punetha
(Kumaun University)
Theoretical Physics
Utilizing the dual QCD model in term of magnetic symmetry structure of non-Abelian gauge theories , the dynamical breaking of the magnetic symmetry has been shown to impart the magnetically condensed QCD vacuum which leads to the unique flux tube structure in QCD vacuum for color confinement. The color singlet physical spectrum necessary for color confinement is incorporated through color...
Seyedmohammad Golgoun
(Radiation Application Research School, Nuclear Science and Technology Research Institute)
Applied Research
Nuclear measurement systems have a special place in different industries of the world. One of the most used devices is a gamma density measurement that has two main individual techniques: transmission nuclear density measurement and backscatter nuclear density measurement. In this research these two main techniques have been combined and a new device for the purpose of measuring the density...
Pavel Sharov
Experimental Nuclear Physics
Precise measurement of the continuum energy spectra is often needed for nuclear structure studies. The problem of two-proton decay of 17Ne first excited state is a good example of such situation. First excited state of the 17Ne 3/2- is located only 344 keV above 2p-decay threshold and it 2p-decay partial width is greatly lesser then gamma-decay partial width. The existing experimental...
Riyaz Fatkullin
Particle Accelerators and Nuclear Reactors
One of the projects that is FLNR (JINR) currently working on is the new ECR ion source for its mass-separator MASHA. It has to be small, work on 2.45 GHz frequency and provide 1+ ions with high efficiency. One of the way to do that is creation of a permanent magnet 2.45 GHz ion source based on coaxial resonator.
This paper describes the development of a compact ECR ion source based on 2.45...
Adam Torchała
(Bonnier Business Polska/
Applied Research
In Poland discussions continue about future of coal and nucler power. This article presents the results of a profitability analysis of two methods of electrical power generation: nuclear power plant and hard coal-fired power plant. Two analysed plants are quite simmilar In terns of output capacity, capacity usage and working hours. The article compares costs and profits of them using methods...
Adam Torchała
(Bonnier Business Polska/
Vladislav Svozilík
Life Science
An area on the Czech-Polish border is one of the most inhabited and industrial region in Europe. Even one of the most polluted. In this region is huge concentration of heavy industry which is focus on metallurgy processes and associated industries. Air pollution may cause adverse effects on human health and the environment. Our research deals with the comparison of various method for air...
Bartłomiej Kliś
(Warsaw University of Technology)
Information Technology
Science club CAMAC from department of physics WUT of which I am a member is working on radon concentration map on the university campus. I am responsible for developing a data processing system. My presentation is about my solutions in CAMAC research.
Common trend to care about radiology dangers is the reason for increase amount of measurements in dosimetry. This causes the need to develop...
Antonín Opíchal
(Palacký University Olomouc)
Experimental Nuclear Physics
Modernization of control system of the experiment MASHA will be discussed. The controlling system based on CompactRIO, FlexRIO and PXI/PXIe standards will be developed, tested and integrated with new experimental setups at cyclotron DC280. MASHA Experiment is designed to study properties of super heavy elements synthesized in reactions 242,244Pu and other neutron rich actinides + 48Са. Setup...
Antonin Opichal
(Palacky University Olomouc)
Anna Morozova
Applied Research
The Far Detector of the NOvA experiment is located on the surface. It can be considered one of the biggest scintillator cosmic ray telescope. Since the size of the far detector makes it possible to use it as a pairmeter, it is possible to study muons in the energy range from 100 GeV to 10 TeV. With the help of high-energy muons, it is possible to measure the energy spectrum, the...
Martyna Wojciechowska
(Faculty of Chemistry, University of Wroclaw)
Condensed Matter Physics
The phenomenon called ferroelectricity was discovered in the solid state (Rochelle salt) in 1920 by Joseph Valasek. Since then the nonlinear optical (NLO) and nonlinear dielectric (ferroelectric) materials have become more and more attractive as they may be widely used in advanced laser technology, optoelectronics, optical storage and information processing, as well as mechanical energy...
Klaudia Mencel
(Faculty of Chemistry, University of Wroclaw)
Condensed Matter Physics
There is a surge of interest in development of new, single- and two-components organic ferroelectrics materials suitable for electronic applications. Recent achievements in this field indicate, that these molecular ferroelectrics exhibit an excellent physical properties such as an extremely high value of the spontaneous polarization (Ps), a high Curie temperature (Tc), good thermal stability...
Alexander Nozik
Information Technology
Modern experimental physics is difficult to imagine without computer storage and data analysis. Over the past 30 years, many software packages have been proposed, each of which to some extent solves certain aspects of this global task, but at the moment all of them are more or less obsolete. A common drawback of these systems can be called a "scripting" approach, in which each set of input...
Natalia Sokolowska
(University of Warsaw)
Experimental Nuclear Physics
Study of beta-delayed protons is an important tool to investigate exotic, n-deficient nuclei. It provides a lot of information on nuclear structure of these nuclei which, in turn, is needed to understand astrophysical phenomena,
like the rp-process or the nucleosynthesis of a cosmic gamma-emitter 26Al
Experimental studies of beta-delayed proton emission from 27S and 26P were performed at...
Natalia Sokolowska
(AGH University od Science and Technology)
Pavel Zolotarev
Condensed Matter Physics
The modification of existing solid electrolyte and cathode materials is a topic of interest for theoreticians and experimentalists and is often related to understanding of the influence of dopants on the performance of the studying materials. For the reason of high complexity of disordered systems configurational space, an application of the computer modeling approaches is hindered....
Tomasz Mróz
(Pedagogical University in Cracow)
Applied Research
Eleven dust mask were obtained from tourists visiting Pripyat city (northern Ukraine) by one day in July 2016. For determination of 137Cs, masks were placed in marinelli beaker and 137Cs (661.65 keV gamma line) was measured directly using HPGe detector (Ortec GMX30 series). After gamma-ray measurements, masks were placed in oven and combusted. Ash after combustion was dissolved in concentrated...
Varvara Batozskaya
(Nation Centre for Nuclear Research)
High Energy Physics
The determination of the mixing-induced CP-violating phase phi_s in the Bs-Bsbar system is one of the key goals of the LHCb experiment. It has been measured at LHCb exploiting the Run I data set and using several decay channels: Bs0->J/psi K+K- and Bs0->J/psi pi+pi-, both with J/psi->mu+mu-, Bs0->Psi(2S)(->mu+mu-)Phi. The first observation of the Bs0->Eta_c Phi and Bs0->Eta_c pi+pi-decay modes...
Marcin Sawczuk
(Technical University of Denmark)
Applied Research
Functionalized magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) are possible effective means for removing naphthenic acid (NA) from crude oil. In this work, magnetite nanoparticles functionalized with amine-containing ligands were used to selectively extract NA from model oil and from the heavy crude solution.
Nanoparticles were synthesized in the sonochemical process, by coprecipitation from the Fe2+ and...
Marcin Sawczuk
(Technical University of Denmark)
Artem Dorokhin
(Center of children's creativity, Alushta)
Roman Eremin
(Samara Center for Theoretical Materials Science, Samara University)
Condensed Matter Physics
A step-by-step procedure of searching for independent atomic configurations and their modeling by means of density functional theory (DFT) is developed for the title compound. First, the inequivalent (totally 87) configurations of LiNiO2 (2x2x1 modeling supercell) were selected with respect to content and arrangement of Li-ions and relaxed using a number of the DFT models. Next, the obtained...
Tatyana Bulanova
(associate scientist, Joint Instituite for Nuclear Research, LRB)
Life Science
The space environment is characterized by a wide spectrum of different radiation types ranging from energetic charged particles predominated by protons to γ-rays. The energetic charged particles are the most dangerous kind of radiation for crew of the ship in deep space. Heavy particles have to be considered an extremely dangerous radiation factor that can cause crew's operator activity...
Olga Petrova
High Energy Physics
Huge rate of cosmic ray events in the Far Detector of the NOvA experiment allows us to study East-West asymmetry of cosmic ray muons - phenomenon connected to the geomagnetic field. This study is complicated by the fact that the overburden covering the detector and the rock surrounding it are also asymmetrical. Angular dependence of cosmic muon track reconstruction effiсiency should be taken...
Meir Yerdauletov
Condensed Matter Physics
Currently, lithium-ion batteries are the most commonly used as chemical current sources. Considering the evolution of modern electronic devices, there is a clear trend towards their miniaturization and enhancement of functionality. This leads to a significant increase in energy consumption, which requires the creation of more efficient and compact energy sources (accumulators).
Marko Ćosić
(Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia)
Theoretical Physics
We describe here the dynamic behaviors of a quantum ensemble of particles in a one-dimensional anharmonic potential well and of the corresponding classical ensemble in the vicinity of a focusing point. The anharmonicity of the interaction is chosen to be very small and small. Accordingly, the perturbation theory is used, and the accurate analytical solutions of the problem in both the quantum...
Olga Ivanshina
Yaroslav Klopot
Theoretical Physics
Manifestations of electromagnetic and strong anomalies axial anomalies in the radiative decays of $\eta$ and $\eta'$ mesons are studied. Applying a dispersive approach, we derive the anomaly sum rule for a singlet axial current, where the strong anomaly exists. A low energy theorem is generalized for the case of mixing states and is applied to evaluate a subtraction part of the strong anomaly....
Mathematical Modeling and Computational Physics
Currently the CBM experiment is being developed in GSI (Darmstadt, Germany) at the FAIR accelerator complex of an international collaboration with JINR. The study of charmonium production is one of the key objectives of the CBM experiment. To кegister them via the dielectron decay channel, one needs a reliable electron–positron identification in the conditions of a dominant hadronic, primarily...
Evgenii Mitrofanov
High Energy Physics
The EMC effect or a modification of parton distributions in bound nucleons as compared to free ones, has been extensively studied during the last 30 years but its full understanding is still lacking. The COMPASS experiment at CERN will provide new results on the EMC effect, originating from the Drell-Yan process and studied in the 190 GeV π− beam scattering on the ammonia and tungsten...
Dmitriy Ponkin
Particle Accelerators and Nuclear Reactors
During the work on the creation of a new Electron String Ion Source (ESIS) for the NICA/MPD project several electronic modules were created.
Modules includes pulsed HV (+3 kV) potential barriers formation modules used to hold ions, HV (+3 kV) ion extraction module and several secondary modules. Modules development process and test results are discribed.
Maxim Bezuglov
Theoretical Physics
When the Higgs boson was discovered in 2012 it was realized that electroweak vacuum may suffer a possible metastability on the Planck scale and can eventually decay. To understand this problem it is important to have reliable predictions for the vacuum decay rate within the framework of quantum field theory. For now, it can only be done at one loop level, which is apparently is not enough. The...
Zhazgul Kelgenbaeva
(Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic)
Applied Research
Recently much attention has been placed on fabrication and magnetic properties of bimetallic Fe/Me
nanostructures both from scientific and technological interests owing to their potential applications in
ultrahigh density magnetic recording media, medical diagnostics, environmental remediation and high-
performance permanent magnets. In this study, the Fe/Au and Fe/Pt nanoparticles were...
Alena Shumskaya
(«Scientific-Practical Materials Research Center NAS of Belarus»), Mr
Artem Kozlovskiy
(Eurasian National University), Dr
Egor Kaniukov
(Scientific-Practical Materials Research Centre NAS of Belarus), Dr
Ilya Korolkov
(Institute of nuclear physics of Kazakhstan), Mr
Maksim Kutuzau
(1Scientific and Practical Materials Research Centre of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus)
Applied Research
Detailed studies of ferromagnetic nanotubes synthesis process, morphology, structure and magnetic parameters were carried out to understand potential of their bioapplications as carriers for targeted delivery of drug and protein. Morphological parameters such as elongated shape, low specific density and large specific surface are advantages of ferromagnetic nanotubes in comparative with...
Magdalena Grab
Mathematical Modeling and Computational Physics
The project touches the issue of fission of Uranium 238 reaction and Plutonium 239 production reaction in subcritical assembly. The author presents the results of calculations run by MCNPx code (Monte Carlo methodology) and the experimental data (Experiment was run with using a PHASOTRON in Dzhelepov Laboratory of Nuclear Problems in JINR, Dubna). The experiment was a part of experimental...
Egor Ovcharenko
Information Technology
Building an experimental setup in the particle physics environment is a complex task which implies all typical steps such as product design, mechanical simulation, prototyping, assembly, etc. Nowadays most of these tasks are performed with support of the software which, in many cases, requires different 3D models. Usually, computer-aided design (CAD) systems are used for product design,...
Krzysztof Panas
(Jagiellonian University)
High Energy Physics
Neutrinoless double beta (0nbb) decay experiments are well recognized as the most powerful tool to probe the nature of the neutrino (whether it is Dirac or Majorana particle), determine the absolute neutrino mass scale, and to investigate its mass hierarchy. If positively verified, observation of the 0nbb decay would require physics beyond the Standard Model and, as the only one process, it...
Aleksander Kopczynski
(Wroclaw University of Science and Technology)
Particle Accelerators and Nuclear Reactors
The Large Hadron Collider at CERN requires a helium cryogenic system of total inventory greater than 100 tons of helium. The process of selection of safety apparatus in cryogenic installations should take into account, among others, a risk of ventilation of the system with atmospheric air. Failure results in large heat input to cold components. Already done experimental work has shown the...
Oleksandr Artykulnyi
(joint institute for nuclear research)
Condensed Matter Physics
The impact of addition neutral, water-soluble polymer poly (ethylene glycol)
(PEG ) on the micelle structure of anionic surfactants sodium oleate (SO) and dodecylbenzene sulphonic acid (DBSA) was considered basing on the small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) and tensiometer measurements. Thus, the formation of surfactant-polymer complexes in such systems was confirmed by surface tension data...
Martyna Sabała
(The University of Warsaw)
Information Technology
The technological changes at the turn of the 20th and 21th centuries have undoubtedly had a great impact on the development of science. There is a growing interest in the world of various computer data processing tools that offer the opportunity to streamline research using previously known and traditional methodologies. They integrate the researchers’ community and enable the analysis of so...
Regina Kozhina
Life Science
One of the central problems of modern radiobiology is the study of mechanisms of induction and repair of DNA damages in central nervous system cells, in particular, in hippocampal cells. The study of the mechanisms of formation and repair of molecular damage in the hippocampus nerve cells is of special interest, because these cells, unlike most cells of the central nervous system, keep...
Margarita Mikhailova
(Dubna State University)
Applied Research
In the superconductor/ferromagnet/superconductor (SFS) Josephson junctions, the spin-orbit interaction in a ferromagnet without inversion symmetry provides a mechanism for a direct coupling between the magnetic moment and the superconducting current [1]. Possibility to manipulate the magnetic properties by Josephson current and opposite, make an influence on Josephson current by magnetic...
Margarita Mikhailova
(Dubna State University)
Yelena Mazhitova
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
Information Technology
The report provides information about the cloud infrastructure created at the Information Technology Laboratory of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (LIT JINR), describes the goals of its creation, specifics of implementation and integration with cloud infrastructure of the Nazarbayev University Library and IT Services Private Entity (PE "NULITS") and Institute of Nuclear Physics’...
Daniyar Janseitov
Experimental Nuclear Physics
Study of elastic and inelastic interaction of α-particles and nuclei is one of the main sources of information on the properties of basic and low-lying excited states of atomic nuclei. These processes proceeding at α-particle collisions with energies of a few tens MeV, provides to take valuable information about the structure of specific nuclear states. The objective measurement of the radii...
Bakytzhan Urazbekov
Maciej Dziewiecki
(Wroclaw University of Science and Technology)
Particle Accelerators and Nuclear Reactors
Cryogenic process pipelines are the one of the basic subsystems used in installations for fundamental research in physics, as well as industrial plants which uses LNG or liquid nitrogen. Significant increase of the cryogenics importance entails the need to explore phenomena having direct impact to the design process of cryogenic systems and its safety systems. These aspects haves a high...
Timur Tropin
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
Condensed Matter Physics
Fullerenes, a new allotropic form of carbon discovered at the end of last century, provoke much interest partly due to their ability to dissolve in various liquids and the interesting effects that occur in their solutions [1]. These effects include clusters formation and growth, solvatochromism and some others.
The present report is dedicated to theoretical and experimental investigation of...
Olha Kazinova
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
Particle Accelerators and Nuclear Reactors
Generation of magnetic field in the units of the booster synchrotron for the NICA project is one of the most important conditions for getting the required parameters and qualitative accelerator operation. Research of linear and nonlinear dynamics of the 197Au31+ ion beam in the booster was carried out with the MADX program. Analytical estimation of magnetic field errors tolerance and numerical...
Ilhom Rahmonov
(BLTP, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
Theoretical Physics
We study magnetization reversal in a superconductor/ferromagnetic/superconductor Josephson junction with direct coupling between magnetic moment and Josephson current. Our simulations of magnetic moment dynamics show that by applying an electric current pulse, we can realize the full magnetization reversal. We propose different protocols of full magnetization reversal based on the variation of...
Oleg Kharlanov
(Lomonosov Moscow State University)
Theoretical Physics
We demonstrate that an atom placed in a constant background interacting with the electronic axial-vector current exhibits a new type of parity-breaking transverse magnetoelectric polarizability. Within beyond-Standard-Model (BSM) frameworks, such as the Lorentz-violating Standard Model Extension, such constant backgrounds are considered to be condensates of Planck-scale fields, thus, precision...
Vladislav Shalaev
(JINR, Dubna State University)
High Energy Physics
A measurement of the forward-backward asymmetry AFB of oppositely charged lepton pairs produced via Z/γ∗ boson exchange in pp collisions at the LHC is presented. The data samples were collected with the CMS detector. The AFB measurements as a function of dilepton mass and rapidity are compared with the standard model predictions.
Николай Митрофанов
High Energy Physics
Precise measurements of multiplicities of charged hadrons, pions and kaons in deep inelastic scattering were performed. The results are presented in three-dimensional bins of the Bjorken scaling variable x, the relative virtual-photon energy y, and the fraction z of the virtual-photon energy carried by the produced hadron. The data were obtained by the COMPASS Collaboration by...
Lukáš Ondrák
(Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague)
Life Science
Ionizing radiation has been shown to be dangerous for living organisms. It can interact with target molecules directly or indirectly. Direct effect is the direct interaction of radiation with target molecules, while in the case of indirect effect the ionizing radiation interacts firstly with the surrounding medium (mostly with the water). Products of this interaction are agents capable to...
Łukasz Tomków
(Politechnika Wrocławska)
Particle Accelerators and Nuclear Reactors
Nuclotron-type cables will be used at SIS100 accelerator to carry large electric currents. The analysed cables are the part of by-pass lines and connect the sections of the magnets of accelerator. High quality of electric current supplied to the magnets must be ensured. Safety of operation of the line is also crucial.
The results of thermo-electromagnetic analysis are presented. Distribution...
Mohammed Aish
(Assistant lecturer)
Mathematical Modeling and Computational Physics
Structural changes taking place in nanowires of L10 alloy AuCu I during mono-axial tension investigated in the course of high-rate, tensile uniaxial loading along <001> and <100> using the method of molecular dynamics at the different temperature. The presence of periodic thermal planar defects in the long-period nanostructure (combined thermal anti-phase boundaries) significantly affects...
Mulatedzi Gandamipfa
(University of Limpopo)
Condensed Matter Physics
Titanium dioxide nanoparticles, which are anticipated to a wide range of batteries industries, have been shown to exhibit enhanced properties compared to their bulk counterparts. This enhancement has mostly been attributed to their large surface area-to-volume ratio and has attracted enormous research interest in recent years. In this work, molecular dynamics simulations have been performed on...
Momen Orabi
(Physics Department, Faculty of Science, Cairo University, Giza 12613, Egypt)
Life Science
Experimental data for radon concentration in soil sometimes show a kind of non-monotonic increase with the soil depth. For that kind of behavior, this study suggests a theoretical model that can be used to describe the data based on a multi-layer configuration for the soil. This is constructed from the general transport equation that includes both diffusion and advection. The model however has...
Artem Korobitsin
(Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
Theoretical Physics
This work is aimed at a theoretical investigation of the neon atomic clusters. Bound state energies and wave functions have been calculated. The modern realistic potential models are used for description the interatomic interaction. Differential Faddeev equations in the total angular momentum representation are used for the binding energies calculations of neon trimer system. The results...
Vitalii Kuznetsov
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
Condensed Matter Physics
Nowdays, investigation of nonstoichiometry and small particle size impact on a structure of material and therefore on its’ properties is a topic of particular interest due to changes in the properties of solids with a decrease in the size of crystallites. However, this field has not been well studied due to high complexity of nanosized, strongly nonstoichiometric compounds production....
Talgat Issatayev
Experimental Nuclear Physics
Preliminary results of measurements of the neutron removal cross sections for 6He, 8Li, 10Be nuclei at energy range (25-45)/ A MeV are presented. The secondary beams were produced by bombardment of the 22Ne (40 A Mev) primary beam on 9Be (89 mg/cm2) target and separated by Combas fragmnet separator. The secondary products were detected by a telescope consisting of five Si dE detectors 300,500...
Talgat Issatayev
Jan Varmuza
(Brno University of Technology)
Applied Research
Knowledge of neutron energy spectra is very important because neutrons with various energies have a different material impact or a biological tissue impact. This paper presents basic results of the neutron flux distribution inside the new experimental research stand SVICKA which is located at Brno University of Technology in Brno, Czech Republic. The goal of the experiment was to obtain basic...
Leo Schlattauer
(Palacky University Olomouc, Czech Republic)
Experimental Nuclear Physics
New particle position determination modules for Double side silicon strip detector were designed that allow to simplify existing multi-channel measurement system in search for the rare events of super heavy elements formation at DGFRS. The main principle is to search position correlated sequences of implanted SHE and followed alpha-particles/or SF events above predefined threshold Energy level...
Leo Schlattauer
(Palacky University Olomouc, Czech Republic)
majed Abdel Salam Abdel Ghani
(Cairo-University - Lecture assistant)
Condensed Matter Physics
A fascinating quantum tunneling effect was postulated by Brain Josephson in 1962, in which a supercurrent tunnels through an insulator between two superconductor electrodes. In strongly anisotropic layered high temperature superconductors (HTSC), these superconducting layers together with intermediate dielectric layers form the system of coupled Josephson junctions and thus, the intrinsic...
Liliya Imasheva
(Lomonosov Moscow State University)
Experimental Nuclear Physics
Systematics of excited states in heavy even-even and even-odd isotopes near 208Pb is considered. For Ground State Multiplet calculations the delta- approximation for nucleon pairing between nucleons in j=9/2 state [1] is used.
Multiplet splitting corresponds to pairing energy, which can be defined from nuclear masses [2]. So considered model allows one to calculate low-lying excitations...
Cameron Sinclair
(Wrocław University of Science & Technology)
Mathematical Modeling and Computational Physics
The sudden release of cryogenic fluid into an accelerator tunnel can pose a significant health and safety risk. For this reason, it is important to evaluate the consequences of such a spill. Previous publications of CERN and the Wroclaw Universtiy of Science and Technology concentrated on either Oxygen Deficiency Hazard or the evaluation of mathematical models using experimental data; no...
Roman Pasechnik
(Lund University)
Theoretical Physics
A new E8-inspired SUSY GUT theory unifying gauge and Yukawa interactions via a unification of color, left-right and family symmetries will be presented. The prominent phenomenological potential of this model in predicting the fermion mass/mixing spectra will be discussed.
Daniya Zinatulina
Mahmoud Nasar
(Assistant Lecturer)
Applied Research
The Hadron Resonance Gas (HRG) model is an excellent model for analyzing the hadron ratios that measured in the central Au-Au collisions over a wide range of nucleon-nucleon center-of-mass energies, √SNN = 7.7−200 GeV as introduced by the STAR Beam Energy Scan I (BES-I). The freezeout parameters (temperature and baryon chemical potential) are estimated from fits of simulation ratios generated...
Stanislav Hrivnak
(P.J.Safarik University, Kosice)
Mathematical Modeling and Computational Physics
We present an alternative method for 3D tomographic imaging of microscopic biological objects in hard X-ray regime, based on Bragg Magnifier (BM) principle. BM microscope uses crystals to magnify X-ray beam resulting in advantages such as shorter propagation distances and increased dose efficiency, while achieving decent spatial resolution. This work focuses on the 3D reconstruction method to...
Stanislav Hrivňak
(P.J.Safarik University, Kosice)
Maria Popova
(Faculty of Physics, MSU)
Experimental Nuclear Physics
Accroding to modern scientific concept, most of stable nuclei heavier than iron were formed as a result of s- and r-processes in stellar nucleosynthesis. However, there is a group of neutron-deficient stable nuclei called bypassed which mechanism of formation has not been elucidated yet. 84Sr and 92Mo belong to this group. One of the hypotheses designed to explain their origin is a chain of...
Maxim Zakharov
Experimental Nuclear Physics
Recently, multiwave dynamical theory of neutron diffraction by a moving grating was developed [1].
A phase grating moving across the neutron beam can act as a quantum modulator of neutron wave transforming the spectrum of transmitted neutrons. As a result, the spectrum is characterized by a discrete set of energies. The efficiency of the neutron energy transfer is directly defined by...
Maxim Zakharov
Madalina Mihaela Miloi
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research , University of Bucharest-Faculty of Physics)
Poonam Jain
(Amity University)
Experimental Nuclear Physics
We work on Variable Moment of Inertia (VMI) model for the assignment of band head spin of Triaxial Super-Deformed (TSD) rotational bands, which in turn is helpful in the spin prediction of SD bands. The calculated and observed transition energies agree well when an accurate band head spin (I0) is assigned. The results are in good agreement with other theoretical results reported in literature....
Poonam Jain
(Amity university)
Nina Bazhazhina
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
Applied Research
Neutron Resonance Capture Analysis (NRCA) can be applied for nondestructive determination of the isotopic composition of samples. The method is based on the registration of neutron resonances and the measurement of the yield of reaction products in the resonances. The resonance energies are known practically for all stable nuclei and the set of energies does not coincide completely for any...
Almat Yergashov
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
Applied Research
The method of neutron resonance spectroscopy – Neutron Resonance Capture Analysis (NRCA) is developed in the Laboratory of Neutron Physics for the purpose of determination of the element composition of samples. Identification of elements and isotopes is carried out by measuring the energy of neutron resonances in the reaction of radiative capture, and their content in the sample is determined...
Sonja Jovanović
(Laboratory of Physics, Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia)
Condensed Matter Physics
In the present work nanocomposites based on antimicrobial – functionalized gold nanoparticles and magnetic – ferrite nanoparticles that are used as a carrier of gold nanoparticles were prepared. Magnetic component, the cobalt ferrite nanoparticles (CFO NPs) were synthesized via one-step solvothermal method with oleic acid as a surface capping agent. The resulting CFO NPs are hydrophobic and...
Karol Bolek
(Warsaw University of Technology)
Applied Research
Radon - as an alpha-radioactive gas naturally present in atmospheric air - is the main component of the exposure of Poles to ionizing radiation, accounting for almost 40% of the annual effective dose and over 70% of the dose received by a statistical Poles.
One of the commonly used passive methods for measuring radon concentrations in the air is the CR39 type Solid State Nuclear Tracker...
Kanat Nurlan
High Energy Physics
The process of electron-positron annihilation into a pair of ρ and η mesons are described in the framework of the extended Nambu - Jona-Lasinio model. Controbutions of intermediate ρ(770) and first radially-excited ρ(1450) vector mesons are taken into account. Calculation results are in satisfactory agreement with the experimental data.
Yogesh Kumar
(University of Delhi)
Theoretical Physics
We work on the quark gluon plasma equation of state (EoS) using a simple phenomenological model. In this model, a quark mass depends on both temperature as well as quark chemical potential. We compute EoS such as pressure, energy density, entropy and speed of sound with the effect of quark chemical potential.
The model results provide QGP EoS. Therefore new outcomes are in excellent...
Yogesh Kumar
(University of Delhi)
Veronika Pastykova
(Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, CTU Prague)
Life Science
Objectives: The main purpose of the study is to evaluate the radiobiological effect of the dose rate changes in Leksell Gamma Knife (LGK) clinical conditions. In principle there are two reasons why dose rate on LGK is reduced during patient irradiation: 1) Co-60 sources decay with half-life of 5.26 years and 2) using multiple isocenters and conformal treatment plans (e.g. with blocked...
Aneta Krakovska
(doctoral student)
Life Science
Bioindicators using for monitoring condition of air are organisms or their parts that contain information about quality of the environment. The main criteria for choosing bioindicator which are suitable for characterization of atmospheric aerosols are ability to respond to variation in concentrations of elements, natural occurrence in the study region, possibility of sampling in a season,...
Jan Wójcik
(Warsaw University of Technology)
Information Technology
We have found answers to many questions but what happened in the first second of our universe is still unknown. In order to recreate those first moments in the laboratory environment scientists have put a huge effort. One of the projects aiming at that is NICA ( Nuclotron-based Ion Collider Faсility ). It is designed to collide heavy ions in energy range which is sufficient to cover creation...
Milana Ibragimova
(L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Satpaev str., 5, 010008 Astana, Kazakhstan)
Applied Research
The development of methods for the synthesis of complex nitrogen-containing molecules is of great importance, since the vast majority of natural compounds, including proteins, nucleic acids and most biologically active compounds, contain nitrogen. One such species, such as aminoalcohols, peptides, lactams, etc., is Mannich's reaction. Initially, this reaction gives ß-aminocarbonyl compounds...
Milana Ibragimova
(L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Satpaev str., 5, 010008 Astana, Kazakhstan)
Search for narrow heavy resonances in dimuon channel in proton collisions at the CMS experiment
Ilia Zhizhin
High Energy Physics
A search for narrow resonances in dimuon invariant mass spectra has been performed using data obtained from proton-proton collisions at 13 TeV with the CMS experiment at the LHC. No evidence for physics beyond standard model is found. Upper limits on the product of production cross section and branching fraction have also been obtained in a model-independent manner to enable interpretation in...
Mereigul Tezekbayeva
Experimental Nuclear Physics
Experiments on synthesis and study of superheavy elements (Z ≥ 110) isotopes radioactive properties are conducted in the laboratory of nuclear reaction more than 20 years. Complete fusion reactions of accelerated 48Ca beam with heavy target nuclei are generally used. Superheavy elements isotopes (SHE) synthesize in the complete fusion reaction of heavy ions with target nuclei with followed...
Egor Kaniukov
(Scientific-Practical Materials Research Centre NAS of Belarus)
Aidos Issadykov
High Energy Physics
In our work we study semileptonic decays of $B_c$ meson. We evaluated $B_{c}\rightarrow D(D^{\ast})$, $B_{c}\rightarrow D_s(D_s^{\ast})$ and $B_{c}\rightarrow \eta_{c}(J/\psi)$ transitions form factors in the full kinematical region within the covariant quark model. The calculated form factors are used to evaluate the semileptonic decays of $B_c$ meson and it was defined ratios...
Arturo Rodríguez
(Instituto Superior de Tecnologías y Ciencias Aplicadas)
High Energy Physics
Sensitivities studies of color reconnection (CR) effects in ttbar underlying events in proton-proton collision at the LHC were performed for the fully leptonic and fully hadronic final states (FLFS and FHFS respectively) events. Effects of CR parameters were studied. Differences between predictions with and without CR were observed of ∼ 8 − 15% for the investigated observables, charged...
Krzysztof Ksiadzyna
(General Tadeusz Kosciuszko Military Academy of Land Forces)
Applied Research
The objective of the thesis is the identification and assessment of hazards generated in the process of methanol storage. The object of the analysis is a hypothetical warehouse facility defined and designed for this thesis.
Risk analysis enables to isolate major hazard events. Computer simulations of all the emergency scenario cases make it possible to estimate the effects and the results of...
Krzysztof Ksiądzyna
(The General Tadeusz Kościuszko Military Academy of Land Forces in Wrocław)
Mateusz Malicki
(AGH University of Science and Technology)
Applied Research
Accident analysis is one of the ways to improve safety level in nuclear power plants. Due to the fact that safety is still variable which has one of the most influence for two very important elements in the nuclear industry: public response and economy, increasing knowledge in this field is crucial for future reactors.
Presented investigation have validation character for our porpoise. We...
Alexander Antoshkin
High Energy Physics
NOvA far detector is well suited for finding of exotic particles due to it’s technical opportunities. One kind of these exotic particles are the "slow" magnetic monopoles. Measurement of the expected signals from them has been made on the NoνA test bench at JINR. For the future has been proposed to develop the signal simulation of the "slow" mode (the slow monopoles velocity is ∼ 10−3 times...
Alexey Boytsov
Information Technology
Understanding of low-energy beam dynamics is crucial in construction of electron guns, ion sources and several other types of devices employed in nuclear physics. Apart from external guiding and focusing systems, a prominent role in evolution of non-relativistic high-density beams is played by particle-particle interaction. Numerical simulations taking into account all of these effects are...
Neha Bhatnagar
(Banaras Hindu University)
Theoretical Physics
We investigate the transport properties of strongly coupled condensed matter system using gauge/gravity duality (holography). In this work we study real physical examples and explore their dynamics using their gravity dual system. Numerical results of conductivity of 1+1 dimensional system has been studied using the bottom up approach. Further we study the transport properties of the system...
Nadezhda Belozerova
Condensed Matter Physics
Manganites of perovskite type La1-xSrxMnO3 and spinel Cu0.7Zn0.3 Fe1.5Ga0.5O4 exhibit great variety of properties depending on the doping level and particle size.
Such compounds are widely used in the manufacture of magnetic media for storing information, supersensitive magnetic field and temperature sensors. But apart from potential application, the complex manganites and spinel are...
Tetiana Nagorna
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
Condensed Matter Physics
The clusterization of fullerene C70 in different nitrogen-containing solvents associated with specific features of this class of solvents regarding the interaction with fullerenes. Solutions of fullerene C60 and C70 characterized by the evolution of their ultraviolet–visible, infrared and Raman spectra. This can be explained by effect to a great difference in the polarity of the liquid...
Andrew Zaitsev
Experimental Nuclear Physics
In the framework of the BECQUEREL Project in JINR the nuclear track emulsion (NTE) technique allowed one to investigate clustering of the nuclei Li, Be, B, C and N in their relativistic dissociation. With an unsurpassed spatial resolution (about 0.5 μm) NТE provides a complete observation of tracks starting from fission fragments and down to relativistic particles. Fragment tracks observed in...
Ivan Muzalevsky
(FLNR && Silesian University)
Mathematical Modeling and Computational Physics
Presentation is devoted to the studying of the time characteristics of silicon strip detector and multi-channel front-end electronics TAMEX2. Such detector will be one of the EXPERT and Super-FRS setup modules in experiments at FAIR for investigation the properties of exotic nuclei.
Annie Meneses Gonzalez
(Master's Student)
Condensed Matter Physics
The goal of the Mu3e experiment is to search for the lepton flavor violation (LFV) decay μ→eee with an ultimate sensitivity of one in 1016 μ-decays, four orders of magnitude larger than previous searches. The sensitivity will be achieved by a novel experimental design, fully exploiting the potential of High Voltage Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors (HV-MAPS). Technology CAD (or Technology...
Monika Piersa
(Faculty of Physics University of Warsaw)
Experimental Nuclear Physics
The region of the chart of nuclei close to the doubly-magic nucleus 132Sn has been the object of great interest in both experimental and theoretical investigations for the last several years. This activity is well-motivated by the fact that nuclei with large neutron excess are an ideal playground to verify the reliability of shell model predictions for nuclei far from stability. The crossing...
Jeremi Niedziela
(Warsaw University of Technology, CERN)
High Energy Physics
Femtoscopic correlations are a great tool to investigate the shape of the emission source as well as the interactions between particles produced in the heavy-ion collisions. The shape of the baryon-(anti)baryon correlation function is affected by the size of the source, strong and Coulomb interactions and quantum statistics. In addition, baryons may come from decays of heavier particles, which...
(Egyptian Center for Theoretical Physics (ECTP ), Modern University for Technology and Information (MTI ), 11571 Cairo, Egypt)
Theoretical Physics
In mean-field approximation, the SU(4) Polyakov linear-sigma model (PLSM) is constructed in order to characterize the quark-hadron phase structure in a wide range of temperatures and densities. The chiral condensates σl, σs and σc for light, strange and charm quarks, respectively, and the deconfinement order-parameters φ and φ∗ shall be analysed at finite temperatures and densities. We...
Zoran Jovanović
(1 Laboratory of Physics, Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences, University of Belgrade, P.O. Box 522, Belgrade, Serbia)
Condensed Matter Physics
In the present study the effects of swift heavy ion (SHI) irradiation on the surface and structural properties of potassium-doped glassy carbon has been examined. The glassy carbon samples have been irradiated with 167 MeV Xe26+ ions to fluences of 6×1011, 1×1012, 6×1012, 1×1013, 3×1013, 6×1013, and 1×1014 ions/cm2. The X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), Raman spectroscopy and X-ray...
Svetlana Dmitrovic
(VINCA Institute of nuclear sciences, Material science laboratory, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia)
Applied Research
Spider silk (SS) is a biopolymer that outperforms some of the strongest natural or man-made materials known. Fibers of Pholcus phalangioides spider were used as a template for obtaining SS coated with superparamagnetic maghemite nanoparticles (γ-Fe2O3 NPs) – strong composite fiber responsible in a magnetic field. The material was synthesized by one-pot precipitation technique. X-ray...
Svetlana Dmitrovic
(VINCA Institute of nuclear sciences Material science laboratory P.O. Box 522, 11001 Belgrade, Serbia)
Dinara Tulebayeva
(L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University)
Condensed Matter Physics
Without shell magnetite nanoparticles are unstable and toxic under physiological conditions, and also difficult for functionalization. In order to eliminate these shortcomings, we have coated the surface of low-frequency magnetite with gold, which ensures their stability, minimizes the toxicity of particles, and also forms strong covalent bonds with sulfur-containing ligands, which ensures the...
Артем Козловский
Мадина Уразаева
Condensed Matter Physics
Bimetallic nanostructures received a lot of attention because of their modified properties compared to their monometallic counterparts. They perform a simple combination of properties associated with their individual counterparts, as well as many exciting new properties with a combination of several functions. Among all materials, FeNi nanostructures in various structural forms attract...
Daria Velikanova
High Energy Physics
NOvA experiment was built to study oscillation parameters – mass hierarchy, CP-violation phase in the lepton sector and θ23 octant – via νe appearance and νµ disappearance modes in both neutrino and antineutrino beams. New NOvA test bench was planned to construct at JINR. The main goal of this bench is to measure the NOvA scintillator properties namely α/β discrimination and Birk’s...
Нурбек Турсунбаев
Experimental Nuclear Physics
Simulating with GEANT4 of anti-Compton shield containing eight BGO scintillators that works on anti-coincidence with HpGe detector was presented. The coefficient value of Compton tail suppression on $ ^{60} $Co spectrum was taken by simulating and from experiment. Comparing results of experimental data with simulating were presented. The influence of anti-coincidence inclusion on the detector...
Нурбек Турсунбаев
Petr Kharlamov
High Energy Physics
High-energy heavy-ion collision experiments provide the unique possibility to create and investigate extreme states of strongly-interacted matter and address the fundamental aspects of QCD. The experimental investiganion the QCD phase diagram would be a major breakthrough in our understanding of the properties of nuclear matter. The reconstruction of the charged particles created in the...
Assel Yermekova
Assel Yermekova
Condensed Matter Physics
Magnetic nano structured materials have huge interest because of their unique properties. The most widely studied magnetic nanoparticles is magnetite Fe3O4, which has great physical properties such as half metallic properties and strong spin polarization at room temperature. Moreover, its magnetic properties can be adjusted in size and shape. Therefore, Fe3O4 is applied in tunneling...
Maciej Cholewiński
(Wrocław University of Science and Technology, The Faculty of Mechanical and Power Engineering, The Chair of Energy Technologies, Turbines and Modelling of Thermal and Fluid Flow Processes)
Applied Research
Poland is nowadays undergoing the stage of reorganisation of its power sector. In order to cover new environmental policy, several renewable energy sources (i.e. wind turbines, biomass plants) have been already introduced as well as more efficient conventional technologies (using fossil fuels – coals, natural gas). Importantly, to fully adjust to strict national emission levels and...
Konstantin Treskov
High Energy Physics
JUNO is the reactor antineutrino experiment utilizing 20 kilotons liquid scintillator detector. The main goal of the experiment is to provide a determination of the neutrino mass hierarchy at the confidence level of 3-4 standard deviations. The carbon-14 is the natural radioactive isotope that is present in the liquid scintillator. A study of the degradation of the JUNO sensitivity to the...
Michal Orlinski
(AGH University of Science and Technology)
Mathematical Modeling and Computational Physics
The most important information of various nuclear systems is knowledge of accurate neutron flux spectrum. However it is impossible to directly measure the neutron radiation and moreover, it is extremely difficult to take measurements for complex nuclear systems over the unusually high level of radiation. The above factors led us to develop indirect methods of neutron energy distribution...
Evgenii Sushenok
(International University Dubna)
Experimental Nuclear Physics
The neutron emission of the β-decay of 74,76,78,80Ni are studied with the Skyrme interaction taking into account the tensor terms. Calculations are performed within the quasiparticle random phase approximation. The coupling between one- and two-phonon terms in the wave functions of the low-energy 1+ states of the daughter nuclei is taken into account. It is shown that the strength decrease of...
Kuanysh Nazarov
Applied Research
One of the most important tasks of archeology and other human sciences is comprehensive study of the cultural heritage items, which takes us into the deep past and allows understanding the formation and development of civilizations and ethnic groups. The special value and uniqueness of such items requires application of advanced nondestructive methods for their studies [1.2]. One of such...
Magdalena Wierzbicka
Applied Research
Safirinium P are the fluorescent derivtives of 2,2-dialkyl-5,7-dimethyl-2,3-dihydro-[1,2,4]triazolo[4,3-a]pyridin-2-ium chlorides and Safirinium Q of their quinoline analogues, discovered by Sączewski et al. Thanks to the presence of quarternary ammonium salt, they may find an application in ionization tagging in mass spectrometry. We incorporated the Safinium systems in various peptides and...
Sergey Sokolov
(Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics Russian Academy of Sciences)
Alexander Nozik
High Energy Physics
The search for possible existance of sterile neutrinos is one of the main directions of modern experimental particle physics. This report contains the results obtained in the "Troitsk nu-mass" experiment in recent years (including the best direct upper limit on electron neutrino mass) and plans for future measurements in this experiment.
Mikhail Zelenyi
Mathematical Modeling and Computational Physics
In processing data from physical experiments, the problem of reconstructing the spectrum from the results of an action on this spectrum of an integral operator often arises. However, this problem is ill-posed according to Hadamard's definition and requires regularization. In this report we have considered the statistical regularization of Turchin, based on the Bayesian approach to the...
Faig Ahmadov
High Energy Physics
Analysis of the associated production of a Standard Model Higgs boson with the W-boson and decay into a pair of bb quarks was carried out. For the analysis used data from ATLAS experiment, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 36.1 fb −1 , were collected in proton-proton collisions in Run 2 of the Large Hadron Collider at a centre-of-mass energy of 13 TeV. Final states are considered...
Przemyslaw Stanisz
(AGH University of Science and Technology)
Mathematical Modeling and Computational Physics
The depletion problem describes the evolution of the nuclide composition over time. The formation of new isotopes can take place due to a natural radioactive decay or due to nuclear reactions induced by neutrons (or other particle). The depletion problem is described by the first-order differential equation known as Bateman equations. This problem can be solved by using the linear chain...
Konstantin Gertsenberger
Information Technology
Today the use of databases is a prerequisite for qualitative management and unified access to the data of modern high-energy physics experiments. The report describes the developed Unified Database designed as comprehensive relational data storage of the BM@N experiment at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research. The BM@N experiment is the fixed target experiment at the extracted Nuclotron...
Tommaso Carzaniga
(the University of Bern)
Particle Accelerators and Nuclear Reactors
Research in radioisotope production is carried on at the cyclotron laboratory at the Bern University
Hospital (Inselspital). The laboratory is equipped with an IBA 18 MeV medical cyclotron, 4 liquid
targets for routine F-18 production, a compact solid target station with pneumatic transport system to
the hot cells, and a 6 m long research Beam Transport Line (BTL) bringing the beam to a...
Ilyas Ishmukhamedov
(BLTP, JINR/al-Farabi Kazakh National University)
Theoretical Physics
We calculate tunneling rates of two interacting atoms confined in an anharmonic trap. We consider the ground and excited states with respect to relative and center-of-mass motions and observe a monotonic and non-monotonic behavior of the tunneling rates as a function of the coupling strength. The origin of a such behavior lies in an initial wave-packet distribution. We also find that the only...
Krzysztof Malinowski
(Lublin University of Technology)
Applied Research
Thanks to superconducting technology, even in small laboratories, there is possibility of using strong magnetic fields. Electromagnets made of HTS tape second generation give ability to work in temperature of liquid nitrogen. Technology of their construction however is complex. The most common construting method is to join parts of HTS electromagnet by resistive components. Losses of energy on...
Dias Kereibay
Particle Accelerators and Nuclear Reactors
The promising of further increasing accuracy of experiments, devoted to measure neutron lifetime, can be related to use the method of storage UCN in trap with small loses and account for neutron losses, way registered flux thermalized neutrons from wall of trap. For planning this experiment, was considered the several possible geometries of thermal neutron detectors. It is shown that using the...
Dmitrii Melnitskii
Mathematical Modeling and Computational Physics
Nowadays we spend a lot of time for calculation n-dimensional integrals, using different methods, like Monte-Carlo and Gauss methods. Computations by these methods expend a lot of computer resources, which is leading to the problem of golden mean between computing speed and resource employment.
In our research work we studied a new method for calculation n-dimensional integrals, which is...
Elena Kruglyakova
Life Science
The most deleterious DNA lesions induced by ionizing radiation are clustered DNA double-strand breaks (DSB). Clustered DNA damage is a combination of a few simple lesions, within one or two DNA helix turns, created by the passage of a single radiation track. While the repair pathways of simple DNA lesions are sufficiently well studied, the mechanisms of clustered DNA damage repair haven’t yet...