Zhanibek Kurmanaliyev
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Reserch)
Photoabsorption on two-nucleon systems γ{NN}→NN, and the
inverse reaction, hard bremsstrahlung NN→{NN}γ, are widely used
to test different theoretical ideas of the nucleon-nucleon interaction.
The reaction pp→{pp}s γ, where diproton {pp}s is a proton pair in
1S0 state, has been observed with the ANKE spectometer at COSY-
Jülich. It is kinematicaly very similar to well-studied reaction pn→dγ,
however dynamically they significantly differ from each other due to
the different quantum numbers of diproton and deuteron. As a result
multipole contributions will also be significantly different. In this talk we will present the progress on obtaining the analyzing power Ay of the pp→{pp}sγ reaction at forward angles at several energies in the
region of ∆(1232) isobar exictation: 500, 550 and 700 MeV. Together with its differential cross section measured earlier, this will help to
better estimate the multipole contributions to this reaction.
Primary authors
Zhanibek Kurmanaliyev
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Reserch)
Айнур Кунсафина
Dmitry Tsirkov