Structural changes of fullerene clusters in polar / non-polar solvents

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Oral Condensed Matter Physics


Mrs Tetiana Nagorna (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)


The clusterization of fullerene C70 in different nitrogen-containing solvents associated with specific features of this class of solvents regarding the interaction with fullerenes. Solutions of fullerene C60 and C70 characterized by the evolution of their ultraviolet–visible, infrared and Raman spectra. This can be explained by effect to a great difference in the polarity of the liquid components, which determines different solvent–solute interaction with respect to the formation of charge-transfer complexes and, thus, provides conditions for selective solvation. It is known the dilution of C60/N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone (NMP) systems by toluene or water leads to cluster reorganisation [1]. The goal of this work is to study composition and structure of the fullerene C70 clusters in NMP solvent after addition of two differently polarity solvents (toluene, ε = 2.37, and water, ε = 78), by means of UV-Vis spectroscopy, Small-Angle Neutron Scattering and Dynamic Light scattering for clarify more deeply into the mechanism of aggregation in the system. [1]. Y. Prylutskyy, V. Petrenko, O. Ivankov, O. Kyzyma, L. Bulavin, O. Litsis, M. Evstigneev, V. Cherepanov, U. Ritter, A. Naumovets, Langmuir, 30, 3967-3970, (2014).


Our results confirm presence of some aggregates in the solutions. It was noted that with a third component of more than 80%, the clusters are reorganized.
Addition of the water to the new system С70 / NMP accompanied by growth of aggregates, in contrast with previous data, obtained for the system С70 / NMP in 3 weeks after preparation [2]. It can be explained by create of charge-transfer complexes between molecule of fullerene and NMP.
[2]. T.V. Nagorna, O.A. Kyzyma,D. Chudoba, A.V.Nagornyi, J. Mol. Liq. 235, 111–114 (2017).

Primary author

Mrs Tetiana Nagorna (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)


Dr Dorota Chudoba (FLNP JINR) Prof. Leonid Bulavin (Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv) Oleksandr Ivankov (FLNP JINR) Olena Kyzyma (JINR)

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