Using neural networks to calculate integrals

Not scheduled
Oral Mathematical Modeling and Computational Physics


Mr Dmitrii Melnitskii (SPBU)


Nowadays we spend a lot of time for calculation n-dimensional integrals, using different methods, like Monte-Carlo and Gauss methods. Computations by these methods expend a lot of computer resources, which is leading to the problem of golden mean between computing speed and resource employment. In our research work we studied a new method for calculation n-dimensional integrals, which is based on neural networks. We tested different schemes of constructing neural network and compared them by the following parameters: • Learning speed • Required memory • Calculation of integral after learning • Usability Probably, in the future, method of calculation n-dimensional integrals with the help of neural networks will keep up with the other methods.

Primary author


Mr Alexander Ayriyan (Laboratory of Information Technologies, JINR) Dr Hovik Grigorian (JINR)

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