Structure of B-10 and C-11,12 nuclei in relativistic dissociation

Not scheduled
Oral Experimental Nuclear Physics


Mr Andrew Zaitsev (JINR, LHE)


In the framework of the BECQUEREL Project in JINR the nuclear track emulsion (NTE) technique allowed one to investigate clustering of the nuclei Li, Be, B, C and N in their relativistic dissociation. With an unsurpassed spatial resolution (about 0.5 μm) NТE provides a complete observation of tracks starting from fission fragments and down to relativistic particles. Fragment tracks observed in NTE is a “building blocks” the light nuclei include the lightest clusters having no excited states, namely, α-particles, tritons, 3^He nuclei, and deuterons. A pair and triples of protons and α-particles can constitute the unstable 8^Be and 9^B. Analysis of NTE exposed by 11,12^C and 10^B and investigation the role of unstable 8^Be and 9^B nuclei will be presented.


Contribution of the unstable nuclei 8^Be and 9^B into dissociation of relativistic nuclei 10B and 11,12^C is under study on the basis of the nuclear track emulsion exposed to secondary beams of the JINR Nuclotron. In a charge state distribution of fragments the share of the channel 10B → 2He + H is 77%.
On the basis of measurements of fragment emission angles it is determined that unstable nucleus 8^Be(g.s.) manifests itself with a probability of (25 ± 5)% where (14 ± 3)% of them occur in decays of the unstable nucleus 9^B. Channel Be + H appeared subdued accounting for about 2% of ”white” stars. A probability ratio of the mirror channels 9^B + n and 9^Be + p is estimated to be 6 ± 1. 8^Be(g.s.) decays are presented in 24 ± 7% of 2He + 2H and 27 ± 11% of the 3He of the 11^C ”white” stars. 9^B decays are identified in ”white” stars 11C → 2He + 2H constituting 14% of the 11^C ”white” stars.

Primary author

Mr Andrew Zaitsev (JINR, LHE)

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