Contribution of the unstable nuclei 8^Be and 9^B into dissociation of relativistic nuclei 10B and 11,12^C is under study on the basis of the nuclear track emulsion exposed to secondary beams of the JINR Nuclotron. In a charge state distribution of fragments the share of the channel 10B → 2He + H is 77%.
On the basis of measurements of fragment emission angles it is determined that unstable nucleus 8^Be(g.s.) manifests itself with a probability of (25 ± 5)% where (14 ± 3)% of them occur in decays of the unstable nucleus 9^B. Channel Be + H appeared subdued accounting for about 2% of ”white” stars. A probability ratio of the mirror channels 9^B + n and 9^Be + p is estimated to be 6 ± 1. 8^Be(g.s.) decays are presented in 24 ± 7% of 2He + 2H and 27 ± 11% of the 3He of the 11^C ”white” stars. 9^B decays are identified in ”white” stars 11C → 2He + 2H constituting 14% of the 11^C ”white” stars.