Magnetic Field Errors Tolerance of Nuclotron Booster

Not scheduled
Oral Particle Accelerators and Nuclear Reactors


Olha Kazinova (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)


Generation of magnetic field in the units of the booster synchrotron for the NICA project is one of the most important conditions for getting the required parameters and qualitative accelerator operation. Research of linear and nonlinear dynamics of the 197Au31+ ion beam in the booster was carried out with the MADX program. Analytical estimation of magnetic field errors tolerance and numerical computation of dynamic aperture of the booster DFO-magnetic lattice is presented. Closed orbit distortion with random errors of magnetic fields and errors in layout of the booster units was evaluated.

Primary authors

Mr Alexey Tuzikov (VBLHEP JINR) Dr Andrei Butenko (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research) Dr Hamlet Khodzhibagiyan (VBLHEP JINR) Olha Kazinova (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research) Dr Sergei Kostromin (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research) vladimir Mikhaylov (JINR)

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