Tests of CBM@FAIR and MPD@NICA tracking systems prototype detector modules

Not scheduled
Oral High Energy Physics


Mr Petr Kharlamov (SINP MSU)


High-energy heavy-ion collision experiments provide the unique possibility to create and investigate extreme states of strongly-interacted matter and address the fundamental aspects of QCD. The experimental investiganion the QCD phase diagram would be a major breakthrough in our understanding of the properties of nuclear matter. The reconstruction of the charged particles created in the nuclear collisions, including the determination of their momenta, is the central detection task in high-energy heavy-ion experiments. It is taken up by the Silicon Tracking System in CBM@FAIR and by Inner Tracker in MPD@NICA currently under development. Thermal and beam tests of prototype detector modules jor these tracking systems showed the stability of sensors and readout electronics operation.

Primary author

Mr Petr Kharlamov (SINP MSU)


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