Myo Min Swe
(St.Petersburg State Marine Technical University)
7/3/14, 1:00 PM
Section 5 - Scientific, industry and business applications in distributed computing systems
poster presentations
Now days cloud computing is an important and hot topic in arena of information technology and computer system. Several companies and educational institutes have been deployed cloud infrastructures to overcome their problems such as easy data access, software updates with minimal cost, large or unlimited storage, efficient cost factor, backup storage and disaster recovery and several other...
Artem Krosheninnikov
7/3/14, 1:00 PM
Section 5 - Scientific, industry and business applications in distributed computing systems
sectional reports
In this article we present our investigations in distributed compilation of our application using several virtual machines running on one physical hardware, combined together into several nodes using Continuous Integration tool called Jenkins. We analyze time/memory consumption during building application on one node, one node into several thread, several nodes and several nodes into several threads.
Andrey Zarochentsev
(SPbSU), Dr
Mikhail Kompaniets
7/3/14, 1:00 PM
Section 1 - Technologies, architectures, models, methods and experiences of building distributed computing systems. Consolidation and integration of distributed resources
poster presentations
mCernVM( is an microimage allows one easily to create on-demand personal contextualized HPC clusters, and workstations. At present time mCernVM itself and its deployment mechanism is tested to run on OpenStack platform deployed at CERN and on Amazon EC2. It is assumed that number of supported cloud platforms will be extended significantly.
Current work...
Swe Myo Min
(Postgraduаte), Mr
Wunna Kyaw
7/3/14, 1:00 PM
Section 1 - Technologies, architectures, models, methods and experiences of building distributed computing systems. Consolidation and integration of distributed resources
poster presentations
In this article we discussed about the hardware platforms of parallel and distributed simulation technology of interest here contain a potentially large number of processors interconnected through a communication network. In most cases the processor is a general purpose CPU (central processing unit), often identical to those commonly found in personal computers and engineering workstations....
Zaya Kyaw
(Saint-Petersburg State Marine Technical University)
7/3/14, 1:00 PM
sectional reports
In this paper, we illustrates the ways to improve abilities of the computing environments by using virtualization, single system image (SSI) and hypervisor technologies’ collaboration for goal to improve computational abilities. Recently cloud computing as a new service concept has become popular to provide various services to user such as multi-media sharing, online office software, game and...
Marina Panchenko
(Saint Petersburg State University)
7/3/14, 1:00 PM
Section 4 - Algorithms and methods of application tasks solving in distributed computing environments
poster presentations
Object of research: The creation of algorithm for mass computations of options` price for formation of a riskless portfolio. The method is based on the generalization of the Black-Scholes approach[1]. The task is the modeling of behavior of all options and tools for their insurance. This task is characterized by large volume of real-time complex computations that should be executed...
Alexander Russkov
(Scientific Center in Chernogolovka)
7/3/14, 1:00 PM
Section 6 - Distributed computing in education as well as aspects of staff training
poster presentations
Высокий темп обмена научной информацией, увеличение темпа научных исследований, увеличение числа международных проектов, которые играют определяющую роль в создание распределенных виртуальных научных коллективов, достаточно жесткие требования финансирующих организаций к результативности научных исследований - именно эти факторы характеризуют научные исследования в 21 веке. Как следствие, можно...
Alexander Russkov
(Scientific Center in Chernogolovka)
7/3/14, 1:00 PM
Section 8 - Оptimization problems and distributed computing
poster presentations
We test storage performance of OpenNebula cloud environment. We build up test bed "Tuchka" with front-end and two nodes. We check performance with the write, read and copy operations varying block size and time delay. We present discussion of the testing which demonstrates strong stochastic nature and influence of cashing.
Zaya Kyaw
(Saint-Petersburg State Marine Technical University)
7/3/14, 1:00 PM
sectional reports
This paper targets programmers and developers interested in utilizing parallel programming techniques to enhance application performance. The Oracle Solaris Studio software provides state-of-the-art optimizing and parallelizing compilers for C, C++ and Fortran, an advanced debugger, and optimized mathematical and performance libraries. Also included are an extremely powerful performance...
Yulia Dubenskaya
(Scobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics Lomonosov Moscow State University)
7/3/14, 1:00 PM
Section 2 - Technologies, methods and tools for operation, monitoring and information protection in distributed computing systems
poster presentations
The PiLite program is a gateway designed to unify the process of remote jobs execution and management on supercomputing resources. The program provides a common interface that masks the real local resource manager (LRM) used on remote supercomputer installation. PiLite allows to execute the following tasks:
- jobs submission;
- obtaining job status;
- premature job termination on user's...
Tatyana Ezhakova
(Saint-Petersburg State University)
7/3/14, 1:00 PM
Section 5 - Scientific, industry and business applications in distributed computing systems
poster presentations
Эффективная реализация исследовательских вычислительных экспериментов в гидромеханике нередко усложняется необходимостью использования нерегуляризованных сеточных узлов и ячеек с крупными частицами жидкости, формализуемых однозначными функциональными связями числовых объектов с алгоритмическими операциями объектно-ориентированных языков программирования, с обязательным учетом архитектурных...
Nikolay Ershov
(Moscow State University)
7/3/14, 1:00 PM
Section 6 - Distributed computing in education as well as aspects of staff training
poster presentations
Курс «Естественные модели параллельных вычислений», читаемый студентам старших курсов факультета ВМК МГУ, посвящен рассмотрению вопросов суперкомпьютерной реализации естественных вычислительных моделей и является, по сути, введением в теорию естественных вычислений (Natural Computing), относительно нового раздела науки, образовавшегося на стыке математики, информатики и естественных наук...
Nikolay Ershov
(Moscow State University)
7/3/14, 1:00 PM
Section 8 - Оptimization problems and distributed computing
poster presentations
Клеточные генетические алгоритмы обладают рядом преимуществ по сравнению с обычными генетическими алгоритмами. Во-первых, за счет локальности взаимодействия между особями популяции удается более долгое время поддерживать разнообразие в популяции, что потенциально ведет к получению более качественного решения. Во-вторых, благодаря регулярности расположения особей в клеточном пространстве и...