Desktop grid technologies and volunteer computing: Desktop grid technologies and volunteer computing
- Mikhail Posypkin (ITTP RAS)
Attila Csaba Marosi
(Institute for Computer Science and Control, Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA SZTAKI))
02/07/2014, 14:30
Section 7 - Desktop grid technologies and volunteer computing
sectional reports
The International Desktop Grid Federation supports the operation, integration, and exploitation of various flavors of CPU scavenging distributed research infrastructures starting from private Desktop Grids (e.g. operated by University of Westminster), through to so-called City Grids such as AlmereGrid, and ending with large-scale public volunteer computing project including...
Alexander Rumyantsev
(Institute of Applied Mathematical Research, Karelian Research Centre of RAS)
02/07/2014, 14:50
Section 7 - Desktop grid technologies and volunteer computing
sectional reports
Desktop Grid is a simple, yet efficient alternative to high-performance computing cluster for certain types of computational problems (mainly when there is no communication needed between computation nodes). Volunteer computing may help the researchers achieve high computational power in the cheapest way. The known drawback of such an approach to performing calculations is instability of...
Alexander Rumyantsev
(Institute of Applied Mathematical Research, Karelian Research Centre of RAS)
02/07/2014, 15:10
Section 7 - Desktop grid technologies and volunteer computing
sectional reports
The report gives a review of some of the main recent results of a researches on Desktop Grids that have been performed in the Institute of Applied Mathematical Research of Karelian Research Centre, RAS.
The talk addresses the following topics:
*mathematical models of Desktop Grids and consequent optimizations;
*Enterprise Desktop Grids;
*virtual screening in the BOINC-based Enterprise...
Ilya Kurochkin
02/07/2014, 15:30
Section 7 - Desktop grid technologies and volunteer computing
sectional reports
For researches in the field of imitating modeling of telecommunication networks the project of [1] voluntary distributed computing NetMax@home was created. The project was created on the BOINC platform. At a stage of internal testing and at a project definition phase to public access some features of functioning of the project of the voluntary distributed computing without which efficiency of...
Eduard Vatutin
(Southwest State University)
02/07/2014, 16:30
Section 7 - Desktop grid technologies and volunteer computing
sectional reports
There is a fairly wide class of problems relating to discrete combinatorial optimization. Among them there are the problems of fundamental and applied orientation. The first one of them contains a number of problems on graphs, the problems of mathematical programming, operations research, etc. Many problems arise in the second direction of different fields of science (for example, trace...
Bo Ye Tian
(Lomonosov Moscow State University)
02/07/2014, 16:50
Section 7 - Desktop grid technologies and volunteer computing
sectional reports
Many problems from the areas of operations research and artificial intelligence can be defined as combinatorial optimization problems. Branch-and-bound method (B&B)is a universal and well known algorithmic technique for solving problems of that type.The root of the tree is the original problem, and the other nodes represent subproblems to be solved. Though algorithm considerably decreases the...
Nikolay Khrapov
02/07/2014, 17:10
Section 7 - Desktop grid technologies and volunteer computing
sectional reports
Currently Desktopgrid Systems gain popularity. For this reason, it becomes urgent question of the training of specialists in this field. Training of specialists in this field involves practical exercises. Practical training requires the creation of educational infrastructure.
Application of cloud computing technologies to create educational infrastructure allows to automate the process of...
Oleg Zaikin
(Institute for System Dynamics and Control Theory of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences)
02/07/2014, 17:30
Section 7 - Desktop grid technologies and volunteer computing
sectional reports
A lot of important combinatorial problems (from areas of formal verification, planning, cryptology, etc.) can be effectively reduced to Boolean satisfiability problem (SAT). Despite remarkable progress in theory practical solving of many real-life SAT instances remains unmanageable on traditional PCs. Volunteer computing project SAT@home was launched to solve such hard instances.
Analysis of...
Oleg Zaikin
02/07/2014, 17:50
Section 7 - Desktop grid technologies and volunteer computing
sectional reports
In the last 10 years a significant progress in volunteer computing was achieved mainly due to the improvement of the open BOINC platform. There are volunteer computing projects based only on desktop PCs that have performance greater than 1 PFLOPs. Despite this fact there are some reasons why resources of computing clusters can be useful in volunteer computing. Firstly, a computing cluster is...
Ilya Kurochkin
(IITP RAS), Prof.
Vladimir Yakimets
02/07/2014, 18:10
Section 7 - Desktop grid technologies and volunteer computing
sectional reports
The voluntary distributed computing unite hundreds thousands people worldwide. There are thousands associations (teams) of volunteers. Hundreds scientific groups use voluntary computing capacities for receiving results in various areas of science. However, the questions connected with motivation of volunteers, the reasons of a choice of projects, withdrawal from voluntary calculations...
Darya Lemtyuzhnikova
02/07/2014, 18:30
Section 7 - Desktop grid technologies and volunteer computing
sectional reports
Предлагается параллельная версия локального элиминационного алгоритма (ЛЭА) для платформы распределённых вычислений BOINC. Рассматривается поэтапное решение разреженных задач дискретной оптимизации с помощью параллельного ЛЭА, а также выделение видов распараллеливания, свойственных ЛЭА. Выделяются процессы, необходимые для работы ЛЭА в контексте парадигмы Директор-Мастер-Рабочий.