Experimental setup for elemental analysis using prompt gamma rays at research reactor IBR-2

12 Oct 2021, 11:30


Oral Experimental Nuclear Physics Nuclear Physics


Mr Constantin Hramco


The new experimental setup has been built at the 11b channel of the IBR-2 research reactor at FLNP, JINR, to study the elemental composition of samples by registration of prompt gamma emission during thermal neutron capture. The setup consists of a curved mirror neutron guide and a radiation-resistant HPGe high-purity germanium detector. The detector is surrounded by lead shielding to suppress natural background gamma level. The sample is placed in a vacuum channel and surrounded by a LiF shield to suppress the gamma background generated by scattered neutrons. This work presents characteristics of the experimental setup. An example of hydrogen concentration determining in diamond powder made by detonation synthesis is given and on its basis, the sensitivity of the setup is calculated being ~10µg.

Primary author

Mr Constantin Hramco


Dr Sergey Borzakov Dr N.A. Gundorin (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research) Egor Lychagin (FLNP JINR) Kylyshbek Turlybekuly (Turlybekuly) G. V. Nehaev (FLNP JINR) A. Yu. Muzychka (FLNP JINR) A. V. Strelkov (FLNP JINR) Eyvaz Teymurov (FLNP JINR)

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