As part of the TANGRA project [1], we had measured angular distribution of $\gamma$-quanta, arising from the reaction of inelastic scattering of 14.1 MeV neutrons on the $^{12}$C nucleus [2]. Due to the properties of $^{12}$C, the information on its nuclear level structure that can be obtained by the registering $\gamma$-rays from the $^{12}$C(n,n'$\gamma$) reaction is very limited. It was decided to register the probe particles, neutrons, instead of $\gamma$-quanta in the hope of additionally studying the second ($0^+_2$, 7.65 MeV) and third ($3^-_1$, 9.64 MeV) excited states of $^{12}$C. The Hoyle state at 7.65 MeV is of particular interest in this respect because of its importance for the description of nucleosynthesis [3].
The angular distributions of neutrons scattered on carbon nuclei were measured with the TANGRA facility using tagged neutrons and time-of-flight methods. The data obtained were compared with results from previous experiments on the scattering of 114 MeV neutrons by $^{12}$C. Optical model
calculations (with coupled-channels approach), carried out using TALYS 1.9 nuclear reaction code [4], were used to describe the experimental data.
- Project TANGRA, http://flnph.jinr.ru/en/facilities/tangra-project
- D.N. Grozdanov et al.,Yadernaya Fizika, 81, 548 (2018)
- M. Freer, H.O.U. Fynbo, Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys., 78, 1 (2014)
- A.J. Koning and D. Rochman, Nucl. Data Sheets, 113, 2841 (2012)